
19. My mom is gone

"Sinthia what have you done? You scared her , now she won't meet me in my wolf form?"

Quentin exhaled speaking to Sinthia who was looking at Elizeo's photos on her phone.

"Sinthia I am talking to you!" Quentin snaped his fingers in front of her face.

"Huh, what?"

"Why did you scare her by telling she was the alpha's mate? Now I can't meet her in my wolf form anymore."

"Then try to meet her as Quentin, the boy who has a crush on her."

"I don't know how to act around her, what to do, what to say!"

"Oh come on , you have been with almost all the girls in the school , now you don't know what to do? You're kidding me Quentin?"

"This is the problem, she isn't just some girl at our school, she is my mate, my freaking mate! I have never felt before what I feel about her and I can't control it. This mate bond sucks."

"Quentin calm down, take it easy. What are the methods you have used with other girls, flirt with her, compliment her , ask her to go out. I don't know , think of something. Forget about the mate thing, you are a boy who has a huge crush on this girl , do what you do best, win her heart.".

Sinthia gave him her entire attention.

"You are the best sister in the entire world." Quentin planted a kiss on her forhead.

" Oh by the way Guen is afraid of the darkness, she can't sleep without the light on. And your sister has the perfect plan for tonight while the grown ups are on their date."

Sinthia smiled devilishly.

" What kind of plan?"

"The lights will be turned off, you two will be alone in the dark, she will be afraid and you'll be the only one who can comfort her."

" You should write a book. A thousand ways to hook up mates.". Quentin was making fun at his sister.

"Oh I am not doing anything for free, you will help me with my mate too when the time comes.". Sinthia smiled at her brother.

"Ok, deal. But you'll be home tonight right? "

"No, I will turn off the lights and will meet with mom and dad. I will pretend to be sick so beta Dalton and his mate remain alone ."

"Where will you be going?"

" At our pack house probably."


Guendolin hugged herself laying down on the bed of that small room where no light entered. The nurse from earlier accompanied her to another room, it seemed like an office.

The doctor from earlier who read her the pages written by Quentin was there, but he was not alone.

It was the first time she saw the face of Elizeo after two months, her eyes lit up and a small smile covered her face. Elizeo didn't hesitate to hug her , he seemed so worried.

"Guen are you alright? Have they done something to you? " He asked staring at her sad eyes but she didn't talk.

" We have done something to her mister Hunter , for her own good. It seems like miss Morrigan feels better now right?"

The doctor asked Guendolin while he was sitting on the edge of the desk.

Guendolin didn't answer again, she just gave him a look and turned her eyes to Elizeo again.

" Ok, I'll leave you two alone for a moment.". The doctor smiled and went out of the room.

" Are you alright Guen?" Elizeo asked again with concern in his eyes.

"My mom, Zeo, my mom died! " Guen bursted into tears .

" Shshsh! It's ok bro, I got you." Elizeo hugged her , patting her head.

" A lot of things happened Zeo, I lost , I lost my mom. And Quentin, Sinthia you don't know , they were, oh my god, they were not human Zeo." She barely spoke sobbing.

" I know bro, I know. They came to me . I know everything. But listen to me, you have to act like all this wasn't real.". Elizeo whispered taking her hands.

" What? You know it's real, don't you believe it?

" It doesn't matter what I believe, they won't let you out unless you are convinced that it was part of your immagination. You have to play along, you have to make them believe that it was not real."

"I'm tired." Guen exhaled wipping her tears with the back of her hand.

" I know, but you are strong and brave. And you have to do this, for your mom. Soon you will turn 18 , you will be free of that monster that you have for father."

" I don't want to see his face anymore, I don't want to stay with him. If they let me out of here I would have to stay with him. No , no I don't want to get out of here."

Guen shook her head in denial.

" Guen, Sinthia came to meet me. We will find a way , but first you have to get out of here."

" You met Sinthia? Did Quentin come?"

As soon as Elizeo was about to answer the door cracked open and the doctor entered accompanied by her father. Guen hid behind Elizeo, then she heart the voice of someone very dear to her .

"Guen baby?"

"Grandma?" Guen run to her grandma looking for support.

"Oh my baby. How are you?". Her grandma hugged Guen and patted her shoulder.

"My mom, grandma, mom is gone."

Suzane was the mother of Isolde , she never knew the monster her son in law was. He had convinced her that Isolde was sick and he had to keep her locked inside the house. She hadn't seen her daughter for years.

Guen stared at Elizeo then closed her eyes and straightened her body. 'I am sorry mom.' She thought before speaking up.

"Grandma, you knew mom had problems, she was inventing things and I got involved into everything. Now I don't know what to believe anymore. Maybe all of that wasn't real. I don't remember quite well what happend during the month that we run away. I remember we were in some hotel, my mom was telling me some story about wolves. Then I don't know how she managed to turn everything into some fantasy and I got wrapped into. "

"It's alright baby, it's not your fault." Her grandma hugged Guen again , while the doctor had a huge smile plastered on his face, showing all his teeth.

"You've done a great job doctor." Her father patted the doctor's shoulder.

"Grandma please, take me with you." Guendolin asked her grandmother hoping she wouldn't have to go with her father.

"Guen daughter, you will come with me." Her irritating father's voice was heard and she couldn't stare into his eyes .

" Maybe it will be better if she stayed with her grandmother for some time. It is difficult for her to stay at the same house where her mother manipulated her. Give her time to get rid of the bad image of you that her mother has built in her head."

The doctor spoke to her father, and for the first time Guen was thankful he was there.