
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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51 Chs

Chapter Forty Four

Anita saw James and Jennifer on the floor in a pool of blood, she felt dizzy and she could not understand what was going on, she was in a pool of blood too, but she was not sure whether it was hers or it came from somewhere else. She tried screaming Jennifer's name but only silent whispers came out from her mouth, she was so weak, and as time passed by it felt difficult for her to breathe. She tried moving but it was as if something heavy was preventing her from moving, she heard the police siren and passed out.

Megan watched James, Jennifer and Anita lay in a pool of blood, in delight, she raised her arms in the air and looked at the ceiling.

"Enlightened they were before their deaths, they were in darkness but finally pulled to the light, they tasted the sweetness of knowledge and light, naivety and foolishness can't get hold of them now, right?" She recited, and tears started rolling down her eyes, "may the whole world be enlightened and come to your light." She lowered her hands and bowed.

The police flooded the area and Megan's men tried to subdue them, but they were not powerful enough, for the squad that came there was one of the best squads in Duban.

"Don't let any of them escape," Detective Alexander shouted holding a M16 assault rifle in his hands while hiding by the side of his car to prevent being shot by Megan's men.

Detective Alexander Alex, also known as Alexander the Great, was a top detective in the Duban police force and was respected throughout the Kingdom of Utopia, he had formidable skills and he always solved a case with great speed, dedication and cleverness. There was no case he could not solve, many criminals were afraid of him and they tried everything they could do not to have any dealings with him, he was known as the infamous Justice of Duban.

Alexander was called after the Greek legend 'Alexander the Great' who swiftly defeated and conquered nations in those days, because of the way he swiftly solved a case and conquered any kind of criminal by bringing them to justice, Alexander likened every case to a battleground and he almost wins every case.

The Duban police force was alerted by someone who watched Jennifer's Instagram live stream, the Duban police force reacted to the report with urgency and sent their best squad--Squad 7-- with backup to the scene.

"There are too many, sir, but we are getting the upper hand!" A policeman shouted shooting at Megan's men.

"Tsk. What a pain...I don't have much time to waste here." Alexander got up and started shooting at Megan's men rapidly. He hid by his car again and check the time on his watch. He stood up again and started shooting at them but this time did it with, swiftly with precision and rage.

He rolled on the ground and shot some of Megan's men who were close to the porch. He hid on the porch, lying flat on the ground he brought out a grenade and threw it at Megan's men. The grenade exploded causing some of Megan's men to flee, Alexander grabbed this opportunity and started shooting them one by one while they were still in confusion. In no time there was no one shooting at them again, all of Megan's men were dead.

Alexander checked the time on his watch and said to himself, "All enemies exterminated in less than nine minutes, to be precise eight minutes fifty-three seconds, fifteen of the enemies killed by my gun," he placed his gun on his shoulders and boasted, "I'm called Alexander the Great not for nothing."

Alexander entered the house and Megan attacked him with a knife he blocked it with his gun and kicked her on the leg and face causing her to fall to the floor.

"Let go of me! Do you know who I am, you inexperienced one? I can kill you if I want to! Let go of me!" Megan screamed as Alexander pinned her to the floor and handcuffed her. "Let go of me you, bastard, what do you know? Who are you? You're in darkness and I will enlighten you..."

"Shut up before I lose it and spill the matter in your head with my gun," Alexander threatened and pointed his gun at her head.

"Do it! Do it, you who is submerged in darkness! Do it you naive one, do it I dare you!" She screamed and Alexander rolled his eyes.

"No I won't, I was just kidding," he brought his face closer to her, "I need you to answer some important questions, so I need you alive."

"You weakling! You're so naive and foolish, I am going to deal with you, I am going to show you who I am, you haven't seen the true side of me!" Megan kept on screaming and struggling on the floor.

Alexander saw James, Jennifer and Anita lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

"There are injured persons here, I repeat there are injured persons here," Alexander said into his microphone, "send in the ambulance, I repeat send in the ambulance. The coast is clear and the suspect has been apprehended, I repeat the coast is clear and the suspect has been apprehended."

The ambulance rushed in and carried Jennifer, Anita and James on a stretcher and gave them first aid before taking them to a hospital.

Alexandra dragged Megan out of the house roughly and she started screaming.

"Soon all of you will be like them!" She referred to James, Anita and Jennifer lying on stretchers, "All of you are naive and foolish, all of you lack understanding, all of you are in darkness! You do not know am I, do you have an idea of what I can do?!"

Alexander tired of her rantings and screaming, brought his head closer to her ear and with a cold voice, a voice as cold as the planet Neptune, he asked. "Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?"

Megan's eyes shone, it was now she recognized his voice, all this while she was not paying attention, and it dawned on her that one of the most feared people in Duban was beside her, how terrible for her to fall in his hands. How disgraceful for her to be outsmarted by ordinary maids, people whom she called naive and foolish.

Megan did not know when her body started shaking for she had been infected by the fear of 'him', the Justice of Duban, the one who conquered as swiftly as an Eagle.

