
In Danmachi with A Jujutsu Kaisen System

Image is not mine and I also don't know who is belongs to. If said person feels that they don't like me using it feel free to contact me via twitter: @_zektgojo harem is 3-4 women Update schedule: Undecided at the moment.

Zekt · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Training finished…Buying Essential skills

"That's that. A whole year, and I have to say, being completely free of distractions is wonderful! Imagine if I had gone to a city or met people; I would have so many people wasting my damn time."

I opened up my skills list and observed the last focus of my training.

[Domain Amplification: (8/10), Shrine (2/10), Hollow Whisker Basket (8/10), HTH (10/10), Domain Expansion 0/10]

A little trick I found about Domain Amplification was that even though it said "locked," it wasn't actually locked. If it were, Hollow Whisker Basket should have been locked as well. The only reason D.A was labeled locked was due to me not having the simple domain skill yet, which I discovered by accident two and a half months ago!

Now, the question: why wasn't H.W.B under the same restriction? It's because H.W.B is linked to D.A, which I had obtained, but unlike the latter, the former didn't have its prerequisite skill, while the latter did. Put simply, H.W.B linked to D.A, and both skills were present, so H.W.B wasn't locked. D.A linked to Simple Domain didn't have both skills, so the skill was locked.

Regardless, I got the skills, and I've achieved higher levels than I thought I'd get done in a year. Actually, I'm only guessing it's been a year; the four seasons have passed, and spring is starting again, so I don't think it's wrong for me to assume. Not that time really matters in a world with gods, magic, and my own JJK system.

"Haa~" I sighed in relief as I dipped my body in a nearby river. I didn't fear anything would attack me as I made it very clear in this ecosystem that I was on top. My body had long shed any form of normal mortality and was shaped like it was formed by the gods, which technically it was. Haha, funny to think I can say that and it not be an exaggeration!

Black markings lined my chest, back, and even made their way all up to my face, which I believe is a sign that I was near completion in the [Sukuna] path. The only evidence I had was that, well…I was really almost done! I guess I should start considering what path I'll tread down next; I have a total of 20 SP, which you'd think I'd get more, but it really is harder than it seems.

'I think Megumi and the Ten Shadows might be good, or even Toji! My body could become even stronger, and with it, my soul will naturally form itself. If it doesn't, I could just choose a path that would promote the growth of the soul. I also have the option of making my own discoveries!'

Forging my own path seems nice; however, it's not like I have to completely follow the skill tree either. I can make alternate skills using the existing skills. There are so many options! Should I consider Satoru's path as well? Let me actually look at these paths rather than just thinking about possibilities.

[Satoru —> 1st skill. Six Eyes]

Six eyes is the first skill…damn.

[Toji —> 1st skill. Weapon Mastery]

No damn way. Couldn't I just spend one point each and have both these abilities? Wait! That's exactly what I could do. Six eyes plus Weapon Mastery would be great foundation builders! Six eyes, more so for correcting techniques or discovering new techniques. Weapon Mastery, much like it sounds, would help with learning weapons, but it will also build the necessary muscles for those weapons. Thus, bringing my body to even greater heights!

[Satoru —> 9th skill. Limitless]

"…" Fair enough. It's not like I necessarily need Limitless; I could do things similarly, but it'd be nowhere near its versatility. Sad…hold on. How is Curse Technique: Red and Blue before Limitless? Both techniques are applications of limitless. This doesn't make sense; is it because it has to do with positive and negative energy? Even still, the techniques themselves require limitless; I don't understand.

'Whatever. I'll worry about it later; I'm just going to spend two points for Six Eyes and Weapon Mastery!'

[SP: 68->66]

(AN: To anyone wondering, he gets skill points from obtaining skills naturally. Then Skill Points through training his skills to higher proficiency. Also, I doubt he will obtain this many SP in one ever in the story ;-;. Mf was really grinding)

[Beginning Assimilation...]

I got out of the water, dried myself off with Fire, and put my pants on. Then, I waited for the whole process to begin. That's when a small headache assaulted my mind with the knowledge of most weapons; it didn't contain some of the unique ones, but I'm sure I can fill in the gaps!

A few seconds passed, and the process was done. This left me completely stunned as it couldn't have been this easy for both skills.

[Beginning Rebirth...]

'W-What? Rebirth?!'


My eyes burst apart. That's all I could manage to figure out before my consciousness faded from the sheer suddenness. I really hope this passing out thing stops, hah~

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