
See you in 10 years

In a forest a beautiful elf is seen sitting in a chair hearing a report

"you highness currently we have lost 15 percent of our troops. Magic doesn't seem to work on dragons and the swords don't pierce their armor. We request backup"

The Elf queen looks down and sighs 'I miss my son. its been over a week since I seen him sigh. ' If I attack right now I could destroy the dragon but there are also tribes at that location. I could contact the Kingdom of Lugnica to the east for assistance but thats still forbidden due to one of those seven descend was from there. oh I know I will listen to my sons advice "Ok I decided I will use the Bahamut as a chance to unite all Elves together and fight off this dragon... I'm not actually worried about her but I'm worried if she meets ups with him... then I'm afraid we would be in trouble so I will be back try to hold off while I'm gone"

"yes your highness"

***human realm***

"Alice how are things looking" a blacked haired beauty looked calmly ats the loli next to her decapitating the head of her enemies

"they are looking well You majesty. how do you always know where the enemies are located and how did you predict their moves. "

Elizabeth proudly smiles "its thanks to my son. I feel hes watching me. since I gave birth to him I feel stronger than ever smarter and I feel mastering techniques a breeze. Its the power of love.

"you often say that you majesty but is he that amazing?"

"Somethings you have to see for yourself try not to fall for him when you see him. .."she then felt pissed off"im sure he will have lots of girlfriends in the future" Elizabeth says as she keeps stabbing a dead soldier..."Oh I forgot I have to think of a fiance for him Im thinking either Karana or King Hiryuu daughter but also I hear there is a dungeon to the north right outside of the Hage village there is a rumor of a magic of the Demon king there also they have a dungeon of one of the seven. I hope Troy one day conquers it. "


"oh well its something no a memory I had a dream when I was pregnant. haha maybe troy told me but they are *****"

****Troy room***

Troy looks at Nina body which she is exposing herself and has to say she will be a looker in a few years...well duh watched the anime

Troy walked up to Nina and covered her body with the sheets"A young lady shouldn't expose themselves in front of anyone other than their lover" Troy turned and walked out of his room

Nina was blushing like crazy "Wh-WHY DIDN't YOU SAY I WAS NAKED" she looks at tracy with anger

Tracy looks at her and sneers "How am I suppose to know dragons I thought thats how dragons were

{Troy POV}

whew that was close she didnt think I was checking her out. I went and asked a maid for girls cloths she looked at me and blush mumbling young master is at that age and please think of me every time you enjoy it...I have no idea why shes thinking ..never mind

I went and gave the cloths to Nina and not much went on. I wasn't able to leave the castle so we went around the palace and talked with everyone. It wasn't very eventful but it was still nice.

We talked about hopes and dreams.

"Troy" she fiddles with her thumbs"do you have anyone you like?"

"huh yeah I love my mom the best in the world"

"oh I mean like want to marry?"

"Marry?" I played dumb"whats that?"

"when you spend the rest of your life with someone"

"hmm then lots of people mom, tracy you haha I never want to leave you but I have to return you home.."


That night the trio snuck out of the palace. Why did we sneak out simple if mother found out Tracy let us go she would be killed

Troy walked until they reached a point where Nina stopped him. she looked sad and said

"This is sacred land of our kind and they may harm you if you enter. I have to explain the situation to my kin but " She ran over and gave Troy a hug. Thank you.. Troy smiled and then right when she was about to leave troy gave her a never melting Ice flower.

"this is a flower I made with my ice magic it wont ever melt as long as I am alive so keep it with you always and think of me." Troy smiled

Nina turned around to not show her tears and said before leaving "wait for me in 10 years then I will return. become a great king by then.

Troy stood there for a while watching her leave and shook his head and looked at Tracy who was smiling'yes she finally gone'

"ok lets go home."

On the way home Troy and Tracy were walking the streets and saw this girl being builed Troy rushed in and shot water at them and they felts scared and walked away. He had tracy heal her and she was staring at him but troy wasn't paying attention he helped her up and took her to her house. her mother was happy and thanked me I smiled and walked away she asked me who I was but I was still thinking of nina if I had notice who the girl was I would have fan girl but tracy told them who I was and they almost fainted. I told the girl I'll play with her in the future...

I went home and some how ended up in my room and then there was a couple of maids and guards wispering something in the side when they looked at me... I was confused but wasn't in the mood to pry.

I went to my room started to take off my cloths and saw three girls. two on the bed and one one sleeping on my chair...I walked out my room and checked if this was my room and walked in yup this is my room

I was about to ask what they were in there then I see a letter

Dear Troy ,

I hear your mother is out fighting the bahamut and you seemed to be gone for a moment but I know you probably be back soon. the two big boob women are Zenith Greyrat and lila Greyrat they were Elizabeth body guards when she came here. they settled down in a human village but they were attacked by bandits. they were able to escape seeking shelter in the elf kingdom. I at first was going to take them down because they are hot but learned they were both a month pregnant and I dont want used girls. So I took them here and said just take care of my son and everything will be taken care of. they never had children so it may be a pain too. Oh yeah I'm not the father in case your wondering. Their husband was killed protecting them while they were escaping.( the girls told me later He was some sort of noble too but also They didn't seem to broken up about him dying apparently he raped them both and they married him to keep from shame. )As for the little small girl she is a famous magician really powerful magic. one of the few non elves with lots of mana. She will be your new magic teacher her name is Roxy Migurdia. her specialty is water magic so its perfect for you. If your lucky you and her can get together.. you are my son haha

Love your amazing kind father

PS. make sure if you get multiple women you use a different name especially for one night stands the nickname I use is Valen and I hide my ears pretending Im human

I burn the letter and the only thing that comes to my mine

I look at the girls who are starting to wake up and they look at me. They look really sexy and I would love to do some sexy stuff to them but I am still a kid so then I scream