
In Dragon Ball as Goku

A normal person from Earth was a fan of animes. Especially Dragon ball. He watched Dragon Ball, Z, GT & Super multiple times and recorded his favourite battle scenes in his mobile and watch whenever he was bored. He wanted to always be strong like his favourite characters and one day..... One day, The creator of Moro, enemy of Dragon god Zalama and Zeno, after getting defeated by Goku, travelled back in time and replaced the soul of Goku from a weak world even so far from a different omniverse as to not take any chances to change his future and get his revenge. I DONOT OWN DRAGON BALL FRANCHISE OR ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT THE OC CHARACTERS I INSERT. This Goku will always be ahead of his game and OP because I like OP characters. Genuine reviews are welcome. English is not my first or second language. It’s my third. I also type in my phone very fast and don’t re-edit. So expect many grammar errors and spelling mistakes. There are some piece of sh**s readers who cannot do anything right in their life. And comments from such Mother F*****s will be deleted. It’s because of such as*****s, most of the novels go unfinished as authors get demotivated. English Teachers: If you can do a better job, then write your own novel instead of correcting me in every paragraphs. So just F****off. I’m writing this fanfic for fun & pass time and genuine readers. Advance Thanks for the supporters. Have fun reading.

Crook_Shank · アニメ·コミックス
75 Chs

It’s Over 9000!!!!!!!

It didn't take long for Goku to arrive with the saiyans. Goku had to limit his speed for the two Saiyans to keep up. Vegeta had a bad premonition witnessing Goku's speed was equal to his. Napa was a little far behind following them. When they arrived, they saw Mint and the kids sitting on top of a picnic blanket and eating something. Raditz was floating a little in the front as if he was waiting for the saiyans. Goku landed besides Raditz.

Vegeta gritted his teeth seeing mint and the kids relax like a pocnic watching a movie and shouted "I'm the prince of all saiyans. How can low class scum insult me like this? Nappa take them out." Nappa nodded and planted 4 saibamen one for each kid and one for Raditz while they faced Goku and mint who they thought to have a power level of 500 each. Soon 4 saibamen appeared and Goku whistled. Nappa and Vegeta grinned and Vegeta spoke to the saibamen "You four take out those kids and this Raddish boy" he then turned to Goku "Kakarot, I'll fight you. Nappa you take on that women. I'll show you what will happen when you make fun of this prince".

Goku couldn't hold his laughter anymore and laughed out loud. He always laughed seeing Vegeta yelling about prince of all saiyans and Saiyan pride in the anime. He laughed for a while and spoke. "Hahahaha..Vegeta, you are hilarious. Sorry to burst your bubble but Raditz here want to fight Nappa. As you got your saibamen out, I got one as well and he'll be here shortly. And will be fighting you Me along with my wife and kids will just be watching along enjoying the nice picnic". Vegeta laughed "Hahaha Kakarot you make quite a good comedian if I must say".

Raditz smiled. He had seen the saibamen that Goku had trained and used for farming. Each one of them had great power. Many of them had a power level of over 10,000. Especially the saibamen named Cabba had a pl of 30,000 which was way stronger than Vegeta. Raditz was laughing inside imagining the scene of Vegeta not being able to defeat a saibamen. Both Vegeta and Nappa had him beat by a saibamen many times before. So this made him happy to the core. He knew that today was the end of Vegeta's pride.

As if on queue, Cabba arrived and landed besides Goku. Goku seeing him introduced "His name is Cabba. He will be the one fighting you Vegeta". He then looked at Raditz and nodded and looked back at Cabba "Now Cabba, do as we have discussed before, kill the enemy saibamen first and then take on the short guy and break his prideful delusions." Cabba nodded and fired a blast from his finger that engulfed and killed all the other Saibamen and he smirked at Vegeta and powered up. Goku went back to his family and started to eat his favourite chicken popcorn.

Cabba and Raditz powered up a little. The scouter on Nappa and Vegeta beeped and stopped at 9500 each. Nappa opened his jaws wide and said "Vegeta, their power level"

Vegeta got angry seeing the power of the saibamen and also the increased power of Raditz.

He removed his scouter and crushed it shouting "IT'S OVER 9000".

(A/N: had to do it. Don't blame me.)

Goku sitting far behind clapped hard laughing at the line. He had worked hard to hear this. Before the saiyan's arrived, Goku told Raditz and Cabba his battle plan. "Raditz, Cabba, before the fight start, just increase your power to just about 9500 for them to read in the scouter." Raditz asked "But why Kakarot? I don't understand. Why 9500?" Goku replied "Trust me it'll be fun. Just do it for my sake". Both nodded. Goku then wore his scouter and both of them practiced to get their power level to the exact number. Goku trained them for this the whole day.

Vegeta was very angry that his supposed to be subordinates are mocking him with a saibamen but was not aware how the saibamen got so strong. Even how that weakling Raditz got so strong. He thought 'There must be some kind of secret in this planet. I need to find it'. Nappa on the other hand was scared. His power level was less and he couldn't fight opponents with a power level of 9500. At this time Vegeta released his energy shouting "Let's get this over with Nappa." And got ready to attack.

But at the same time, Raditz and the saibamen powered up ready for battle. The scouter on Nappa's ear burst. He clearly read the Saibamen's power stopping at 30,000 and the scouter burst reading Raditz power level at 80000. That meant that Raditz had an even greater pl than 80000. Nappa was scared shitless. He just wanted to run away now. Raditz was still raising his power level and Vegeta could feel the dread from it. It felt like it was way above frieza.

Vegeta had been in front of Frieza many times and he also vaguely knew Frieza's power and he was no match in front of him. He had felt like he was standing in front of a giant when he was in front of Frieza. But now seeing Raditz, he felt like Raditz is a mountain in comparison to Frieza. He shook his head and shouted "It's not possible. No way. I'm the prince of all saiyans. How can a low class scum surpass me?" At this time, the saibamen rushed forward to attack Vegeta and Raditz disappeared and appeared besides Nappa.