
chapter fourteen

In love with a foreigner

written by: author fiyin

The date

It's past eleven in the morning, Nam Shin (eunji boss) came over to pick her up for the date she promised. Eunji came out from the compound looking stunning in her short flare gown with high heel,hair packed up in ponytail making her look elegant. Nam Shin came over and opened the car door for her.

You look so beautiful, he said as he drives away. On their way, he could not stop stealing a glance at her, she is a sight to behold.

They enter into the woo's dining and was met with a beautiful sight.

Wow! She unconsciously said.

The light above the room caught her attention immediately she walked up the stairs to the private section. The decor is classy feels like a city space that a moderator will fall in love with. The plan placement of plants in all dinning area notable.

Eunji loves how the various colors of light gave the area it occupied a different vibe and tweaking the ambience with every change of color.

They picked a seat and a waitress walk up to them.

Waitress: good morning sir and ma, welcome to the woo's dining, what would you like to ordered.

Nam Shin: what would you like dear?

Eunji: anything you ordered would be fine.

Nam Shin: really! What if i ordered something too sweet or with too much pepper.

Eunji: don't worry about it.

Nam Shin: ok,( he went through the menu while the waitress held her jotter and pen ready to jot down his order) give us jjigae( Korean stew),bibimap(rice mixed with vegetables and red pepper paste),galbi(grilled beef ribs), fried chicken and a GODORI WINARY(peach wine). Thank you

Eunji: you really ordered a lot.

Nam Shin: I know right, are you cool with all I ordered.

Eunji: yes, they are what I like eaten.

Nam Shin: thank goodness.

Not long their orders were brought to there table and they dig in while they chat , and they discuss about a lot of thing but they respect there personal life.

After they were done, the waitress came and cleared the table .

Waitress! Nam called to ordered for dessert.

Waitress: sir, what would you like to have.

Nam Shin: so, what would you like for dessert

Eunji: okay, bungeoppang is fine( bungeoppang is fish shape pastry with sweet red bean filling)

Waitress: right away ma

Eunji notice Nam Shin look sad when he mentioned bungeoppang. What wrong?

Nam Shin: you ordered my favorite which I have refused to eat after I lost my mother in a terrible sickness.

Eunji: am sorry, I can change the order.

Nam Shin: no, it's fine. I want to have it too, it's being a while I ate it.

 Author pov

Eva has been restless, she thought about everything and concluded in her heart that she only love Ian and not mike.

Then she put a call through to Mike and break up with him, telling him he is just to satisfy her urge and to while away time. That he is just for fun and he only use him to kill boredom. 

Mike was so sad after listening to all she said, he felt so sad and could not believe all he heard, he tried calling her but her number wasn't going through, and he felt karma caught up on him. he knew what he felt for Eva was real but she doesn't love him

Eva pov

I need a plan, how do I get Ian back. I could not come up with any so I put a call through to my friend Zara.

Me: hola babe

Zara: look who decided to call me after hanging up on me.

Me: babe, am sorry. I was going through some emotional trauma and am not in the mood for your nagging, lo lamento.

Zara: it's fine girlfriend, so what's up.

Me: I need your help

Zara: I knew it. 

Me: what did you mean ?

Zara: nothing, what did you need my help with?

Me: Ian caught me sleeping with Mike.

Zara: wait, what! You are sleeping with Mike?

Me: yes.

Zara: and you knew I like him.

Me: did you?

Zara: babe! (She scream over the phone) are you kidding? 

Me: I thought it's was just all this high school crush and you have gotten over it.

Zara: O.M.G! Your are self centered Eva,you don't care how others feel, you only care about yourself, you knew I like Mike and I turned down so many suitors because I love him so much and you went ahead to sleep with him.

Me: babe, am sorry

Zara: you are sorry! Can sorry sort this, can it?

Me: babe don't worry, I broke up with him, I called him already and told him he was nothing but a pet to me. So you can have him.

Zara: Eva, you called Mike and told him he is just your pet?

Me: yes, that I only use him to while away time..

Zara: oh! Eva, you are a bitch. How did I end up with someone so heartless, shameless, wicked and self centered like you.

Me: girlfriend, we are childhood friends, don't let Mike get in between us. For the sake of our friendship I will pretend I never heard the names you called me.

Zara: Oh! Really?great thank you.

Me: you welcome.

Zara: Eva, you are a crazy bitch, a lunatic. You have no feelings or concerns. Did you know what friendship is? Did you know how to treat a friend? Have you ever sacrifice in our so called friendship?

Me:yes, I got you a job, I feed you, clothes you, sheltered you.

Zara: this is no sacrifices Eva. All my life I served you, you call me your friend and you make me do your laundry, homework, I got flogged in your position, I was blame when you were wrong. I was your puppet, I carried your books in school, I ran errands for you, I fight for you, I defended you.

Me: they are what you need to do girl, you are just a daughter of our maid who died while given birth to you, your father is our security man who died of cancer. My parents brought you up, took you to a good school and gave you a roof over your head.

Zara: ok cool, where are you.

Me: where else, home of course.

Zara: ok.

Call drop.

What the heck! 

Zara POV

Truly my mom died during birth and my dad died of cancer. Eva's Dad travelled and my dad went to Eva's mom for help but the old witch refused to help and dad died because of lack of treatment. When Eva's Dad returned and learnt of my dad's death, he was so sad and angry at his wife. He was the one who put me in school.

I drove straight down to Eva house, who did she think she was. I pressed my horn and the security man opened the door, after packing my car, I went into the building.

Eva: you are here so quicker than I expected.

Zara: yes, you said some things over the phone that I believe needs to be sorted out physically.

Eva: which part? We talked about Mike and you being the daughter of a mai...

Before she could finish her statement Zara gave a hot slap that sent her falling to the ground because she never see it coming.

Eva: did you just slap me? She said holding her cheek.

Zara: yes! And I will do it over and over again.

Eva: you bitch! 

She stood up and ran towards Zara to attack her but Zara was quick to caught her hand and they started fighting.

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