
In between: love or hate

Arson!. His whole family were wiped out in flames before his very own eyes. He was meant to have met the same fate, but he survived. Accidentally he discovers who the mastermind behind the brutal killing of his family was. He would surely get his revenge. He walked his way to the top with the aim to bring them down. Got entangled with the vipers confraternity and now he's the most feared. Abandoned everything he knew, things that were part of him. Principles, morals, CONSCIENCE. He swore to make everyone responsible for his sufferings pay. And just like that, she walked in. The daughter of his worst enemy walked into his den. But he couldn't harm her. Foreign feelings which were buried deep inside him appeared unannounced. He won't let that happen, she was the ENEMY'S DAUGHTER!!! .... She was only a tool in his mission and thirst for revenge, a tool he hated to the core. But what happens when his heart begins to choose for him. Stuck in between revenge and his heart what will he choose. Love or hate?.

Jul_ie1 · 都市
93 Chs

Secretary 2

Diana kept admiring the house while waiting for complete four hours.

"Is he done already?" she asked Clark, who chuckled nervously. Skylar wasn't really doing anything important in particular, but he kept telling him to tell Diana that he was busy.

It's six in the evening already and Skylar still hasn't come to meet her. Diana was getting agitated already. Standing up, she decided to go meet him herself since he wasn't ready to meet her. She searched all the rooms on the first floor. And was about to go to the second floor when Skylar came down.

"And where do you think you're going?" Skylar said as he stood straight with both hands in his pockets. He looked at Diana imminently, causing Diana to shrink. This was unlike her, shrinking in the presence of a man who was meant to be dancing to her tunes just by the snap of her fingers.

Diana shrugged the feeling of fear and with her head up high she asked, "is this how you treat guests?, Making them wait for seemingly long hours while you do whatever it is you do behind those doors."

"If I were you I'd mind the tone I use to avoid any misunderstanding. Remember you are on my very own property and I can make you disappear without a trace," Skylar said menacingly. Seeing her get bold pricked him, and he wanted to instill fear in her to see his enemy's daughter cower in fear.

Diana didn't need a soothsayer to know that Skylar would carry out his threats so she just stepped back.

She followed Skylar into the living room, and they just stared at each other. "Why did you want to meet?"Skylar said breaking the silence.

 "Well, to apologize for the inconvenience I caused you the other night" now that Diana was asked, she had no other thing to resort to than the embarrassing night that somehow connected them.

"You could have said that over the phone," Skylar deadpanned.

"Ermm..." Diana did not know what to say as he caught her off guard with his response.

"Dinner is ready," Linda said, causing Diana to sigh a sigh of relief. Linda just saved her from thinking of how to make Skylar believe that she had no ulterior motives in meeting him: except she does, but it's not harming him in any way.

They settled on the dining seats and began eating. Skylar ate lesser than usual and observed Diana.

"Why are you not eating, you don't like the food?" Linda said as she saw Skylar picking his food. Diana raised her head from the delicious meal she was eating and saw Skylar staring at her like he wanted to burrow a hole in her face. Diana forgot her courteousness and ladylike character when she tasted Linda's cooking, hence the red sauce all over her face.

"What?" Diana asked Skylar as she looked at him enigmatically oblivious to the fact that she looked like a clown with the sauce smeared all over her cheeks.

"If it's possible, could you please eat with your mouth and not your face," Skylar said as he stood up. "I'm sorry Linda, but I've suddenly lost my appetite," Skylar said before walking to the study.

Diana was sure she didn't eat messily, and she was still about for what Skylar did earlier. He trampled on her pride. Diana cleaned her lips and went after him. Before Skylar could reach the study, Diana blocked his path with her hands spread wide.

"Why did you accept to meet me if you were just going to treat me like this?" Diana asked with her face full of determination, she must get her answer this time around.

"Why do you think?" Skylar said as he tilted his head. It made her question if she just asked a rhetorical question because the answer is plain, Skylar just wants to play with her.

"I thought you felt something for me too, isn't that why you agreed to see me?" Diana refused to accept that someone just used her to pass time, someone toyed with her feelings.

Swatched tched before shoving her away and entering the study.

* Three hours later *

Diana has been waiting for Clark t too come take her home, but he has been cooped up in the study with Skylar, busy with something she does not care to know. She was so embarrassed and was literally shaking from anger, they were disregarding the fact that she was still here and were treating her like she was invisible, like she didn't matter.

10 pm already and anytime later than that will get her mum worried. She stood up to go to the study to remind them that she needs to go home and worse, she doesn't know the way home. When she got to the door and was about to open it, she paused her hand doorknob knob. She heard them conversing about something. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help it.

"You really need a secretary, Mr. Fisher, the workload is too much, and I don't think we'll be able to do it just the two of us. Your appearance at the company will definitely increase my workload as shareholders and other businessmen will request for a meeting, and you've refused to show your face.

If not anything for my sake and the many years I've been by your side, pardon me and get a secretary" Clark kept rumbling while sorting some paper works. They were piled up in heaps of four rows. He's sure he will finish this by tomorrow afternoon. No sleep for him.

"Don't be a sissy Clark, and besides I know you, I don't want anyone else to handle my affairs, and you know that. Getting a secretary will be risky" Skylar said without looking up to see the tired expression on Skylar's face. Clark was grateful to Skylar for the high regard he has for him, but he couldn't help but say,

"You can pick someone from the confra..."

"I'll do it," Diana said interrupting Clark.

"Do what?" It was Clark who answered. He forgot that Diana was in the living room all along, and he felt bad.

"I'll be your secretary."

 Skylar looked up at these words.