
In Danmachi with a Creation System

I don't own the cover A guy reincarnates inside of Danmachi with only a basic understanding of the world and an overpowered system to aid in his adventure.

ShaggyOP · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 3

White slowly awoke to daylight streaming through the leaves at the tops of the trees around him. He had fallen asleep on the hill last night after he had used his [Save Point]. Thinking of last night brought back the memory of the horrendous pain he had suffered, but he had to move forward. Even as bile rose in his throat and he wanted to vomit White rose to his feet.

He looked around and was easily able to locate the path from the night before. The sun was up, but it was still pretty early so he decided to sit and give the group a few hours to move along the trail ahead of him. Thinking back to the fight White wanted to kick himself for not even attempting to use his poison, but to be fair he didn't think it would have made a difference. Maybe if his toxins could melt steel, but for now they weren't too strong against strong foes.

White wondered why people that strong were just randomly in the forest. From what he could tell they were defiantly above level 1. Sure, people are allowed to travel but this world is still in the medieval era, even if there is magic travel still takes weeks to get where you want to go. Unless you really need to or are a merchant people probably don't travel much. So why was a group of adventurers in the forest?

He could only sigh because he didn't have the answer to his question, he could only wait and hope that the group moved on soon. As he waited White decided to think of some skills that would be useful for him in combat. He had three ideas of skills he could create, though only two were combat-related. The first was some sort of 6th sense skill that would make up for his lack of training and battle sense. The second was either Lightning Bending from Avatar the last Airbender or the Goro Goro no mi (Rumble Rumble fruit). It would be able to quickly eliminate opponents after they were stunned by his poison.

There were a few problems here though. He had already eaten a devil fruit before so he wouldn't be able to eat a second unless he had Blackbeard's Yami Yami no mi (Dark Dark fruit). His third skill idea worked to eliminate this problem and any other problems he may face in the future. The idea was for White to make an ability that basically gave him admin privileges over his skills. With this, he would be able to edit, combine, or even evolve previously created abilities or even his body as well.

He knew that this skill would probably cost a lot of BloodPoints so he planned to keep the 50% discount card available to make this skill specifically. It was probably a long way off though. White looked up and saw that the sun was already decently high in the sky so he decided to set off. He made it to the road no problem and saw the remains of the group's camp. The ashes were cold so he figured they had left hours ago. Even though he had lost precious time waiting he was fine with it as long as he didn't almost die again.

White was tempted to reset his save point once more when he got on the road but ultimately decided to leave it after some consideration. He wasn't sure when danger would strike so he thought that it would be a good rule of thumb to leave his savepoint at least a day behind him it was at all possible. This way if something unexpected happened then he wouldn't be stuck in an endless loop of pain and torment.

White would prefer not to almost die anymore if at all possible, but something told him that probably wouldn't be the case. He kept his chin up and picked a direction at random and started marching down the road. He hoped that he was going in the correct direction, but he had no way to make sure that he was. All he knew was that Orario was roughly on a plain of some sort with some hills and mountains around it. He was in a forest though so he had nothing to go off of.

He could roughly remember that there should be a forest to the east of the general area where Orario was located, but his memories were pretty hazy and he was never big on geography. He was pretty much left in the dark and just hoped that he ended up in Orario so he could join a familiar and farm BP in the dungeon. The sooner he could become more powerful the better.

As he walked along the road with only the untamed wilderness on either side White started to get the feeling that he wasn't alone. At first, he was worried about bandits or the group from last night, but as he looked around he realized that it was more likely to be a bear or some magical equivalent. Just as he thought this a bear strode out of the undergrowth with two cubs following close behind it. "Fuck my life," was the only thing he could say before the bear roared and charged at him.

"What world am I in? I'm starting to think DarkSouls," White yelled as he rolled out of the way of a swipe from the bear's claws. The bear was truly a massive creature, standing on two legs it reach a height of three meters. The bear also had tightly packed muscles and tough, durable skin. All he could do was use his powers to coat himself in poison while hitting the bear with a poison tentacle every once and a while while he ran.

White could hear the bear gaining on him as he ran so he decided it was time for him to turn and try to scare the bear off somehow. He could also try to kill it, but that outcome was much more uncertain than scaring the bear off.