"I am Alexander the Great, you should be the one scared." Alexander muttered and Megan started crying uncontrollably.

"Why him? I don't want to be taken away, I don't want to go away, I want to be with him, please, I don't want to go to prison! They deserved to die, it wasn't my fault " Megan cried, she fell to the ground and started rolling on it, with her hands cuffed behind her.

She stopped rolling and raised her head, she saw Prince Chad standing on the roof of a three-storey building which was a good distance away from there. She saw his face faintly but she was sure that it was him because of the clothes he wore; a three-piece suit and a hat.

Chad watched from a distance and he shook his head slowly and said to himself, "I warned you, Megan, but you didn't listen, if you had listened all this shouldn't have happened, so unfortunate."

Megan stared at him with pain in her eyes and started shouting, "Come and save me, my Prince! Come and rescue me, please! I'm so sorry for not listening to you, my prince, come and rescue me, I am so sorry, please save me." She looked at where he was standing but he was not on the roof again, he was gone.

"Save me," Megan cried, "please, don't go, please don't leave me."

She turned and her eyes met with Alexander's forest green eyes and they were lifeless and emotionless just like Chad's.

And with a heinous grin plastered on his face, Alexander uttered, "I am not going anywhere, Megan, I'm here with you, and who do you think anyone can save you from my hands?" Alexander started laughing menacingly and Megan quivered in fear.


Amelia was surprised when Chad said he was going somewhere while they were in the restaurant. She was glad that he was leaving for a while, she could use this time to think of all she would say to him when he came back.

After some minutes he came back and sat down, but she did not utter any word, her eyes were fixed on the table and she knew that he was staring at her.

"Amelia, do you know that you are very pretty?" He flattered and she hissed.

"This coming from you doesn't mean anything to me," she told him and he chuckled.

"So you now hate me because I asked you to be my friend?" He smirked and she rolled her eyes at him. "I don't want you to be just my friend, Amelia, but I wanted you to be my girlfriend, so get prepared to hate me more."

Amelia gritted her teeth, she did not know how many times she was going to tell him that she could never be his girlfriend.

"That's not possible Chad, me being you're girlfriend is one of the things in this world that can never happen, how many times do I have to you?"

"I thought that before we can have something romantic between us, we have to be friends first, that was why I wanted us to be friends," he breathed. "Now that we are friends the next step is to make you my girlfriend." Chad was not paying attention to what she was saying and this made Amelia boil in anger, she grabbed the tablecloth with her hands and glared at him.

"Stop all this, Chad, I can never be your girlfriend, I don't care who you are, I am never going to have anything romantic to do with you."

"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend myself but I remembered how arrogant I am, so because of that, I will never ask you, I can't stoop that low. But I badly want to have something romantic with you," he rubbed his chin with his hand, pretending to think about something important. "That's why you will be the one that will make me your boyfriend."

Amelia became very annoyed and irritated she could not believe that she thought Chad was mature, intelligent and different from other men, but he was worse. He was a very childish, arrogant and annoying person to her. She had not met anyone as proud and annoying as he was, for him to think that she would ask him to be her boyfriend, was just so outrageous to her, not even in a million years would she ever do that, she was not just like any other women he met that he could easily seduce them, she would not let him easily fool her.

"Why do you want to have something romantic with me?" She asked in spite to hear his stupid reason why he wanted her to be his girlfriend, if it was a very good reason maybe she could give him a chance considering his position in society.

"Most men want a girl to be their girlfriend just for the sex and intimacy they are going to have with them and nothing aside from that. But I guess I don't want that, do I?" He placed his hand on his chin and looked up at the ceiling. "I guess I want that too," he paused and an impish grin crept to his lips.

Amelia wondered what he was up to now.

I want to squeeze your breasts and draw circles on your thick thighs and do a lot of naughty things with you in my bedroom, I want to do what my brother normally does with women," he placed his hand on his face and squeezed his other hand into a fist. "I want to do all this with you, Amelia. Since that day I saw you in shorts and a tight singlet, I have been dreaming about your thick creamy caramel thighs and I want to feel them so bad, and your breasts? I always picture myself lying on them every night and squeezing them delightfully, every morning...O such delight! O I can't wait for you to be my girlfriend so that I can do all of these!"

Amelia watched Chad with disgust, every atom of respect and feelings she had for him disappeared--even the part of her that always supported Chad disintegrated--for she now saw him as an arrogant stupid pervert. If not she was in public she should have slapped him on his face and left for wasting her time, but no matter how terrible he was, he was the prince and the heir to the throne and his bodyguards were here so if she did anything rash it would be very problematic for her, she could be trolled for life if she assaulted Prince Chad. And he was the only sponsor she had in her brand, if not she would not have been here.

"So this is the reason why you decided to go on a date with me? This is the worst date I have ever been to and I'm so disappointed in you, Chad," Amelia shook her head slowly and let out a sigh.

It was today that she really knew who Chad was and what his motives were.

Chad stood up from his chair brought out a cigar from his pocket and lit it. He breathed and smoke came out from both his mouth and nose, "We are done here, Amelia, let's go."