
A Crossover

Looking at the time, a small smile formed on his face.

Finally arriving at his destination. You'll see kids, teenagers, adults and all other types of people and ages walking to and fro smiling happily while talking pictures donning their favorite character costumes. There are also stalls set up selling food, merchandises, souvenirs, and other comic-con related stuff. He waved and gave thumbs up to people that he sees interesting.

He was just about to enter the convention court when suddenly he saw a tall blonde guy which has a hairstyle that looks like a rabbit. Looking the man for a second he smiled then approached him.

"Excuse me, Mr. All Might, can I have some of your time and have a picture with me?"

The man turned around then said, "Sure why not?" while smiling like a little sunshine.

Jahseh unlocked his phone then set his front cam. They both did the All Might thumb up pose and smile.

"Thank you, Sir!" Jahseh said then politely bowed.

"No problem kid. Why you think? Because I am here! By the way, what's your name?"

He got jokes hehe. "My name is Jahseh Williams. What about you?"

"What a good name Jahseh-shounen! You really look like a Jahseh but you sure ain't a Williamson. HAHAHA"

"Oh, my name is John. John Smith. You have a cool right eye. Mangekyo huh. Is that contact?"

Jahseh face sunk like he remembered something.

"Oh, this? It's a custom-made prosthetic glass eye designed taken from Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan. I got diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer 4 years ago. It was removed to avoid cancer cells spreading. Next is my left eye now which..."

"Oh God! I'm sorry dude. I shouldn't have asked that." John scratched his head apologizing.

"No worries. It's just a small thing. I accepted my fate in this mundane world since I was diagnosed." Jahseh said.

"Man, that's too deep. I'm really sorry."

"It's really alright. Not a big deal."

"Okay man. So you like All Might huh? Have you watched the latest episode?"

"Yes! Best episode! I like how they animated the United States of Smash! It's iconic!" Jahseh said with a 360-degree turn of emotion, his inner fanboy starting to emerge.

"Can't agree with you more! Man! Kohei is threading the path to legend. Of all the superhero shows I watched BNHA is one of the best! Damn, I'm geeking out!"

"Me too. Me too. Haha. There are moments where you feel so connected to characters. It makes you relate to real life scenarios and circumstances." Jahseh said while smiling.

"Yes! The words of wisdom and life lessons are inspiring to watch! Especially from characters like yours truly, All Might!"

"True. They have something to believe worth fighting for. For example, All Might fight for peace and to put a smile on faces to those who believe in him. Damn! I have so many thoughts going through my brain!" Jahseh said, his eyes sparkling.

"Yeah man, it's pretty obvious. It's like I found my kindred spirit. Hahaha. What about you? Is there something you believe in?" John asked.

Jahseh laugh before saying, "Yup! I can't believe I'll find someone in this foreign yet familiar country. And yes I do believe in something. Strongly. Isn't when there's a will there's a way kind of beautiful? And..."


Jahseh suddenly heard loud screeching noises, he turns around squinted his eyes not that it really helps to look where the noise came from. At the sidewalk, there's a teenage girl screaming. In the road there's car-san! The son of truck-sama! The car is drifting like it lost its breaks and in the middle of the road, there's a kid?? Wearing Izuku small might costume.

My heart beat became faster. This is my calling, I thought. The chance to leave a mark in this mundane world.

"Wait for me, John. I'll be right back!"

Without waiting for his answer, I hurriedly ran to Small Might.

Jahseh felt like he was in slow motion. His legs started moving faster. He felt like an Olympic runner, his arms and legs are in sync like a programmed robot. Ah, the wonders of adrenaline.

"I think I won't make it in time. Damn it!" Jahseh thought. He could see the car coming closer and closer. Suddenly like an anime character breaking through his limiter, he became faster then jumped toward Small Might. Time feels like it's in a standstill. When Jahseh finally arrived, he found out that it's not a kid! It's a dog!

"Curse these eyes!" Were Jahseh thoughts before the car bumper hit him. He rolled many times before smashing in the windshield which send him flying several meters. He bounced several times before landing.

