
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

wake up, and more then one surprise

------------3rd Pov-------------

Ray took a deep breath and let it go, his very breath caused the air around to Fresh-up, and with every breath, the soul and spiritual power around him become purer and purer, to the point that his breathing become a mist with multiple color glow.

while inspecting himself, and the place around him, he noticed the tree he was standing in, more specifically the empty place inside the trunk with a large opening in the four directions, but hidden well by the branches and leaves, with glow despairing, it will hardly be noticed.

with the thought of wanting to look around, he unconsciously starts to float, taking notice of his wings he flies around to get used to them, before taking off out of the tree and to a higher altitude just to enjoy the feeling of flying for the first time. when he turn around and look below he was greeted by the greatest view he had seen.

'wow, it's like I never use my eyes before, or more like I didn't have eyes, to begin with.' thinking so while taking the view in, Ray inspects everything visually 'although I know how beautiful is Plana, now that I can sense and see better, I know for a fact that this place is really a haven, just the purity of the energy here can make anyone do anything to cultivate just one season here, as the energy not just easy to accumulate, but also can help strengthen the body, its can even help evolve the martial spirit'

sighing at his new discovery "sometimes ignorance can be a blessing, and sometimes can be really the worst curse" he spread his sense covering the whole dimension and observing it carefully, the more he kept going the more he was happy and thankful for his master.

"as the scan describe before, this place is a haven for any crafter or cultivator. in here, be it metals, herbs, plant or even living being are for more than one use in many fields, let alone the natural benefit of it row"

before, he never know the true value of this space and what it held as he never bother to investigate, but after he learn under his master Elina, and reached breakthroughs in several fields, he knows very well that this place can even make take over Doulou Dalu world very easy if he ever he want to.

but the biggest change and surprise, this dimension becomes ever-evolving, meaning the stronger he becomes, the larger and more property this world will have.

as he was enjoying his observation, the giant tree start to absorb soul and haven and earth energy, but of a specific element 'life'.

noticing the anomaly he comes close and scan it

------- scanning-------

Green element tree: a tree that grew in the place of the first evolution of the Fairy king

- propriety:

Vitality leaf: each leaf gives additional 10 years if consumed ( can consume 10 as max)

life lake: lake of pure liquid life element (in formation faze)

life generation: absorb light and generate life element soul energy releasing it in the atmosphere

Fairy eggs: fruit-shaped eggs hold the first intellectual being of Plana and also the keepers of the Life forest.

linked to the king: give the fairy king a high regeneration, and access to its skills (Sumi-immortal body)


'wow, so my bloodline affects the world, no wonder that being didn't want to deal with me' thinking so, Ray got closer to the tree as he had an idea 'scan'


Ray Solaria

Rank: 36


Fairy kings Bloodline (10% unlocked): the eyes turn gold-green color along with the appearance of 3 pairs of dragonfly wings and little lengthen ears when activated.

a unique BloodLine from another universe got affected by this world's rules and evolved, every unlocked stage will follow by the formation of a special tree linked to the holder, and change part of his body to hold a spark of its power. the holder's body can't accept a soul's bone. every effect the bloodLine brings becomes a passive innate ability.

First tree: green tree(sapling): purification effect on the surrounding/ high life element earth and heaven energy generation (Body link (lungs): minor purification, minor life element generating

Martial spirit:

•Nature Lungs (mutation):

the chest part of the body glows in golden-red light behind the rib cage when activated

energy purification (innate): every energy that gets inhaled got purified in the proses of breathing, some are absorbed to strengthen the body and rise the cultivation level slowly, while the rest exhalation in the surrounding

healing breath (innate): can heal any deathly wound or below (can't regrow limbs).

element breathing(innate): breath one of the elements to attack or form a defense, can control the property of the breath (life, light, fire, crystal)

[Rings: 1st Fate Ring: 30000 YO/ crystal mist breath: breath out a crystal mist that can be controlled (shape, density), can add another element (from the element breathing) for some special effect /crystal bullet: spet a crystal formed bullet (can penetrate any defense higher than user by 1 and a half rank)

2nd Fate Ring: 42000 YO / Sonic Scream: a high frequency Scream emblem with a spiritual attack, transformed any creature hear it unprepared to crystal status/ Crystal Sealing: can withhold and seal anything in the same or below the host level of power (Can't be unsealed without the maker permission).

3rd Fate Ring: 58800YO/ crystal shield: crystal shield that can hold an attack higher than the user by 2 Ranks./ shock wave counterattack: reflect the power of the attack back.

4th Fate Ring: 82320 YO/ Crystal Conversion: convert crystals generate from the host into other forms of matter or energy depending on the spiritual strength


•Nature Fox (Evolved): grow pair of fox ears and 9 tails with some gold markings at the root and end of them

create and manipulate the Nature element: control all the elements depending on the holder's profession and element purity and attitude to it.

Fox Shifter (innate): the ability to shift into fox form (low attack and defense, high agility, and speed),

element form (innate): allows the transformation of the body to an element (fire and light, crystal, life), any normal physical or soul power-infused attack will just pass trow without effect, if in the same power level or below.

[Fate Rings: ]


Power Level (an all-out fight of strength against normal soul masters): 59


'Wow, that was... I don't know. Op? I expected some boost in my cultivation, but not to wake as an elder bond master...and what the hell with all these blowing mind skills, I just want to enjoy my life not conquer the world! before continuing his analysis he senses something coming close at high speed. looking bellow to see his partner and her child running in the air in his direction but he was surprised 'is that air step?! but looking carefully, the soul and spiritual power control in her technique is far better than the one I created, as expected of Sophia, she even got her child to learn it and his use is quite good in 2 years and maybe less'

Ray floats down slowly and waits for them as he got slammed by a rocket, but not the size he expected, he smiles petting the little deer "it's been a while, how is life going"

but to his surprise he answers "Very good, we don't need to run, we can eat all we want and more importantly, I can run anywhere without bothering anyone since I learn this skill. it's awesome here!" a surprised look saying 'what going on.' appear on his face as he looks at Sophia after he sensed she almost reaches the 90000 Y, so he asks "good to see you again Sophy, But it's been 2 years since I was out, right? how did you and this little one advance so fast?"

Sophia sighed and came closer to him "it's good to see you again, I was kind of worried after some time, but all good now. and I don't know either, probably has something to do with what happened to you, as for Sai he just keep running around eating the planet he likes, and probably you know more about thous then me"

ray nodded and look back at the deer "so you name him Sai, good Name, but I was surprised to see you use air steps and kind of advanced, no less from you" Sophia look Away and said "well, its safe here and kind get boring without anything to do, so I use your memory to learning it"

as they talk the little deer jump up as if remembers something he looks at ray "Right, big bro you know tag?" Ray melt at the Naming he pick and answer with a stupid smile on his face "you mean the game, of course, I know" the deer come closer to Ray before touching him with his tail "your turn" and vanish, making Ray smile crumpled and he looks at Sophia "you teach him that game, and also Quick Step" Sophia laugh at his reaction before giving him a toothy grin and said, "as I said, it's starting to get boring, and he was waiting to play with his 'Big Brother'." then she started to land before saying "why don't you put those wings to use, you don't want your little brother to wait right?" laughing at the end.

Ray looked surprised and then look down and said "she definitely did it on purpose knowing I hate tag games, but since when she becomes this mischief?" he shook his head and took off in Sai's direction.