
I Tripped a Dang Flag!

Okay, so here is the situation. We are currently surrounded by a group of 30 or so bandits, who are looking at us like we are a bunch of sexy naked women. Well, there are actually women present so that's not too surprising if that is the case. I calmly analyzed the situation, and nodded at Princess Juliette and Knight-Captain Katrina. "Ladies let me take care of these fools. Please protect the miss, and I shall strike fear into the hearts of the brigands. Lock the carriage door, and don't open it until you hear me knock twice, and pause, then knock three times." I said all of this in a quick whisper.

I quickly hopped down from the front of the carriage and activated my Quickdraw skill. I looked around at all of the bandits, and said to them, "I shall be your opponent. Today is the day of your reckoning, for you have incurred the wrath of I, Alyster Vancheltz! Prepare yourselves!" I then rapidly darted forward, and activated my special agility skills simultaneously and bisected one bandit, and quickly decapitated two more bandits. I then quickly sheathed my blade as I spun around, kicking up dust. I activated my Quickdraw skill again and said, "You have now seen a small portion of my might! Surrender now, or prepare to be massacred!" The bandits began to take a step back, and looked at me with pure unadulterated fear in their eyes. Suddenly, one of the bandits took a step forward. He had no shirt, or chest-piece of any kind on. There was a tattoo of a snake coiling up his body, and wrapping around his shoulders; stopping to rest facing down towards his chest. "You dare fight back against my Serpent Blood Bandit Group?! Just who and the hell do you think you are huh?! Since you insist on resisting, then don't blame me for showing no mercy! I'm Daiago the Serpent's Head! Consider yourself honored to hear my name from my lips before you die!"

Oh now this is rich, ha ha ha ha ha! This guy thinks that he is some legendary existence that I should bow down before, when in actuality that would in fact be me! I'm the Legendary Savior that humans have been waiting for for an endless age! I'm the one who people will cry with tears of joy when they see me, and know who I am! Hah... The retorts just don't stop on my side, and it's my dang fault that we are in this situation; after all I tripped the freaking cliche flag yesterday! (A/N: You sure did, you dumb ass. XD)

Alright, enough screwing around, I need to take these guys out, and quickly at that. So far, none of them have even attempted to get past me and go for the carriage. It would seem my show of might had the intended effect. At that moment a couple of notifications went off in my head.

Ding! 'Quickdraw skill has leveled up.'

Ding! 'Agility skills have leveled up.'

Ding! 'Sword skill has leveled up.'

Ding! ....

The list went on, and I am not going to think about that stuff until I arrive at Literia. So the fight between me and this trash mob bandit group leader began. Or should I say it ended? All that I had to do was dart forward, and watched in humor, as from my perspective the guy wasn't even moving. I simply cut off one arm, then quickly turned and went for the other. I swiftly cut through his waistline, and removed his lower body. All this took less than a second. Yeah I am definitely a broken monster class existence. I turned around and darted back and forth between all of the bandits. Five seconds later all of them lay dead on the ground with differing wounds, and variations of which limbs were missing. I even completely turned one guy into chunks on the ground that couldn't even be recognized as being formerly human. I turned around and hopped back onto the front of the carriage, while ignoring the notifications going off, and then knocked on the carriage in the manner that I told them I would. I then began to speak to them.

"Okay ladies everyone has been killed, so we are going to move on now. Something tells me... no I'm not continuing that sentence. Right anyway, off we go ladies, to the capital Literia!

Our journey continued for another five or six hours before I decided we should stop for lunch. Once lunch was over and everyone finished doing some stretches to get the blood flowing normally in their veins again, I hopped back onto the carriage and noticed a village begin to appear a few miles ahead of us. I lightly tapped on the shutter behind me and spoke to the girls. "Everyone there is a village just up ahead, and it is a few miles yet. What can we expect at this village?" I heard Knight-Captain Katrina clear her throat, and begin to speak. "That would be the small village of Teravale. I think it's best that we stay here for the night, and continue our journey in the morning." I heard affirmations of agreement from the other girls in the carriage and nodded my head. "Very well, let's go with that then. Just a few more minutes until we arrive then." Before long we arrived at the village gate where a couple guards were standing at attention on the wooden walkway above, and there were two guards standing to the sides of the gate. Suddenly, both guards at the gate called out to us. "Halt! You there what business do you have in Teravale? If your answer does not satisfy me, then I will be forced to prevent you from entering." I gave as friendly a smile as I could, and nodded that I understood. "I understand. I, Alyster Vancheltz, hereby declare that I am escorting Princess Juliette of this great kingdom, and her retinue!" The guards on the wall, and the guards at the gates jaws began to drop in awe, and disbelief. "Forgive me, but I must confirm this for myself. May I have permission to check the carriage?" I nodded at the guard and gestured to the door, "Go ahead and see for yourself. I understand you are doing your duty, and for this you should be proud. I am not angered easily, and am not bothered by your decision."

