
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Duan Zhengchun

Shang: Congratulations, you have a daughter-in-law.


Shang says as he and Yuanshan watches Ah Zhu and Xiao Feng cuddles together as a couple.

Yuanshan beings to walk after watching them for a while.

Shang: Where are you going again?

Yuanshan: I miss my wife.

Shang: And tell her the good news?

Yuanshan: Good or bad news…. I don't know.

Yuan shan: I only know I want to see my wife right now.

Yuan walks away.

At this point, Yuanshan would continue to follow Xiao Feng and kill the people which Xiao Feng had find responsible for the attack at Yanmen Pass thirty years ago.

With Shang's involvement, he is unsure on whether to continue down this path of vengeance or just leave it at there.

Shang watches Yuanshan slowly walks away and turns his sight at the couple who is still cuddling together.

Shang: Congrats, Congrats, Little Zhu.

Shang says loudly as he slowly approaches the couple from afar

The couple who was startled by his voice, immediately stand from they are sitting.

Ah Zhu recognizes the approaching figure.

Ah Zhu: Mister Shang.

Xiao Feng: He is?

Ah Zhu: He is my lady's martial teacher, Mister Shang of the Xuan Wu Sect.

Xiao Feng: Xuan Wu Sect? I never hear of that.

Ah Zhu: Of course, he just created it after accepting another disciple.

Xiao Feng: Eh? What a weird person…

Ah Zhu: It doesn't matter if he is weird or not. He is still my lady's marital teacher. Be sure to be respectful to him.

Xiao Feng: I understand.

As Shang reaches them, Ah Zhu and Xiao Feng gives a greeting bow to Shang.

Ah Zhu & Xiao Feng: Ah Zhu (Xiao Feng) is pleased to meet Mister Shang.

Shang rises them from their bow.

Shang: Ah Zhu, Didn't I say there's no need with these formalities? You can even call me Brother Shang.

Ah Zhu: No matter what, formalities still have to go through.

Shang: Up to you then. And this is your chosen man?

Shang asks as he pretends not to know Xiao Feng.

Ah Zhu goes red and turns red when Shang says Xiao Feng is her chosen man.

Seeing Ah Zhu unable to reply, Xiao Feng speaks for her.

Xiao Feng: I am chief of Beggar Sect, Qiao Feng. No, it should be ex-chief.

Shang: Oh, The legendary Qiao Feng of the North.

Shang; This Shang Yinchao is pleased to meet you.

Shang gives a bow and Xiao Feng attempts to stop it.

Xiao Feng: No need for that. I, Qiao Feng is not a legend.

To that reply, Shang smiles and says.

Shang: It's your deeds that make you a legend. It does not matter if you are one of the Khitan people. No one can wipe those deeds of yours.

Hearing that, Ah Zhu turns to Mister Shang with a surprised look.

Ah Zhu: Mister, you are not against one of the Khitan people?

Shang folds his arms and says

Shang: What's wrong with Qiao Feng being one of the Khitan people? What I see here is not a people of Khitan or a people of Han. What I see here is a man who does what a man should do. Do you understand, Ah Zhu?

Ah Zhu smiles and say.

Ah Zhu: I understand.

Xiao Feng: Thank you for not condemning me as one of the Khitan people, Mister Shang.

Xiao Feng says while giving a bow.

Shang looks at Xiao Feng for a while.

Shang: You really look like your father.

Ah Zhu: Mister Shang, are you saying Qiao Feng's father, Qiao Sanhuai?

Shang: That's not his real father. His real father is Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Feng: What did you say!?

Xiao Feng grabs Shang with the collars.

Xiao Feng: What do you know about me! Tell me! What happen thirty years ago!

Ah Zhu: Brother Qiao, calm down.

Ah Zhu tries to release Xiao Feng's hold on Shang but he's too strong for her.

Shang: Young man, I think you need to cool your head a bit. First thing, you need to release your hold on me.

Xiao Feng finds himself releasing his hold from Shang without his control after Shang touches his arms lightly.

Xiao Feng's thoughts: He is a martial expert who is above me!

Xiao Feng: I am sorry I have overreacted.

Xiao Feng gives a bow as a sign of apology.

Ah Zhu: Brother Qiao….

Ah Zhu holds on to one of Xiao Feng's arms.

Shang: It's alright. If it's me, I would do the same as what you did just now.

Ah Zhu: Mister Shang, can you tell us what happen thirty years ago?

Shang: Hmm… Thirty years ago, a group of Khitan people was attacked at Yanmen Pass due to a message from an informant that Liao is sending martial experts to attack Shaolin Temple and take its martial manuals. A team of martial experts are sent to Yanmen Pass to intercept the assault.

Shang: A Khitan couple who is on a trip to visit their in-laws is assumed to be part of the Liao assault. They were attacked and several martial artists are injured. One of the martial experts managed to land a stealth hit on the wife and this angers the husband. The husband went into a frenzy and killed the martial artists who are still standing.

Shang: Unable to bear the loss of his love and the loneliness without her, the husband wrote his will on the wall with blood and jumped off the cliff along with his wife's body, leaving a baby behind.

Shang: That baby was you, Qiao Feng. Eh, Wrong. Your correct name should be Xiao Feng.

Shang says as he points at Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng: So this is the place where my real parents died.

Xiao Feng is in tears as he goes down in on knees.

Ah Zhu: Brother Xiao…

That's nothing Ah Zhu could do to console him.

Ah Zhu could only join Xiao Feng in going down on her knees.

After some time, Xiao Feng managed to gather his emotions and stood up along with Ah Zhu.

Xiao Feng: Mister Shang

Shang: Yes?

Xiao Feng: How do you know so much?

Shang: I don't think I have the time to explain to you.

Shang says while releasing a messenger pigeon before turning to Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng: What's wrong?

Shang: Looks like your father-in-law is in trouble.

Xiao Feng: Father-in-law... That's wrong. Ah Zhu says she is an orphan.

Ah Zhu: That's right, Mister Shang, did you make a mistake?

Shang: Which orphan would have the character "Duan" tattooed on their body and carries a golden lock that has poem written on it?

Ah Zhu turns red and asks.

Ah Zhu: This... Mister Shang, how did you know about the tattoo on my body?

Shang: Eh? I only ask the ones who raised you up.

Shang's thoughts: I can't say I find out from the novel or I peek at you when you're taking a bath.

Shang's thoughts: Only those who raise you to be a maid would know about it

Ah Zhu says once she understands she had mistaken something.

Ah Zhu: I see…

Ah Zhu: Then who is my father?

Shang: King Zhennan of Dablit Guaif, Duan Zhengchun.