
The beginning of the end

Staring at the ceiling as Tim lays on his bed an alarm blaring to his right, the fourth one to go off this morning. With a deep sigh he gets up and turns off his alarm, making his way through the cramped one bedroom studio apartment he looks around the fridge and finds it barren as usual and settles for a nutrition gel. No flavor and about her alarm going off to remind his to get to work. Tim goes to work at a large corporation that owns the whole gaming market.

They introduced a immersive online game that was so popular it took the world by storm and they now own tons of businesses and buildings to "rent" to their players. The game being so good most people spend their days inside playing and goofing off with their friends.

Tim only has one friend and his name is Tom and together they formed the T N T squad when it fist came out but after student loans and working for a sweet shop company Tims life has gone down the drain.

Tom is from Canada and is always good spirited and would send over care packages to keep Tim going weather it be gaming supplies food and drink he was just a good guy to be around.

Damn I wish I could get this weekend off, Tim said to himself as he got to work passing by his zombie like coworkers. In the basement of building 427 Tim works as a technology assistant for new players to get them sucked into the game and spend their money for in game purchases. Today was his deadline for the month and Tim was close to finishing.

Yeo I hope you have a good day at work! , a text from Tom always made his days better.

Thanks man I will try to get this weekend off so we can play. he texts back. Now back to the grind he says as he boot up the game. BBBZZZZZZ his computer shocks him and the world goes dark.....