
31. It's a surprise

"You won't go to work today." Sinthia spoke with a breath sitting behind Guen and Quentin.

"You too Sinthia? I will go." Guen sighed frustrated.

"Yeah I tried to convince her it didn't work!" Quentin added.

"No you won't go Guen , because I told you I have a plan. I spoke to beta Dalton he will go to pick up your mom from work because you'll be on a date with Quentin."

" Oh will she? " Quentin asked surprised.

" What are you planing Sinthia? " Guen narrowed her eyes.

" Well when your mother finishes her shift she has to close the restaurant, beta Dalton will go to pick her up and someone, I mean me, will close the door and leave them for a while alone locked inside ."

Sinthia explained.

" We should be scared how good you are at making plans. " Quentin mocked his sister.

" Two birds with one stone. " Sinthia winked at her brother.

" I gues the other bird it's me. " Guen shook her head smiling.

" That means you are coming with me after school. " Quentin pulled her chair closer to him.

" Quentin we are in class. " Guen whisper-yelled.

"So what? " Quentin pulled her closer by her waist.

The teacher entered the class and Sinthia coughed.

"I don't want to interrupt you love birds but the teacher just entered the class."

Guen's face was read as a tomato. She tried to pull her chair away but Quentin didn't allow the chair to move holding it with his hand. She lowered her head to hide her face with her hairs that fell on her face.

"Don't cover your cute face little mate."

Quentin whispered near her ear smirking at the goosebumps on her skin.

Guendolin waited for some minutes when he was focused on the lesson, she smirked putting her hand on his thigh under the desk.

Quentin's body reacted as he turned his head to her who wasn't looking at him but the teacher.

Quentin didn't move her hand, he liked it there on his thigh. When Guen tried to move her hand he didn't let her putting his hand over hers on his thigh.

"You're gonna pay for this later." Guen whispered leaning back on the chair.

"Oh make me pay little mate." Quentin whispered back smirking.


"Where are you going?" Quentin called Guen who was heading to the parking lot.

"To work." Guen answered back .

"You will come with me."

"But I have to tell my mom that I won't go."

"Sinthia will take care of that."

"Ok." Guen continued walking towards the car.

"Where are you going?" Quentin asked again.

"You already asked Quentin."

"Then why are you walking towards the car?"

"I don't know enlighten me alpha." Guen lifted her eyebrows.

" Come with me, we don't need the car, we are going to walk ." Quentin waited for her hand .

Guen runed towards him like a child. " Where are we going?"

" It's a surprise." Quentin kissed her head hugging his mate.

" But I don't like surprises." Guen pouted her lips.

" Why is that? "

" Because I have high expectations and then I get disappointed. "

" I promise, you won't get disappointed. " Quentin kissed her cheeck.

" Are we there yet? " Guen asked after 15 minutes of walk.

" Are you tired? " Quentin examined her body , he didn't hear her breath or her fastened. She didn't look tired.

"No , don't underestimate me just because I'm human, we don't get tired that easily." Guen raised her chin proudly.

"Well you don't look tired that's why I asked you. "

" How do you understand it? "

" I can hear your hearbeat , when you breath."

" Oh I thought you had some other superpowers that Sinthia didn't mention. I can notice too when someone is tired."

" Well I can smell how horny you are down there." Quentin smirked as he pushed her lightly with her back on a tree.

He expected her to lower her eyes but she continued staring at him. Her lips parted, Quentin closed that little distance, only their breath was now the distance between them. When he was close to her lips he felt her hand on his hard below his belly. Her hand layed on the pants touching him.

"I can see and feel how hard you are, down there." She whispered near his lips playing his game.

"You can't feel it yet trust me." Quentin smirked kissing her roughly.

"Weren't we going somewhere , where is my surprise?" Guen demanded like a child as soon as she broke up from the kiss.

"If you tease me every 10 steps we won't make it faster."


After 40 minutes they reached a waterfall.

"Oh my god this is beautiful!" Guen exclaimed jumping up and down.

"This is not the surprise, come on from this rock here we can watch sundown." Quentin pulled her by her hand.

" I love sundowns. How did you know? " Guen asked surprised.

" I didn't. I love sundowns and I wanted to see it with you. "

" Thank you. " Guen threw her arms around his neck standing on her tiptoes.

"When you said earlier you had high expectations I was a bit afraid you won't like this but I acted confident. " Quentin pulled her closer as they sat on the rock.

" Because I have had material surprises till now. This is the most beautiful surprise. "

" Well since we are waiting, it's early for the sundown I want to know more about you. " Quentin kissed her cheeck.

" I want to know more about you too. " Guen returned the kiss on his cheeck.

"Ok then I'll ask first. What is your favourite colour Guendolin? "

" The cliche question. I don't have one, mostly I like phospor colours yellow or green. But I also like the shades of blue and purple. Bright pink is beautiful, strong red is amazing . I guess I love many colours. What about you?"

" Black."

" Dark and mysterious wolf. Black as your fur. Ok next question."

" Favourite food?"

" I don't have any, I love to try food that I haven't had before. I like spicy food, seafood but not fish. I am not very fond of sweets, I like creamy sweets and ice cream. I also like meat. Yours? I guess you like meat but what else?"

" I like pasta. I could eat pasta for every meal, everyday. " Quentin laughed as she widened her eyes.

"Are you mad? For every meal? I wonder how you keep this body." Guen wrinkled her forehead.

" I'm a werewolf little mate, we eat a lot compare to humans. You ask this time."

" Ok. Why do you call me by my full name?"

" Because I like your name, it's beautiful. Everyone calls you Guen, that is cool too but I enjoy how 'Guendolin' rolls on my tongue."

" At the beginning I thought you called by my full name because you didn't like me." Guen lowered her eyes bitting her lower lip.

"I was crazy about you. It was hard back then because I didn't know how to approach to you without scaring you." Quentin hugged his mate planting little kisses on her face.