
In Another World With Random Abilites(Dropped)

"...Did I die...?" A figure of a young boy muttered as he look at his surrounding. It was...dark ,everywhere was dark. "Yeesss!! I died ,I am actually dead ,yes!" The boy happily screamed as he jumped around out of pure happiness. However...what happend next? Read my book to find out!!

PhoenixXPen · ファンタジー
5 Chs



Jake and the nun were walking on a dirt roads filled with cracks ,burns ,and fallen parts of houses as well as dead corpse everywhere .

"Umm ,big sis ,can I ask what happened? Why are the houses here destroyed?"

The woman looked at him with shock before her eyes teared up. She then hug him while caressing his head.

"Oh you poor boy ,you must have been so shocked and scared resulting memory loss."

She said in a teary voice as she hugged him tighter causing his head to further inside her medium size breast.

"This village was attack ,and you are one of the survivors of it. We tried to come here as soon as we heard that bandits are attacking ,yet we failed."

She said in a sad voice as she continued caressing my head.

She then released him from the tight hug before speaking.

"Let's go now ,we are almost at the outside of the village where the carriage we brought with us are parked."

She started walking forward ,Jake on the other hand ,took one more glance at the destroyed village before following the nun.

[Ding! You have unlocked a new ability:Shadow Control]

Jake eyes widened as he almost screamed due to shock.

'Who are you?'

He though in his mind.

[I am the system ,Dear Host.]

A somewhat robotic voice answered him on his mind.

'System ,if I have a status screen ,show me.'


[Host:Arthur] [Age:10] [System Points:100]

[Level 0 :0/1000 EXP]

VITALITY:100 [HP:200] [1 hp/sec]



MAGIC:100 [MP:200] [10 mp/sec]


[Shadow Control/lvl 1:0/100]

Looking at the transparent blue screen with black letters ,he didn't realise that he had stop walking.

"What's wrong little boy ,why did you suddenly stop walking ?"

She asked him in a worry tone.

"Ah...no its nothing ,really."

She took one more glance at him before walking again.

'System ,can you explain what are written here?"

[Certainly. Host ,the name Arthur is the name of the person who's body were being used by you. The stats VITALITY and MAGIC have two purposes-Vit stats are used to increase health and lifespan. It also increases the amount of HP you can recover every second. The magic stats increases the amount of MP and increase the power of your spells. It also increases the amount of mp you can recover every second.]

'I see...then tell me about the leveling system ,the remaining stats ,my ability and its level ,and tell me what are the things you can do.'

[Certainly, but the system thinks its not a wise decision for now as you are reaching you destination.]

Upon hearing the system's voice ,he closed the system window to see that they are now at the gate.

"Over there ,our carriage is over there."

She pointed at place where 10 carriage were parked.

Reachinh the place ,he can see that most of the survivors were children and elders. Some were crying while shouting the name of their family and friends while some had lifeless eyes as if they had given up from living.

"You can go inside on one of those empty carriage ,I will help the other heal the wounded."

Jake(Arthur) nodded at her before going inside one of the empty carriage.

Sitting on the wodden floor ,he closed his eyes seemingly asleep but he was actually talking to the system.

'Now then explain.'

He commanded the system.

[The stat BODY ,covers strength ,endurance or stamina ,defence ,speed. The stat MIND covers intelligence ,mental strength ,thinking speed ,perception ,comprehension but not iq.]

'I see...thanks now tell me what I can use the system points for.'

[System points ,are points the host can get by completing quests by the system and killing monster and beast. Other than beast and monster ,the host won't get points for killing other race unless it was a quest from the system. The host can use system points for three things ,first is to increase you stats ,while the second is used to unlock new abilities without reaching the requirement of lvl10 ,lvl20 and so on. The third is to level up your abilities, lvl 10 is the maximum level for any ability.]

'If possible ,tell me about the leveling system ,is there any difference between the system and this world leveling requirement?'

[None ,the system follows this world leveling system. The only difference is that as long as the user can earn up to 1000 system points ,the host can buy new random abilities.]

'Okay ,I think I understand the gist of it. So as long as I can earn 1000 system points ,I can unlock a new random ability. But at the same time ,as long as I reach ever 10 levels ,I can also unlock a new random ability.'


'And so ,what are you called? Other than system of course.'

[None ,other than the name system ,I have no other name.]

'I will call you...Ability System then.'

Suddenly ,Arthur felt the carriage move ,when he opened his eyes ,he can see other children ,adults and elders resting. On his side was the sleeping nun from before.