
In Another World With My Building Skills (Discountinued)

Kenta Nakamura, an ordinary office worker with an extraordinary passion for construction, finds himself thrust into an unimaginable situation when a divine mistake ends his life prematurely. Struck by a bolt of lightning intended for a malevolent spirit, Kenta is transported to a realm between worlds where a remorseful god, Elysion, offers him a second chance at life.

LyricalInk · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Checking My World Again! Because I Forgot

As dawn broke over New Haven, the golden light reflecting off the newly rebuilt cities, Kenta stood on the highest tower of the Hall of Arcana. From this vantage point, he could see the bustling streets of Tokyo, the towering skyscrapers of New York, and the serene landscapes surrounding the academy. His heart swelled with pride at what he had achieved, but a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind—a reminder of something he had neglected for far too long.

Kenta closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He had been so engrossed in the development of New Haven that he had almost forgotten his divine heritage. As a god, he had another world—his own domain—to oversee. And there, waiting for him, was his wife, the goddess who ruled alongside him. It was time to return and check on his world once more.

With a thought, Kenta transcended the physical realm, entering the divine plane where his world existed. The transition was instantaneous, the familiar warmth and energy of his realm enveloping him. He found himself standing in the center of a magnificent garden, a place of ethereal beauty and tranquility. Flowers of every color bloomed around him, their fragrance filling the air.

Kenta smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. This world, crafted from his divine essence, was a reflection of his innermost desires and dreams. And at the heart of it all was his wife, the goddess Seraphina. She was the light of his existence, the one who balanced his power and shared his burdens.

As he walked through the garden, Kenta's thoughts drifted to the many responsibilities he had shouldered. The rebuilding of New Haven, the establishment of the Magic Academy, the nurturing of a new generation of mages—all these tasks had consumed him. But now, it was time to reconnect with the world he had created and the goddess he loved.

He found Seraphina in the Grand Temple, a majestic structure that stood as the centerpiece of their world. The temple was a place of worship and contemplation, its walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history of their domain. Seraphina was seated on a throne of crystal, her presence radiant and serene.

"Seraphina," Kenta called softly as he approached.

She looked up, her eyes lighting up with joy. "Kenta! It's been too long."

He reached her side, taking her hand in his. "I know. I'm sorry for my absence. New Haven required my full attention, but I should have come sooner."

Seraphina squeezed his hand, her smile warm and understanding. "I understand. You've accomplished so much. But this world needs you too, and so do I."

Kenta nodded, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. "How has our world fared in my absence?"

She gestured around the temple. "It has remained peaceful, but there have been challenges. Our followers have missed your presence, and there are matters that require your guidance."

Kenta took a deep breath, steeling himself for the tasks ahead. "Then let's address them together."

Seraphina led him through the temple, explaining the various issues that had arisen. There were disputes among the mortals, concerns about resources, and the need for divine intervention in certain natural phenomena. Kenta listened attentively, his mind already formulating solutions.

They spent the next several days traveling across their world, addressing the concerns of their followers and restoring balance where it was needed. Kenta marveled at the beauty of the realm, a testament to the love and care that both he and Seraphina had poured into its creation.

In one village, they resolved a dispute over water rights by creating a new river that would ensure an abundant supply for all. In another, they restored the fertility of the land, ensuring bountiful harvests for years to come. Each act of intervention was met with gratitude and reverence from their followers, reinforcing Kenta's sense of purpose.

As they traveled, Kenta also took the time to reconnect with Seraphina on a personal level. They reminisced about their early days together, the trials they had faced, and the love that had sustained them. He realized how much he had missed her presence and vowed to never let his duties in New Haven overshadow his responsibilities in their divine realm again.

One evening, as they stood on a hill overlooking a serene valley, Kenta turned to Seraphina. "I promise to be more present from now on. Our world deserves my attention just as much as New Haven does."

She smiled, her eyes reflecting the setting sun. "I know you will, Kenta. And remember, you don't have to do everything alone. We are a team, and together, we can overcome any challenge."

He embraced her, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "Thank you, Seraphina. For everything."

As the days turned into weeks, Kenta and Seraphina continued their work, ensuring that their world thrived. Kenta found a renewed sense of balance, dividing his time between New Haven and their divine realm. He set up a system of communication with Seraphina, allowing them to stay connected even when he was physically in New Haven.

One day, as they sat in the garden, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation, Seraphina broached a new idea. "Kenta, have you ever considered establishing a direct link between our world and New Haven? A way for our followers to learn from each other and share their knowledge and experiences?"

Kenta pondered the idea, recognizing its potential. "That could be incredibly beneficial. Both realms could learn so much from each other."

They spent the next several weeks planning the details. They decided to create a portal that would allow select individuals from both realms to travel between them. This exchange program would foster mutual understanding and cooperation, enriching both worlds.

Kenta returned to New Haven, excited to implement the plan. He convened a council of his most trusted advisors, explaining the concept and seeking their input. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and plans were quickly set into motion.

The construction of the portal was a monumental task, requiring the combined efforts of New Haven's best engineers and mages. It was to be located in the heart of the Magic Academy, symbolizing the unity of knowledge and power. Kenta personally oversaw the project, ensuring that every detail was perfect.

When the portal was finally completed, it stood as a testament to the ingenuity and collaboration of both realms. A grand ceremony was held to inaugurate it, attended by dignitaries and representatives from across New Haven and the divine realm.

Kenta and Seraphina stood side by side, addressing the gathered crowd. "Today marks a new chapter in the history of our worlds," Kenta declared. "This portal represents not just a physical connection, but a bond of trust and cooperation. Let us use this opportunity to learn from each other and build a brighter future together."

The first group of travelers, a mix of scholars, artisans, and leaders, stepped through the portal, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. Kenta watched with pride as they embarked on this new journey, knowing that this initiative would bring untold benefits to both realms.

As the days passed, the exchange program flourished. Students from the Magic Academy traveled to the divine realm to study under Seraphina's guidance, while followers from the divine realm brought their unique skills and perspectives to New Haven. The cultural and intellectual exchange enriched both societies, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Kenta felt a profound sense of fulfillment as he observed the positive impact of the program. He had found a way to balance his responsibilities, ensuring that both his worlds thrived. And through it all, he had the unwavering support of Seraphina, the goddess who was not only his partner in divinity but also his greatest source of strength and inspiration.

As the sun set over New Haven, casting a golden glow over the cities and landscapes he had worked so hard to build, Kenta stood on the balcony of the Hall of Arcana once more. The journey ahead was still long and filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them with renewed vigor and determination.

With Seraphina by his side and the bond between their worlds growing stronger every day, Kenta knew that together, they could achieve anything. The future was bright, and he was ready to lead New Haven and his divine realm into a new era of prosperity, unity, and enlightenment.