
Chapter 2

Most times people believe that when babies babble they are actually talking to their guardian angel and well guardian demon i guess but that is more true than they think. Yes babies actually talk to their guardian angel and demon but by the time they get to the age of 3 they angel and demon leave them and they forget all about them but my case is totally different in the sense that i can still see my guardian angel and demon and communicate with them not only that i can also see other angels and demons and i also remember every bit of my childhood. The fact that i can see them complicates my life in many ways like now

"Yo Leila"

"What do want demian"

" I have the perfect way for you to commit your first sin"


" Come on just listen. There's an old lady in a wheelchair at the stairs all you have to do is push her and then BAM!!!! She's dead easy peasy lemon squeezy"

Sometimes i wish he would leave me alone buuut i know i can't wish for that cause he's one of my closest friends and he's beyond good looking i use him once in a while to get rid of over persistent guys

" So what do you say are you up for it"

"No she's not"

"No one asked you Dara"

"Aren't you tired of failing Demian can't you just accept that Leila will never commit a sin in her entire life"

" You also can't accept the fact that she has never done any good deeds either uhh"

" Well..."

" Exactly so don't think you have won just yet in fact let's settle this. Leila"

" What??"

" Would you prefer to commit a sin or do a good deed"

" Sin"


" That doesn't mean i would commit a sin though"

now it was Dara's turn to laugh


"Why are you laughing you didn't win"

" Neither did you"

" Whatever I'm leaving already good byeeee" *poof* and he was gone

" Seriously Leila you've got to make a choice will it be to sin or to be holy and do good deeds"

" Neither"

" Ughhhhh just don't forget about your monthly check up"

" Oh yeah that's today thanks for reminding me"

" no problem well see ya"*leaves*

" bye.... I should leave early so i can make it to my appointment"

"Am so sorry for the bad news Miss Smith but i had to tell you"

" So you're telling me that i have cancer"

" Yes lung cancer"

" Wow how much time do i have left"

" approximately...."

" well??"

"3 months"

i had no more words i just picked up my purse and coat and left

"Miss Smith.... Miss Smith"

i heard no sounds and felt nothing. i felt and looked like a literal corpse i just kept on walking and walking not having a particular destination in mind. I couldn't believe that all i heard and saw was true i just couldn't believe it, i mean i spent all my life on doing nothing i did no bad deeds so there's no need for me to be punished neither did i do any good deeds for it to be the case of "the good always die young so Why..Why..WHY...WHHHYYYY!!!!

I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down


My phone interrupted my thoughts

"Hello???...." i said in between tears

" Leila it's me" my stepmom replied

"oh what do you need"

"we need some money"


"yeah i need some money for my medicine, 200$ would do your stepbrother got himself into some trouble again and his bail is 1100$ your father started betting again now the men at the casino keep threatening us to pay the 5600$ your father owes or else it's gonna mean trouble for all of us and some bills need to be paid. We need at least 9900$.


" you know that even though we are not related by blood we are still family which means you have no choice but to TAKE CARE OF US right"

"ahh right"

"so make sure you send the money alright"


" goodbye" hangs up

*sigh* i just can't believe it, the tears began to well up in my eyes

i managed to walk home i didn't do anything i did not even take of my clothes i just walked up to the roof and stared at the ground below it was 5 storeys high and i couldn't even bring myself to jump all i could do was shout, shout as loud as i could,




SOMEONE*hic*... ANYONE BRING DOOM TO THIS FUCKING WORLD... i dropped down and cried my eyes out. Somehow the shouting and crying helped me calm down I went in and fell asleep on the couch.....


"Hmmmmmm there's no trace of alcohol in this wish at all so this was made by someone in their right mind"

*claps his hand* " who knew that the day i would take over this world would come so soon. I even feel touched" places his hand on his chest

" sir pls don't be so pretentious"

"Acheron pls stay out of this and prepare the car"

"yes sir"*sigh's*

"Watch out world doom is on it's way".

imagine a human wishing for WORLD DESTRUCTION

Tee_the_authorcreators' thoughts