
In love with the Grumpy Billionaire

Alice Spicer, a down-to-earth woman with a mountain of debt, finds herself entangled in a contract marriage with her formidable boss, Williams Nicholas. Their unconventional journey began with a one-night stand, a reckless moment of passion that led to an unexpected arrangement. Williams, a wealthy and stern ex-military officer, has his reasons for this peculiar contract. Alice, burdened by loan sharks and desperate to escape their clutches, agrees to his proposal. As they go through the complexities of their fake union, their simmering chemistry can no longer be denied. But who will be the first to admit their growing love? Watch as their love for one another grows amid secrets, difficulties, and unexpected twists in this captivating story of two souls bound together by circumstance.

Inec_Nigeria · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter Five

Although Mr. Williams had requested an immediate answer, I resolved to take my time before giving him an answer. Surprisingly, he didn't bulge at it; he only asked to be updated on whatever my decision was regarding the proposal.

I took long stares at the spiral-bound sheets on my bed and wondered why the terms were in several shits.

"What do you expect from an offer that makes one $20 million richer?" 

As my fingers flicker through the pages, a certain statement catches my attention.

"No intimacy" 

A quick smile as I instantly made a resolute decision to accept the offer and also make him fall in love with me. I would have to do that or face the shame of raising a child alone. 


My parents were overjoyed to hear about my intentions to marry into one of the most revered families in town.

I knew their excitement had nothing to do with my happiness; they were only after the family name and wealth. Who wouldn't be happy to be married to Nicholas' family? If only they knew that it was a contract marriage.


The court marriage took place in one of the smallest courts in town, with only his family and mine in attendance.

The officiator kept beaming with smiles each time he read out the marriage rites to us. "He's even happier than the man getting married," I thought to myself, taking an icy look at my husband-to-be's cold expression.


After the oats were taken, I hurriedly bid my parents goodbye. My husband seemed angry for whatever reason was known to him. He had a forced smile plastered on his face when my parents approached to express their gratitude to their family for accepting me to be their son's wife. As for his parents, they seemed genuinely happy. The mother had me in a tight embrace that almost left me gasping for breath. 

Somehow, I saw myself getting vexed at my parents. Did they have to make them feel like they were some sort of god?

On our way home, my husband's face remained the same: cold and determined. He receives a call on his phone and instructs his driver to head to a hotel instead of the family mansion.

"Take me to the Las Prena Hotel." 

The driver nods in response and slowly swerves the car in the opposite direction. 

We arrived at the hotel, and my husband demanded two different rooms. I had no objection. After all, we were only married on paper. I watched as he made for his room, handing me the key to the room beside his. 

The room was dimly lit with colorful lights, something I would have tagged as romantic if I were truly married to a man who was crazy about me.

I peeled off the white dress I wore for the occasion and watched it heap on my feet before hopping out of it in a childlike manner.

My doorbell chimes, and I quickly put on my dress, totally unaware of who it was. 

"Here's a changing cloth for you. We have a dinner with Duke Lawrence in the next hour." He had changed into a light flannel two-piece that was slightly unbuttened at the top. My hands ache as I imagine them playing with the mask of hair nestling on his exposed chest. 

"Does he always have to be this attractive?" I wail silently, unsure of how long I will endure the torture of not being in his arms. I pinch myself to reality and take a closer look at the dress and its magnificent designs. The side slit was quite long, and I sighed at the thought of having my thigh exposed in the dress. 

I made for the bathroom, taking in the large bathtub situated in the middle of the bathroom. A sheepish smile curled around my lips at the thought of making out in the bathtub with Williams.

As I sank myself into the bathtub, my mind drifted to when I had cried out in sweet-painful pleasure when Williams went down on me the night we first met at his welcome party.

I quickly brush off the thought and resume my washing, eager to finish up early and avoid getting him pissed on our wedding night.

Getting ready for the dinner was faster than I expected. The long dress accentuated my lithe frame, and I smiled, happy at the effect it would have on my supposed husband.


As the doorbell rings again, I'm disappointed to find a hotel attendant at the door instead of my husband. "Ma'am, Mr. Williams is waiting for you at the lounge." 

I hide my anger at having to walk down alone and resolve to make the best of the night memorable for myself.

As I walked down the staircase, I suddenly felt nauseous, and when I turned to walk back to my hotel room, I mistakenly stepped on my long dinner dress and tripped, but instead of hitting hard on a hard surface, I found myself gripped by one of the strongest hands ever.

"Be more careful next time." He peeps into my face, concern written all over his handsome face.

Although the look on his face showed that he didn't want me in his arms, I continued to linger in his arms while acting as though the fall had affected me.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest? 

This was the first time I saw Mr. Williams, my supposed husband, genuinely concerned about somebody. 

"No, I'm fine; I will just freshen up again, and I will be down to join you." finally freeing myself from his film grips. I watched his exiting form until it vanished before hurrying into my room to calm my raging nerves.


Duke Lawrence was not only handsome; he was also well-built and had well-toned skin. His hair was curled into a corner, giving him a boyish-rogue look.

I found him to be quite charming and smiled each time he spoke. My husband looked unaffected by this; he even encouraged us with a smile. 

"How much is your wife worth to you?"