
Chapter 196

Paul had stop at the supermarket to buy a gift for Christy as he was coming back that morning to atone for his sins.

“Wait I have something for you”. He rushed out of the house and into the car and brought a beautiful box of jewelry and hand it over to Christy.

“Take, I went to buy you this when I had the accident and I have to spend the night in my car because the car stopped and I had to fix it, am so sorry to make you worry.”

Patrick turned to look at James who only shook his head at him, they were discussing with their eyes so the women will not understand.

“So why don’t you call?” Christy ask.

“The network was bad and my battery went flat” he keeps lying, praying that he will not be caught.

Christy keep asking Paul one question to the other but James cut in.

Paul we are late”

What!, He ask not knowing what James is talking about.

For the meeting, remember we have a meeting by tem a.m. and now is almost ten, thank goodness you are safe, you just have to be careful next time

He turned to Christy and was like, me too, I remember when this kind of thing happened to me, Paul is even lucky, do you have anything for the boys”

Christy say yes, and hurried to get them breakfast.

“Oh.. sorry for my manners Christy said I almost forget that you guys need to go to work, bothering you with my own problems” Christy said and hurried up to the kitchen.

“Take your time” Patrick said to Christy as she hurried to leave them.

Bridget got up to go with Christy and help prepare the food.

“Guy, seriously?”, Patrick ask.

“Yea, I Know, but is all James fault”

‘Tell me,” James said. How is it my fault?”

“You put me into this”

“Ok, you guys are getting me confused, what is it?” Patrick ask lost in the conversation.

Paul told him everything from A to z Patrick was like “yes, I don’t see anything wrong with that, the problem is how will Christy take it?”

“You see?’ James said “I told you there's nothing wrong with it.”

“But I still think that you should stop it” Patrick said “because I don't think that Christy can take it, so just stop it; if you need my advice I will say stop it”.

 He told Paul and left them to sit at the dining table waiting for the food.

Christy brought the food and they all start eating talking and laughing about stupid things forgetting all about what Paul just did.

Christy went back to Bridget and they sat down to talk.

 “How did you see this cock-and-bull story that Paul just told” Bridget ask Christy.

“I know he's lying, but I just don't want to start.” Christy said opening the box of jewelry.

“This is beautiful” Bridget said.

“Yeah, he thought I will forgive him for this, but I'm just waiting for you guys to go.”