
In Love With A Luna

They say love is a dangerous thing but it is especially deadly when it finds its way into war. Are feelings for the enemy a blessing in disguise or is it a curse that will eventually bring about the fall of mankind? Farah falls in love with Farold, an imperial and potential threat to her. Will their love prevail against the odds or will history repeat itself again

Torgiami · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 4

Two Years Later

Farah POV::

It's been two years now. I had graduated successfully from the Mayfield King Solomon Academy and I now studied in the Oxford University. After my shifting, life had been so terrible for me. I do get pissed off easily but right from the day of my shifting I tried controlling myself, getting angry wasn't the best thing for me. Most of the full moon nights, I lock myself up in my room, my windows fully covered with curtains and my door well locked to avoid anyone from entering.

Weeks back I had bumped into an old friend, not really a friend but we both talked. I liked him, yes, Hale was really a good looking young boy back then in highschool. His blonde hair and blue iris made him just so appealing to the eyes. His accent was fully British, but something that made me love him more was his ability to speak like an Australian as well, the Australian accent was better loved than his British accent.

The first day he walked into the school I just had this burning desire to have him. It was the first time I had my Luna in me fighting for possession, like I felk like walking up to him then introducing myself to him and probably give a grin then exit the scene, but then I had to override the thought of walking up to him, I never wanted to downgrade myself before such a cutie anyways. I was just almost impossible that day, I was everywhere he was, I felt he is mine and only mine and I couldn't stand and watch girls throw themselves at him. I was unaware of who really I was, the comfort I had felt that day was like I had met my better half, my kind and above all my alpha mate, but then I had brought myself to a conclusion that I was lusting after Hale the newbie. Yuck, lusting after someone wasn't my thing, so I found it strange why I totally got so attached to someone I was just seeing for the first time.

Luckily enough to call it, he was ushered in, into my classroom during lectures and he got his seat some few steps away from me and he got his seat just too close to the class flirts. I felt jealous seeing him talk to them because for sure they were hanging around with him because he was so cute and charming. I felt like hitting them hard, I couldn't even concentrate in the ongoing lecture.

3 Years Ago...

".....heyyy?" I turned back to the figure who had called me in a mannerless way. I always get pissed off whenever I'm been called heyy. Heyy was a less attractive word. I had turned with so much anger to sternly warn the caller and probably echo my name into his ears so that till we graduate from highschool he would never call out to me as hey.

As I turned pointing out I had my finger stuck in his shirt, I felt my world trembling, many thoughts came rushing through like waters flowing with such high torrent.

"Um, um..... I.....ummm." I couldn't just utter a reasonable word, I kept on fidgeting as I stood still with my hands still stuck in his cloth. I had felt the fire in me quench, it was just like I've been drenched completely. I had quickly moved my finger from his chest axis, as I locked my both hands at my back playing with each other.

Our eyes were fixed at each other's eyes and it made me extremely nervous, my lips kept on hitting each other, I kept on locking and releasing my lips, it was the first time I had been so uncoordinated in my entire life. Having him next to me brought peace to my heart, the solace I found being around him was awing.

Seeing him tuck his hair well behind his ears was so beautiful, I felt like my dreams just came true. I had finally found my words as I muttered, "Ooops, I'm really sorry for that. Actually it wasn't intentional cause I never knew you were too close to me." I had turned my back at him as I wanted to exit the scene.

"Heyy?" He said again, calling out to me in a rather much inquisitive tone like one who was expecting more than just an apology.

I had turned back now facing him directly, feigning a well brushed smile on my face, "Um, how can I help you?" I muttered, shining my eye brighter than it was before like it was getting ready to transmit some data into my brain. I had folded my lips as well as I looked straight into his eyes.

LOL..,"Is he shy?" I thought within myself as I saw him give a refraining body movement. "How come I never noticed that he was the shy type up till now." I muttered again. I enjoyed seeing him that way, it made me to love him the more...

"...Umm, actually I....I., I'm a newbie here, you know." He said wearing a smile.

He wanted to say something different, but why change it? Why say something different? I asked myself....

"Wow, such a nice school Westminster got... beautiful...."

I had quickly interrupted him, "ohh, I see. And also a nice air conditioning, a lovely parking lot and a mouth watering canteen." I had grin as I continued, "I have to go now. Nice talking to you newbie." I turned my back at him again. I had walked some few miles away before I heard steps just right behind me. I had stopped instantly and so did the footstep seized from making any other move.

I turned and lo, I still saw Hale again, "Don't you have anything to do than walk behind me like some hypnotized human being?" I muttered, thundering in rage. I couldn't dare looking like some riffraff just because a well groomed, elegant and handsome Hale wouldn't let me be....