"At least I had pushed the dog in time before being hit."


Jahseh coughed out blood. Looks like his eyes were forced to blindness due to the stress of impact. He can feel his broken bones and mangled flesh. A couple of seconds passed he could hear many footsteps and a girl crying.

"Little Green! Sob... Sob... Why did you do that brother? Sob..."

I forced myself to talk which is a miracle because I did, "Because it felt the right thing to do." Jahseh said while trying to act cool and stop the blood seeping from his mouth.

"Well, I can't say my obsession to do something that will leave a mark in this world." Jahseh thought.

"Right thing to do? Hic..." The girl muttered while sobbing.

"Jahseh! Jahseh! Man! Are you with me? Just hold on the ambulance is coming!" John said.

I got startled because there's John Smith here. It's a pity we could have been best friends. I sigh mentally.

"Ha. What outlasting legacy? So much for leaving a mark in this world. Look where it got me. Well, it's still the same. I'll eventually die in months. What an anti-climatic death." Jahseh mocked himself before finally succumbing to eternal sleep.


It's been months after waking up and floating in this vast space. I was never the one to believe in God. If God exists why are there so many sufferings in this world? But I do believe in reincarnation. Why? Because of the law of conservation of mass. Matter cannot be created or destroyed.

While I was talking to myself like the sound effect of glass breaking, everything became fragments then the vast space was replaced by a white room with only a desk in the middle. In the desk, there's a white-haired middle-aged man with a lean body. His eyes are eye-catching which is gold with spirals like the Eye of Samsara.

"Is this what I think it is? After dying, I'm surprisingly calm even after all these crap happening."


"Interesting. It's been only months but you immediately began to recover your consciousness and become aware of your surroundings. Not bad." The middle-aged man said.

"Are you God?" Jahseh asked.

"Yes, I am. Do you still doubt the existence of God?"

Jahseh gulped. He is speechless. He was too mentally tired to debate.

"Hmmm. Let's see your file." God waves his hand then a file appeared.

"Jahseh Williamson, Human, Male, 21 years old, Cause of death: Car accident."

The middle-aged man recited his information and his exploits before dying.

"The people who witnessed your "bravery" by saving a "dog" went on to perform charity to honor your memory, especially John Smith. Not quite expected eh kid? You see, even the tiniest thing can make a ripple. You successfully left a mark on that world."

Jahseh can't believe what he's hearing. His thoughts running wild mindblown by the revelation.

"Do I get a reward??" Jahseh was the first thing he blurted out.

"Hoho. Impatient huh. Yes, you have but first, let me finish. The teenage girl who owns the dog was inspired by your parting words, 'It felt the right thing to do'. She'll become the future president of the nation and successfully achieving world peace in her tenure."

Jahseh gasped at the information he's hearing. If only he has eyes, he would be crying right now.

"And now for your reward, you'll get to choose which fantasy world you'll live but I'll be the one to decide the other variables."

"What?! Fantasy world? Like Anime or Marvel Worlds?? They exist??"

"Yes due to the strong faith and imagination of people, faith power creates those said worlds."

Jahseh is so excited that he can't wait. He chose the world where he will live his next life. The world where he will leave his mark next!

"I choose Boku No Hero Academia World!"

"Hmm. Wise choice. You really do want to become a hero huh? Alright then, BNHA it is."

He began to close his eyes then a wheel appeared under his feet that looks like his eyes then the room began to get ripped like a whirlpool, my soul was sucked and the last thing I heard was.

"You will be Eren Yeager in BNHA. Why you think? I because I just felt like it."

"Damn a crossover." I thought. I ain't even mad.

"Let's see where this another experiment takes me. I'll give you a small gift that will help you a little." Said the middle-aged man while laughing before sitting on his desk and fading to nothingness.

Sorry for the awkward drama. I can't put my thoughts into words when it's in the tip of my tongue. Join me to the journey of improvement readers!

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