The guard very nervously walked around the carriage and knocked on the door before saying, "Forgive me but I must confirm who and what is inside of this carriage." The princess and the knights told him that he is fine and opened the door for the poor man. I heard a yell of shock and turned around to see Princess Juliette and her knights exit the carriage and stand before the guard. The guard dropped down to the ground in a perfect form dogeza, and repeatedly began to apologize. "I am sorry your Highness! Forgive me for my actions, if it is in your heart, please spare this lowly guards life!" I calmly walked over and looked at Juliette. "The poor man was just doing his job, and quite excellently at that don't you think Princess Juliette? I think this man should receive some coin for showing such courage, and righteous action in checking the carriage. For all this man knew, I could be bringing bandits, or enemies from another country in the carriage. I think this man deserves a reward of 2 gold coins, of which I shall provide myself." I then turned to the guard and brought him to his feet. He stared at me with eyes full of shock and joy, as I pretended to reach in my pocket and pulled 2 gold coins from my inventory, and placed them into this courageous man's hands. "I... I... thank you for this! With this money I can buy the medicine that I need for my wife to recover from her illness, as well as stock up on a plenteous amount of food. Thank you kind sir, thank you!" The guard tried to bow to me, but I stopped him. I shook my head and said to him, "You don't need to bow before me my good man, you are a shining example of true patriotism in this kingdom, and have duly received your reward. Take it and stand as example for your fellow guards in this village." I pat the guard on the shoulder and looked back at the girls. "Let's get into the village and get set up for the night. I will be staying up for a bit and drink with the locals. Feel free to join me if you are up for it." And so we went through the gate and were able to notice the inn on the left right inside of the villages entrance. This inn doesn't seem to have a name, I'll just remember it as Teravale Inn. Little did I know, that in the future the fact that I was the one who named this inn after the town that it is in, would be told in my legend for ages to come.

In the inn, I walked over to the counter where a nice and plump woman, who seemed to be in her mid to late 40's who obviously was the proprietress was waiting for customers. "Hello and welcome to our towns inn. My name is Alice and I will now tell you our services. One week stay per room is 30 coppers plus meals brings it to 36 coppers. There is a bar to my left for your drinking pleasure, and to my right is our inn's famous restaurant. Meal costs that are not during our regularly scheduled meal times will cost you 1 copper extra per meal. For bathing, if you take the door behind me out to the back we have a natural hot spring that is separated by gender. Are there any questions?" I looked around at the girls, and they shook their heads. I smiled at Alice and said, "We will only be staying for a day, but I will pay the week fee to make things easier for you. As for the meals we don't require any tonight. I shall be heading to the hot springs to bathe. What about you girls?" I looked back at the girls again, and noticed the sparkle that was in their eyes. They clearly intended to use the hot springs just like I did. I bowed to Alice and walked through the door behind the counter after paying 30 coppers.

When I arrived at the changing area doorways, I was surprised to see that they looked exactly like the ones that I saw in anime and manga with a blue curtain that said men on the left, and a red curtain that said women on the right. I walked to the left entrance and looked over to the girls and told them, "I'm heading in now, I'll see you all in a bit. I intend to soak for a good while before I head over to the bar." The girls nodded in unison and proceeded to head over to their side, though not before Katrina looked at me with a slightly menacing glare and said, "Don't you dare even think about sneaking into the women's side Alyster! I don't really think you are that type, but still this is your one and only warning!" With a harrumph from Katrina; the princess, and the rest of the knights headed into the hot spring changing room. I took in a deep breath after a slow sigh, then smacked my cheeks and headed into the changing room. I looked around and saw empty baskets, I laughed as I knew that I don't need the basket, and therefore I simply unequipped everything through my gear page in my inventory. I walked forward and saw a straw tub filled with towels, and a rack of robes. I grabbed a robe and a towel and headed into the hot spring.

I took a look around and found a large grin appear on my face. This looks exactly like a Japanese hot spring from anime that I had seen back when I still was on Earth. I walked over to an small area that had buckets and a old fashioned pump. I filled the bucket up with cold water, and dumped it over my head and down my body. I repeated this a few times until I felt like I was clean enough to enter the hot spring. I walked over and set my towel and robe in a pile a few feet from the edge and slid slowly into the water, letting out a sigh full of contentment, I leaned back and simply let myself enjoy the ambiance. As I was laying there relaxing, I suddenly heard giggling from the other side of the wall. No way! Is this the legendary girl talk in the hot springs from anime, where they talk about the main character and how awesome he is, and who he might be into? Yeah like that's gonna happen to me..

On the other side of the wall Katrina, the knights and Princess Juliette were all engaged in a heated discussion. "Katrina surely you have noticed the amazing charm that is overflowing from Lord Alyster, have you not? Such an amazing figure, those strange and yet beautiful eyes and hair, and don't get me started on how cool he looks when he is fighting!" This was said by one of the three knights named Jessica. She has golden eyes, and long golden hair, with a flawless figure and the perfect size of breasts in many men's eyes. Katrina looked at her with a cherry red face and didn't say anything. Then the two other knights began to speak as well. "Yes she is correct Katrina! I can't calm down knowing that just on the other side of this wall, Lord Alyster is completely naked! If only there was some way that we could observe him without him being able to see us!" The second knight who spoke was named Helena. She has crimson red eyes, and red hair that is back in a ponytail. Finally the last knight named Seria, who has orange eyes and orange hair gave her opinion as well. "Yeah he is great, but have any of of you noticed how he doesn't seem to be that effected by our looks? The Princess is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, and I dare say that we are only a few places below her in our assets, and our beauty." Princess Juliette was simply smiling and nodding along with everything that the girls had to say. She suddenly began to speak her mind as well, and oh boy was it a bombshell. "Indeed he is incredible. Unparalleled under the heavens, and I dare say even in the heavens as well. It is my intent to court him after I bring him to my father. Should you also decide that you wish to be with him as well, then I have no qualms in regards to this. After all, I see you girls as my best friends; even as my sisters though we share no blood."

"Oh my God! I can't believe what I just heard those girls saying over there.. is it really possible that they meant what they all said? Am I destined to be some kind of a harem king? I guess I'll find out sometime in the near future.

Okay here's one. I'm going take a break for a few hours and write another chapter later.

Ellendriacreators' thoughts