
Chapter 23

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Oh hell not again. Kurt saw Mike’s eyes roll back and his leg began to jerk. Kurt quickly stepped out of the room and yelled down the hallway at the nurse coming out of another room. “He’s having another seizure!”

The nurse came toward him. “Is he still in the bed?”


“Good.” The nurse followed Kurt into Mike’s room.

It wasn’t any less scary watching this happened in a hospital. Kurt wanted the nurse to do something, to make it stop.

All she did was place a hand on Mike’s chest and wait.

“Aren’t you going to do something?” Kurt demanded.

“If it continues for more than another minute or two, I have orders to give him Lorazepam. Otherwise, it’s just watch and wait.”

Mike’s body twitched and flailed for another thirty seconds or so, then he sagged limply onto the bed and was relatively still.