
In Another world with a Clash of Clan Village

Olivier was a normal guy with normal dreams. However, he finds himself reborn in another world with the name of Olivier Martin; the cause of his death unknown. The only clue to his past life is the birthmark at the palm of his hand. A shield defending against two arrows. Born with poor aptitude in martial arts and magic, he is doomed to live a life of mediocrity. But he is unwilling, he is unwilling to live a common life. He wants to shine brightly in this new life in a new fantasy world of magic and martial arts. In despair, he searches for a way to transcend others. Then one day he hears a pleasant voice inside his mind. "Welcome chief! We have been waiting for you". Then his birthmark shines with white light and sucks him inside a portal. A portal to a mystical land of warriors. A land where dragon rules the sky, and wizards, giants, archers, barbarians and other races battle each other. A land full of riches. And possibly land of hope for Olivier. --------- Welcome to 'In another world with a clash of clan village'. Let's Follow Olivier and his troops on a wonderful journey in a new mystical land. You in?

Irig_Mumin · ファンタジー
21 Chs


"The legacy Village". Olivier said smilingly. "The Legacy village where we will leave our legacy behind. You, me , Bryan, Erwin , them and all others who will join us later. This village will be our legacy".

"That's a great name chief". Bryan praised.

"I like it too".

Olivier smiled, his eyes shinning with splendid light. He looked at the village, his assistants and his new troops. He was happy today. He was born into this new world with a new identity leaving behind his everything but now, he finally had something/somebody that had some connection to his past life. Even though there were some mystery left unsolved such as how did this Coc village came into existence or how did he get that birthmark. There are so many question that he needed answer to. Honestly, he did not even knew how he got here, and why had he been reborn. There must be a reason for it or some purpose after all every cause has a reason and every action has a purpose. Even something as trivial as a breathing has a purpose: to survive. But at this point, he couldn't have cared regarding those reason or purpose or answers. He was just happy to be where he was with what he had.

'Live at the moment. I have heard that phrase so many times in my past life but just today at this moment did i appreciate it's significance. To simply live, to be happy because you can breathe. You can take in oxygen and throw out carbondioxide. That is sufficient reason to be happy. That is a reason good enough to be alive. live and be happy. why? Just because. Just because you can.' He thought to himself.


A loud roaring woke him from his thoughts. He looked around and saw that the barbarian troops were all pumped up. Some of the troops were raising their sword at the sky while others were beating their chest like crazy. The bigger and stronger looking barbarian had his hand behind his back and was looking at the riled up troops. Clearly, he was happy with their reaction.

'He must have delivered a encouraging speech. He has the same face those public speakers used to make after ending their speech'. Olivier thought.

"We should go and meet the troops". Bryan suggested and Olivier nodded. He was excited to meet the barbarians. He wanted to know more about them. After all he had grown playing The Clash of Clans and barbarians were the first troops that would be unlocked in the game. He straightened out his clothes and fixed his hair. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards camp.

After sensing their arrival, the camp turned silent. They were all looking at the group that were approaching them intensely. Suddenly, the whole went quite and the atmosphere become oppressive. Each barbarian had their eyes on Olivier at the moment. By instinct, they knew that he was the new village chief who awakened them from their deep sleep. The first impression the barbarians got after looking at their new chief was that he looked so skinny and weak. They were all disappointed. Barbarians were of the most savage race in the myriads of universe. The were haughty and thrived in chaos. They relished in war and slaughter. Each barbarian warrior were battle hardened veteran who had survived a great many battles, strolled on the heap of corpses and crossed rivers of blood. They respected the strong . Other than battle, they loved food and wine. They were born to battle. Thus, seeing their chief was just a juvenile who look scrawny and intimated by their sheer presence, they all showed a look of disdain.

Meanwhile, Olivier was sweating rivers. A Look from those barbarian troops made the air multiple times heavier. A suffocating presence enshrouding him making it difficult for him to breathe. He felt like he was facing a group of monsters and every cell of his body was screaming at him: RUN. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS POSIIBLE FROM THEM.

As he looked at the group of barbarians from close, he realized every single one of them were taller and bigger than him. The leader of the barbarian was twice as tall as him looked like a towering mountain casting his shadow upon him. Every barbarians were donned on with thick and heavy looking armour that covered their upper body only exposing their two arms packed with muscles. They each had a thick and heavy broadsword which edge was painted in red that glistened with sharpness and possibly killing intent. They were all wearing a stocky pant and war boots. They looked dauntless. Their blond hair and thick blond mustache did not fit their image but it did not lessen their imposingness rather gave them a ....kind edge?

'So, these are the barbarians huh. Every single one of them could slaughter a thousand of me as easy as killing chicken. Even their presence is suffocating me so much. Wouldn't i die if I was facing a dragon at this moment. I am weak. Too weak. And what's up with those mustache? They need to shave them, seriously shave them now. Its ruining their image'.

He looked behind to check upon his associate however he understood that they were fine and dandy. They were walking like normal. He then realized only he was facing the pressure.

'This should be their test for me'. He realized. 'I have been surpassed by even those children only because they have better talent than me. I don't lose to anyone interms of willpower and effort. Why am I terrified at this point? Death? To hell with it. It's not like I have never died before. I will march and never look back again in this life'. He yelled to himself inside his head.

He ignored the rest of his group and focused on pushing forward. One step ahead felt like one step closer to death. The pressure and the suffocation increased with every step but he did not stop. It felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back and crossing the sea at the same time but he did not stop. His bones were creaking like weak pillar creak in the face of an earthquake but he did not stop. His face went red with exertion and veins started popping all over his head but he did not stop. He did not stop when his seven orifices started bleeding. He never stopped.

'Those who carry the lofty goal and ambitions never stop untill they achieve it. I will stop when I am dead. I will rest then'. He screamed inside with every fiber of his being.






He moved forward untill he was infront of the the strong and muscular looking barbarian, the leader of the troops. He was covered in blood and his body felt like a worn-out rack but he did not bow down or rest. he looked straight into the eyes of the leader barbarian. He didn't utter a single sound but his eyes were blazing with fighting spirit. They were screaming: 'Am I worthy now? AAMMMMM IIII WWWOOOOOORRRTHHYYY?'

The leader barbarian looked at him quietly and asked in his loud and rough voice that sounded like a peal of thunder from the sky ,"Answer me little one, aren't you scared of death?"

"Death? tchh. So What if I die. If I am scared of death when I am alive with a body full of flesh and hot blood coursing through my vein then why bother living? I Will pursue my goal untill the day I achieve it or I will die trying. Only that death will be worthy of taking my, Olivier Martin's life. Otherwise I will defy death and be reborn again. That would not be the first time I defy death".

The whole camp turned silent. That haughty tone and those empowering words befitting of a leader was said by Olivier in a calm manner. Even Oliver himself hadn't realized his arrogance and his pride that coursed through his vein and etched into soul untill now. The barbarians troops all looked at their leader and waited for the judgement.

Then a thundering laughter resounded that shook the whole world. More laughter followed after him. Soon, all of the barbarian troops were laughing at he sky like maniacs. The suffocating presesure was gone. The ground shook as if hit by earthquake. Olivier saw that all of the barbarian troops were on their one knees and only Olivier was standing on his two feet in the camp.

Then Thundering voices resounded one after another.

"I, Kratos greet the chief. "

"I, Birfer greet the chief. "

"I, Bjorn greet the chief. "

"I, Arne greet the chief. "

"I, Erik greet the chief. "


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