
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs


Shang: No. I don't need physical training.

Shang was being dragged by Kokken using the back of his collar.

Kokken: With that kind of weak physical body, how can you be a wielder of Kyotou, Yasuri nyan~?

Shang: I don't see the need for that.

Shang: We are completely doing fine. Right, Nanami?

Nanami: But Sensei said that….

Shang: Seriously, do you have to believe everything she say?

Kokken: It doesn't matter you believe me or not nyan~. This does not excuse you from training nyan~.


This is happening after some time they obtained and destroyed Bitou, Kanzashi.

Shang had convinced Kokken to come along with them on their blade hunt.

Kokken agrees to come along and says that once Nanami's training is completed, she will leave.

When the three of them reached Lake Biwa, they found the patrolling protector of Shikizaki Kiki's workshop, Biyorigou.

Both Kokken and Nanami were saying how cute Biyorigou was made and wanted to have one for their doll collection.

Both of them looked at Shang with cute puppy eyes.

Shang explained to them it is not a doll but a deviant blade known as Bitou, Kanzashi.

Both Kokken and Nanami was shocked as they thought the four blades the doll was holding was

the Kanzashi.

Before Shang could proceed to take down Biyorigou, a thought struck him.

Who told Sabi Hakuhei that he was a failure?

It couldn't be Sabi Kokken as she is a mother and a woman of a samurai family, she wouldn't have let Sabi become a ronin.

As a user who mastered Zentouryuu, she wouldn't have the ability to judge whether if Sabi who has also mastered Zentouryuu was a failure.

The only one left that could judge would be her husband.

Nothing in the light novel mentioned who is the husband of Sabi Kokken and father of Sabi Hakuhei.

It was Biyorigou that gives Shang the hint.

In the light novel, Princess Hitei mentioned that Biyorigou is based on the appearance of the woman Shikizaki Kiki loves most before he was alive.

If one is to remove the extra height from Biyorigou's legs, one could see the doll has the similar height of a child.

This reminds Shang of Sabi Kokken as her height is also the height of a child.

Biyorigou has been guarding Kiki's workshop for centuries so it couldn't be Sabi Kokken.

There is a possibility that Kiki finds Kokken's appearance similar to his late love and started to get into a relationship with her.

From the way how Hakuhei wear, he might be hiding the outlined mark of rhombus chain which Shikizaki Kiki also had with a collar.

Shang decided to make a daring guess and asked Kokken.

Shang: Kokken.

Kokken: Call me Sensei nyan~.

Shang's thoughts: I didn't ask for you to be my teacher.

Shang: Fine. Kokken Sensei.

Kokken: Yes?

Shang: Does Biyorigou look familiar to you?

Kokken: I don't recall seeing that before nyan~.

Shang: From what I know, it is built based on the appearance of the woman Shikizaki Kiki loves most.


Kokken who was looking at Biyorigou, was silent for a while

Kokken: What are you trying to say nyan~?

Shang: Shikizaki Kiki

Shang: He was the father of Hakuhei, wasn't he?

Kokken: What makes you think that he is the father?

This time Kokken looks directly at Shang.

Shang notices Kokken had dropped the nyan~ at the end of her sentence.

Shang: Hakuhei's birth….

Kokken: Shang!

Kokken looks away from Shang before shouting.

Before Shang could complete his sentence, Kokken interrupted him.

Shang: Yes!

Kokken: You're a clever boy, Shang nyan~. There are some things should be left buried so that people can move on nyan~.

Kokken says before she moves towards Biyorigou.

Nanami: Be careful, Sensei!

Nanami shouts as she notices Biyorigou has detected Kokken and start moving towards Kokken.

With one swing of her wooden stick, Kokken not only cut off the head of Biyorigou, she also cut off the blades which the doll was holding.

Kokken: Sorry, Nanami. My hand slipped nyan~.

Kokken smiles as she turns to Nanami.

Nanami: It's alright. Sensei.

Nanami did not hear the entire conversation as she was observing the Biyorigou's movements.

From the actions of Kokken, she knows that Kokken does not like the doll and decided not to question her further.

Kokken: Nanami.

Nanami: Yes?

Kokken: Come and accompany me for a walk nyan~.

Nanami: Yes, Sensei.

Nanami looks at Shang before she left the area with Kokken.

Shang: Kyouken

Shang says while he looks at the decapitated Biyorigou.

Kyouken appears besides Shang.

Shang: About the conversation I had with Kokken…

Kyouken: I did not hear anything.

Shang: Eh? I have not say anything yet.

Kyouken: I am not an idiot, Shang.

Kyouken: I wouldn't want someone who can destroy a country to be hot on my heels.

Shang: Well, since you know what to do, I will not say anything about it.

Shang: Any news regarding other deviant blades?

Kyouken: Nothing yet but there are news regarding the princess.

Shang: The princess?

Kyouken: Yes, it seems our princess did not rely on Bofura. She instead hires a ninja from the Fuuma Clan.

Kyouken: We could not find any information regarding the Fuuma Clan. It is like the ninja just popped out from somewhere.

Shang's thoughts: Fuuma Clan. Where did I hear that from?

Shang: Let's hope he knows his place and doesn't share the same fate as his predecessor.

Shang: Send word to Houou and the others that we are done with Bitou, Kanzashi and will be moving on to Dokuto, Mekki.

Kyouken: Dokuto, Mekki?

Shang: You heard of it?

Kyouken: No. I heard it from Houou that you said the deviant blade could house a soul.

Shang: Interested?

Kyouken: Of course.

Shang: If you want, I will make a new one for you.

Kyouken: Eh? So I don't have to give you Soutou, Kanazuchi in exchange?

Shang: I have no need for Kanazuchi. It's up to you to decide its fate.

Kyouken: I see. I will leave for now. See ya.

Kyouken disappears into thin air.

This leaves Shang and the broken Biyorigou alone in the area.

Shang: Time to get to work…

Shang stretches his arms and moves to Biyorigou.

Shang's thoughts: I remember Togame managed to dig up information on the next deviant blade from the workshop ruins. The Koureijutsu I had should be able to cut down the time I need to search.

When Kokken and Nanami return, they find Shang sleeping next to the pit-hole which he had dig till he was exhausted and tired.

This is where it all started when Shang was dragged from his sleep by Kokken for physical training.

Some area near Lake Biwa...

Kokken: Your grip is wrong! Grip it correctly!

Kokken: Straighten your back!

Kokken: Swing Harder!

Kokken is shouting at Shang like a kendo instructor.

Nanami is looking at Shang with stars in her eyes,

Shang is crying in his thoughts.

Shang's thoughts: Is this my punishment for asking? Fukou-da~