
In Love With My Husband's Son

A very beautiful 20-year-old young woman who lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by a very poor woman. Stacy is an independent woman with good morals. She has the dream of being a superstar, but her beautiful world was shattered when she was forced to sign a contract with one Mr. Edward, a middle-aged man, to save her ailing mother.

Rugged_King · 都市
5 Chs

Chapter Five

Early the following morning, Stacy woke up. She looked around her room and was surprised to find a very luxuriously decorated room in front of her. It was then that she recalled what happened yesterday.

She groggily got out of bed to wash up her face and brush her teeth. Yesterday, she wasn't able to meet Mr. Edward because he had an emergency meeting. Not that it mattered to her anyway.

Stacy entered the washroom to wash up her face and brush her teeth, she also changed her clothes, and then came out of her room. She decided to do a little walking around the house. She met many servants on her way. Some were polite to her, while others looked at her disgustedly.

Too bad that she wasn't the kind that cares about what people said about her. Just as she was about to turn back and head to her room, she met a kind-looking old lady.

"Miss Stacy, Mr. Edward is inviting you to have breakfast with him," she said.

Stacy felt her heart skip a beat. She nodded at the kind-looking old woman. "Can you show me to the dining room?" she requested. The old woman complied and led her to the dining room by the garden side.

She saw that Mr. Edward was already there waiting for her. He was holding a book to keep himself busy while waiting. The moment Stacy walked in, he gave a charming smile.

"Did you sleep well, my love?" He asked in a caring manner.

Stacy nodded coldly and sat on a chair opposite him. The maids served them, after which they left. Mr. Edward's eyes kept roaming around her as if he could swallow her whole.

"I swear, wifey, you look so lascivious."

Stacy was only wearing a short skirt with a green top that looked very loose. Yet it added a kind of sexiness to her vibe. She rolled her eyes at his comment and continued eating; she had quite a good appetite and didn't stand on ceremony.

Mr. Edward continued, "We are going to the airport by 10:30 am to pick up my son from the airport." Stacy stopped eating and looked at him curiously. She wasn't surprised that he had a son, though.

"What do you think your son will think of our relationship?"

"Well, nothing, I guess. His mother died when he was tender, and besides, he is no longer a kid, and I didn't marry for him," he said while cutting a steak.

When they were done eating, Stacy went back to her room to wash up. She was still in her towel, combing her hair when she heard a light knock on the door. She used the peephole to check and saw it was the kind-looking old woman.

She opened the door for her. The old woman was holding a packaged gown. "Old master wants me to help you wear this gown for picking up young master from the airport."

Stacy looked at the gown and nodded. She closed the door behind her. A few minutes later, she was ready in a light purple gown. The gown accentuated her curves and even had a small opening that lightly showed cleavages.

"You look so beautiful, young miss," the woman couldn't help but exclaim. A few minutes later, Kindo knocked at the door and informed them that the master is already waiting. The kind-looking old woman escorted her outside.

Mr. Edward looked shocked on seeing her. Indeed, he had made the right choice for a wife. Stacy looked so elegant in the gown, and her body looked so curvaceous. She had the body of a super top model.

And her slightly opened cleavages left little to the imagination. Beside Mr. Edward stood a beautiful woman. She was quite beautiful but nothing close to Stacy in terms of charm or body shape. She was looking at her with hostility, making Stacy wonder if she is Mr. Edward's mistress, not that she cares anyway.

Mr. Edward introduced her as Maureen, his son's fiancée. After the introduction, they all entered the car and drove off.

Inside the airport, they waited eagerly for the young master to alight. Soon, the features of a handsome tall young man could be seen in the distance. He had curly hair and looked so dashing and very charming.

He could be considered every woman's dream man. Stacy couldn't help but admire his very well-chiseled handsome face. But then, she reminded herself that he is the son of her husband. Even though it's a contracted marriage and not actually a real marriage.

It's not proper to crush on him.

Soon, the young man reached where they were standing. Two men were behind him, carrying his luggage. He looked at Stacy steadily. He had never seen a woman that ever captivated him on first sight, yet this woman did.

He didn't know why; he felt drawn to her the moment he laid his eyes on her. His father's cough broke him out of his thoughts.

"Welcome home, Harry; this is my wife, Stacy. I am sorry I didn't tell you about her, but it's only yesterday that we got married," he introduced her.

Harry didn't know why, but he felt so disappointed when he heard that. He shook hands with her. It was then that she noticed a woman pouting nearby. His heart shook.

"What the hell!" He had actually ignored his own fiancée while admiring his father's wife. He walked up to her immediately and planted a kiss on her forehead, to pacify her.

Maureen took the initiative and kissed him on the lips and started acting coyly; she occasionally stole glances at her. Stacy was shocked. She is a woman and knows what the woman is trying to do.

She was actually marking her boundary. But why? Was she considering her as a rival? It was very absurd considering the fact that she was his father's wife.

"Well," she gave a wry smile. "Who cares, she only needs to mind her business for one year, and everything will be back to normal."

Harry managed to break out from her after a while. "We should all go home and celebrate." Mr. Edward announced. Harry and his fiancée entered a different car, while Stacy and her supposed husband, Mr. Edward, entered theirs. The convoy of cars pulled out from the airport.