
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 2 (rewritten)

Dromeda city, the city where I reside at the moment. Overall it is a good place to live as, my parents were A rank hero, they had plenty of money and the ancestral property of my family is also large.

I may not have money comparable to big houses,guild or clan but i have more than enough money for living generations in luxury but since I am going to becoming "hero".

This amount of money becomes very moderate while the amount of money I have can provide enough money for resources required to rank up upto S-rank but I will need more money since I will be attending lock and i also need to buy hand to hand combat techniques for close quatar.

So,the easiest way to make money is to invest in various companies . While right now I may be unable to buy huge amount of share as it requires a person to be atleast 12 years as I am an orphan.

While normally, a person won't be allowed to invest in any company. Orphans are allowed to use their money for various transaction which creates a loophole.

Any orphan above the age of 12 can use money in transaction related to trade.

I am going to buy shares directly from the people who owns it.

This will definitely make it more expensive but, as they say beggers can't be choosers.

I have already decided the amount which is to be used for investment . I am going to wait for two more years for the mana veins to be completely developed till then, I will be gathering various knowledge as, during lock i want to be completely focused in ranking up.


As planned 6 years have passed and now I am brought shares of guild and company.

I have already done all that is needed regrading the shares .I will have a huge source of money.

On the other hand my tranning has officially started 4 years ago. It's not that, i was not doing physical exercise before, it's just that i was not using mana at a huge amount so rising my rank was nearly impossible but, now I am going to start focusing on ranking up as limitless requires huge amount of mana and the burden of offensive moves is too high for someone as low ranked as me.

I am in a training session in a building specially built for the purpose of traning. I have booked a private room where various tranning equipment are available. I have also bought various potions for the purpose of traning . After that few years have passed.

----------------------------SCENE BREAK------------------------

A young man of a 6ft height with calm face, which can be considered very handsome can be see tranning with various projectiles shoting toward him at high speed which, evena person with D rank wouldn't dare to underestimate.

The projectiles which were moving toward the young man after nearing about 15cm from the young man seems to be slowing down after some time it appears as if the projectiles have completely slowed down.

Some sweats could be seen other than that it appears as if he hasn't just brought a very powerful concept in reality.

Projectiles suddenly drop toward the ground.The young teenager is non other than our mc Gojo Satoru.

His appearance would make anyone think of him as someone with great genes. There was something unusual about his appearance as, there is a blindfold covering his eyes.

Gojo POV

After finishing my traning for the day, i exied the training room. After coming out of the training room. I came face to face with the guard of the training gym, Ronald.

Ronald is a middle aged man with a height of 185cm. He is in the muscular side with his huge body but his friendly smile will make anyone relax.

He has a blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hope you had a productive tranning session"

Ronald said to me.

I have been coming in this place for last 3 years so we have been communicating with each other on the regular basics.

"I had a good training session. But I don't think I will be coming here since, I am going to join a academy in a week."

I got ready to walk toward my home as he informed him.

Ronald asked me.

"so,which academy are you joining?"


I am certainly not good at conversing with people, normally atleast but, after so much of time spent talking with Ronald, i have been improving atleast that's what i believe.

Well, My lack of social skill might be cause of me lacking attachment toward other people.

After some chit chat with Ronald, I started walking toward my house.

While i was walking toward my house, i was thinking about the exam for lock which I took few days ago.

I have been working to hide my rank for few years with my six eyes it was easy and hiding my potential was another matter as i was required to develop a method which can fool the potential measuring device.

It was pretty easy to fool the rank measuring device.dwarves

The device which, was developed by dwarves, using the amount of mana being absorbed as a way to know the potential of an individual.

I should check my Status



Name : Gojo Satoru

Rank :E+

Strength : E+

Agility : D-

Stamina : E+

Intelligence : B+

Mana capacity : D-

Luck : C

Charm : A

---> Profession

[mage lvl.5]


[🌟🌟🌟 Basic mage] Essence Realm of mastery

[🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Limitless] Greater realm of master

[🌟🌟🌟 Hand to hand combat] Minor realm of mastery


[(???) Six eyes]

[(D) Blue]

This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.(limited due to lower rank.)

[(D) Red]

This technique which is variation of Limitless brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel.(limited due to lower rank)

[(D) Infinity]

Infinity is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop. The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times. This only works when the mana used in a attack is within certain quantity.

[(E) healing]

Uses mana as a medium to heal a body part.

Only small wounds can be healed with its passive ability.Requires huge amount of concentration to heal abit bigger damage but still cannot heal fatal wounds.


I am ranked F in the Id provided by union with A rank as the potential. I am going to be hiding my prowess atleast partially at the start.

The reason due to which I am hiding my strength is because of Ren. He will become wary of me if he knows that i was not a character made by him.

A/N: Our Mc doesn't know that ren was being manipulated.

While my appearance will bring me attention and my blindfold will increase the amount of attention but it is important to make sure that my eyes are not shown to the world until I get confirmation that demons don't know about it.

This is the main reason for me laying low for sometime.