"Mmm hmmm, actually I forgot to ask you something back there. Umm, I'm Hale Bakers. How about you?" He said with a cold and serious tone.

It was just like he had dropped all his fears back there and had worn a lot of courage, following me down here, "Hale Bakers?" I said not sure of what to do next. I was now the tensed one.

I had looked into his eyes as I swallowed saliva, I had said," what a beautiful name. Your dad is a baker? Or your father's fathers?" I had voiced out in an inquisitive tone. I couldn't just tell him my name just because he told me his. I am a lady so I just have to keep shut and have him ask for my name so that I don't appear so cheap and bitchy.

Hale had chuckled as he said, "ohh, yeah, not really my dad but his fathers before him. They were all bakers and that's why I got so nicely, beautifully and freshly baked like a panera bread." He leaves a loud laughter that occupies the room.

I didn't find it funny at all, I love being taken serious and if I'm not taken serious I feel so reluctant to continue any conversation with whomever it is, not exempting my family members. I had looked at him with so much annoyance as I said, "your face exposes your trifling lifestyle anyways. Once again welcome to Maryleborne Hale the Panera bread. I hope you don't get chopped off soon by different people." I reciprocated his smile he had worn minutes ago.

I knew he was smart enough to decode that I was being rude in a friendly banter state.

"And you are?" He asked as he tucked his hair once again behind his ears.

"I am Farah, F-A-R-A-H, I had spelt out hoping to see the disgust on his face.

"Wow, what a beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you. It's nice meeting you Farah. I hope with time we could be friends?" He had pointed out so clearly that he was interested in being friends with me.

"Ohh! I see. I can't tell if we will be friends with time because I don't keep, not to talk of befriending someone, and not to talk of the opposite gender." I had smiled so courtly.

"Ohh! You know maybe I could spare some time to help you change your mind on not having friends..."

"Mm hmm...."

"Actually you can't experience life without having friends.." Hale had snorted.

"Interesting. I rather go to jail than have a jerk as a friend." I spoke with so much happiness in my voice.

Okay yes, I got pained when he made a fun of me. He would have just given me a proper answer to my question if his family were bakers Instead of talking out of point. Mm hmm, would he even be sweat like the panera bread? I had muttered within myself. Such a jerk.

"Did you say something?" Hale had asked me.

"Something" I had exclaimed....

" Now who's being a jerk here?" He laughed so hard which ended up irritating me the most.

"How does your parents cope with you...I guess you have nothing to say." I winced. He heard me and still went on asking an irrelevant question, like WTF! Who does that? I wore this disdain look on my face, blunt from any emotions.

The school bell had rang and every student walked back to their various classes.

Okay I hate Hale, like the hate in love. When you get attracted to someone and you just find so much joy in their troubles. He was five desk away from my desk. He wouldn't stop staring at me. Or maybe I'm the one looking at him. I found him so amazing but he's such a trouble.

The second half of our lectures had come to an end. I was on my way to go meet my elder sister Hazel, then once again I encountered Hale again. I had turned the other way round acting like I never had seen him. I walked through the other door leading to the small garden, even if that was not my original plan at least I would escape talking to Hale.

"Heyy?" Hale had called out again.....

"For crying out loud you jerk my name isn't heyy but Farah, F-A-R-A-H..." I had spelt it out again to me so that it sinks into his brain and also stick as well.

"Ohh! I totally forgot. My bad. But then you know it's not easy knowing someone's name on the first day." I saw the satisfaction on his face.

Okay I felt bad at that point. Okay here I was still carrying his name in my head, "oh! True, you know dumb people tend to forget things easily Mr. Hale Baker." I said wearing a smile.

"Ouch! That was mean of you Farah." He said with a frown.

Hazel had walked in interrupting both me and Hale's discussion. She had come to call me so we would go home. Hazel had given me a serious look which spoke millions.

"Wow, Farah. You never told me that you had a babysitter who schooled here with you." Hale had muttered giving a grin.

"Must you always talk more than your mouth Mr. Hale." I snorted

"Oh! Now I see the resemblance. Wow, beauty flows in your family blood." He muttered.

"Heyy... Don't flirt with me." I said as I carried my bag and I walked out leaving Hazel behind.

Okay Hazel was just another big problem to me that day, our drive home was an irritating one. She couldn't just let me be, one question to another, who is that guy? Your boyfriend? How long have you both been dating? Is he from Westminster? Does he stay here in Marylebone? He has an Australian accent, is he from Australia? You love him?

Okay I had ended her numerous questions by saying he's a newbie here in Maryleborne and also in the Mayfair Academy.

"Oh! Then how come you both appeared so bonded." She had said in a cold voice.

That day was so beautiful and I could never forget that because he was the first guy that caught my attention in such manner.