It is unknown whether my eyes are known in the world i have been searching any information regarding six eyes but couldn't get any regrading it but demons might have the information.

----------------------------SCENE BREAK------------------------

Staring at the door to the classroom, I sighed


The letter "A" stood for the floor level which went from A to E, and the number "25" referred to the classroom number

There was a reason for my sigh.

I knew this class

Of course, I knew this classroom. This was the classroom where the protagonist and the other main characters stayed for half of the novel. Atleast that's what I know. Many schemes and plots from jealous rivals and competitors happened in this class.

I was just 30 minutes earlier so, when I open the door many students had already arrived.Instantly all the gazes are attracted toward me . I completely disregarded all the curious gaze about my blindfold and found a seat far away from all the main characters as ren was already sitting far away from all the other main cast so it was difficult to remain far from everyone so, the position where i was sitted was moderate distance from all the main cast.

Students where still throwing curious glances toward me but, it was lot less as nearly all the powerful people could sense my aura was pretty tame.They most probably thought that i was a blind as the senses of a person is very high so they must have concluded me as a blind or as me using skill.

The only exception was ofcourse ren who was staring hole into my face. I glanced toward him and he gave me a embarassed smile and turned away but I could tell that his emotions were in a mess as, i had a great appearance which, is used by authors for a character which, he as a author didn't created.

Mana around him was in distrubance after some time it finally claimed down. My six eyes have been continuously getting stronger as now I could completely sense 50 metre with the blindfold without focusing.

After some time one powerful presence was approaching toward our class.

So,this is the natural pressure of S-rank.

Door of our class was opened by our class teacher.


"Today is your first day, so there won't be anything special planned, but I sure hope you haven't slacked off during the short interval where you were accepted here. How do you expect to graduate from this place if you can't be diligent?"


Slapping her hand on the table a small shockwave spread across the classroom. Apart from Emma, Jin, Amanda, and a couple of other students, everyone in the classroom was pushed back, I included. well i intentionally let it push myself back.

"There will be no slacking off in my classroom!"

Scanning the whole classroom, her eyes briefly paused on Emma, Jin, and Amanda, and the few others that managed to withstand her shockwave. If one looked closely you could see traces of satisfaction on her face as she looked at them.

Placing both hands on the podium she looked at the classroom

"Now, let's start with the self-introductions. I'm Donna Longbern, your personal instructor for this year and possibly future years."

With the introduction out of the way she started our attendance i was ranked in the middle of the rankings. When Donna called my name out i calmly responded she took few seconds to look at me more especially my blindfold she must be curious as the lock doesn't have information regrading my eyes being blind.

"Rank 15, Emma Roshfield"


"Rank 12, Timmothy Bartman"


"Rank 8, Amanda Stern"


"Rank 5, Han yufei"


"Rank 3, Jin Horton"


"Rank 2, Melissa Hall"


"Rank 1, Kevin Voss"


"Rank 1, Kevin Voss"

Raising her brow, Donna looked around the classroom and asked once again

"Is Rank 1 Kevin Voss in the classroom?"

Absolute silence. Not even a pin could be heard.

Everyone looked around, but they all shook their head.

Looking at her tablet, Donna frowned. Just as she was about to cross Kevin's name off the list, the door to the classroom slowly opened.

Soon a figure walked out, and instantly the whole room's attention was on him.

Short black hair, deep red eyes, muscular jawline, and well-built body. His entire presence and aura were like that of a newly forged sword straight from the furnace, with keen and sharp edges that threatened to cut anything that obstructed its path. His looks, which rivaled that of Jin Horton, who could've been regarded as one of the most handsome individuals in the whole academy, instantly drew the attention of most of the girls in the class.

"Pardon for my tardiness. I had a slight accident before coming here, hence I was not able to make it in time"

Taking a small bow, his eyes never drifted away from Donna's eyes.

Taking a quick look at Kevin, Donna couldn't help but be stunned at his indifferent attitude towards her, who practiced an extremely potent 4-star seductive art.


Letting out a small grin, she nodded

"Very well find a spot and sit down"

"Thank you"

Nodding his head, Kevin made his way towards the first row on the right side of the classroom and sat down.

After that small event. We were asked to chose a weapon. While mage doesn't have much advantage of weapons but as it can be used in close quarters i also decided to chose a weapon and i chosed a dagger for close range.

I have been practicing a martial arts manual but it will be better if I have a weapon which could make a short work of my opponent as i was right now it will be extremely difficult for me to be effective with my hand to hand combat style.

After i chose dagger, i started walking toward dummies room to gain some practice with dagger.It might not be a good choice for other people as it was something out of my profession but, it was something that i did not care about much.

After having my practice for the day completed, I walked toward my room which coincidentally was next to ren's room.

I was in this horned sheep building because I nearly finished all of my cash for buying various potion and ordering something for future.

So, untill i receive my income i was nearly broke.Well it was intentional so as to i would be able to know the situation of novel.

After reaching the room, i decided to meditate for some time. I would probably be breaking through soon. After using infinityfor some time and having a huge headache, i decided to call it a day.