
Chapter 9: Unit Smasher

A day later Luffy, Skipper and the two A-rank adventurers were at on of the entrances to town. Yesterday was huge party the entire town was in celebration of Luffy and Skipper's rank up.

Rashian:"Farwell, Luffy I hope we can spar again some other time."

Luffy:"Sure why not."

Maria:"Next I'll be the one beating you."

Skipper:"Sure your on, but next time try beating my brother and I bed next time! You need to work on your stamina!" said Skipper making fun of the girl who's face became the same colouration that of a cherry, Rashian had a confused look on his face while Luffy had bright smile.

Yes Luffy and Skipper has done the deed with Maria, they started when they were sixteen, though they only do it for fun, they make sure to use protection.

Maria:"Sh-shut up let's go Rashian!" She grabbed her partner to the carriage and returned to the capital.

Skipper:"So we're going on a quest today?"

Luffy:"Damn straight!"

-A few more days later-

Luffy and Skipper were in the guild hall as always, the two just completed another quest. Luffy was drawing on the black mat as he usually does.


Skipper:"What that card game your making? Monday explaining the rules?"

Luffy:"Sure you'll need a deck of forty to sixty cards max. Each player begins by drawing six cards, the cards you have available to you are Units, Spell, Skill, Items, Feild and Equipment.

Unit cards are your soldiers you'll summon in battle to help you out, each unit have a an attack and defense stat, if your unit have a higher attack than the enemy units defense, then you can defeat that unit, when a Unit attack the player directly the player loses one of his ten life points.

For spell and skill cards they are what you'll use to turn the battle in your favour, but spell cards cost mana points, you'll have start with 3 you can charge your mana by adding cards to it, but you can't go past 10." Luffy stopped and looked around and saw all the adventurers crowding around their table, when they saw that Luffy noticed them awkward looks appeared on their faces.

Luffy:"Meh! It's fine you guys can stay. For item cards those are consumables like this the mana potion card. The next card I want to talk about are called field cards these can affect your units stats are abilities, like this the lava field card it gives fire units an attack boost of +1500 attack points +1200 defense points, while water units gets decreases the attack and defense points.

And finally Equipment cards, they allow the player to defend from direct attacks and attack themselves, these take up equipment spaces, I'll have to do a trial battle to explain that better and explain the mechanics better."

Stella:"So this is the end result of what you were working on." said Stella with her party.

Luffy:"Yeah pretty much, Skipper wanna help me do trial battle, I could use your help."

Skipper:"Sure." The adventurers got excited and brought their seats over, even some of the guild staff stopped to look. Luffy gave Skipper a deck.

Luffy:"That's a pure earth deck, pure decks only contain purely whatever element the cards they use, it's a good idea to add multiple other elemental units and cards in your deck and diversify, or else field cards and spells can screw you over." They nod hearing this as Luffy and Skipper shuffle their decks.

Luffy:"The most important part of this is that you'll need your status card to play." this confused them, but they just waited.

Luffy placed his status card on one of the black boxes which were nine on his feild, it was located at the back of the mat and eight more spaces above it four in each row. As he placed the card in the spot the board lit up with a small magic circle, and out came a smaller Luffy wearing a white shirt and black pants, six heart looking shapes appeared these were the life points.


Anna:"How did you do that?!"

Luffy:"Well the status cards holds all information about us, so I used my knowledge of runes to create a magic circles that can create a construct based on our body proportions."

Anna:"But can't this backfire like revealing the information of people statuses." Showing your willy nilly is a taboo here, people are able to hide whatever they want on their status cards.

Luffy:"Don't worry it can only uses your the information on your physical looks, plus I have something planned to mitigate this, if you guys have any worries." They nod as Luffy and Skipper placed their decks in the deck slot, they then placed 3 cards face down in the mana points section.

Luffy:"Now then Skipper let's draw our cards." she nod as they each drew six cards.

Skipper:"You can go first." Luffy nod.

Luffy:"Draw! Charge." Luffy drew a card and added it to his hand, he then added another card from his hand to his deck.

Luffy:"I Equip [Flaming Meteorite Sword] and I call two [Fire Slimes]." An awesome looking fired sword appeared in the projections hand as Luffy slid the card under his status card, then two red slimes with flames a lit on top of their head appeared, one on the first row and the other on second row behind the first.

[Flaming Meteorite Sword Atk 1200 | Def 700]

[Fire Slimes- Atk 800 | Def 1000]

Luffy:"Attack [Fire slime A] and give him support [Fire slime B]. You can summon more than 1 unit at a time, you can also let more than one unit attack an enemy units to in case your unit have a lower attack." The two slimes rushed towards Skipper's projection.

Skipper:"Spell card [Earth Wall]." A wall made of earth erupted and stopped the slimes assault.

Luffy:"Aw Man! I end my turn. You'll have to place your used spell and Mana point card there that's, called the bench." it was a spot behind the deck spot, she nod and did as told.

Skipper:"My turn draw and charge, I summon [Stone golem] and [Buster Freed]." A golem made of stone and a man with wearing lime green armour and huge sword.

[Stone golem Atk 1800 | Def 800]

[Buster Freed Atk 2400 | Def 500]

Skipper:"Attack!" Both of them rushed Luffy's units and destroyed them.

Luffy:"Slime A Slime B! Noooooooo!" Skipper had a large smile on her face.

Skipper:"[Buster Freed's] skill activate [Double Strike!] attack Luffy directly." Luffy's projection and [Buster Freed] engaged in a sword fight with Freed with the clear advantage, Freed won in the end and one of Luffy's hearts blinked out and became blank.

Skipper:"I end my turn."

Luffy:"I draw I equip [Flame Emperor's Chest Plate] and [Flame Emperor's Leggings]." Two shields came over his life.

[Flame Emperor's Chest Plate Atk 0 | Def 2500]

[Flame Emperor's Leggings Atk 0 | Def 2500]

Luffy:"I end my turn. Those shields affected extra protection to your life they can only break when you overwhelmed by a larger units attack stat."

Skipper:"Draw and charge, equip [Stone Hammer], I end my turn." she slid the card under status card.

[Stone Hammer Atk 1100 | Def 1200]

She didn't bother attacking this turn, because she knew she couldn't beat Luffy's defense, that and she had no monster cards in her hand to summon any more units.

Luffy:"Draw!." Luffy looked at his card and smiled.

Luffy:"I summon [Flaming Cub Leo] and I activate field card [Lava pit], which boosts my fire units and equipment stats by +2000." The field changed to a field of lava, while a cute lion cub appeared with red fur and big blue eyes, the women in the room cooed at it.

[Flaming Cub Leo Atk 800(+2000)=2800 | Def 300(+2000)=2300]

[Flame Emperor's Chest Plate Atk 0 | Def 2500(+2000)=4500] Skipper began to sweat at those stats.

[Flame Emperor's Leggings Atk 0 | Def 2500(+2000)=4500]

Luffy:"I activate [Flaming Cub Leo's] skill [Calling of the Pride]! This allows me to draw 4 cards from my deck." Luffy drew four cards and smiled.

Luffy:"You know, you have some really bad luck Skipper."

Skipper:"Oh boy!" She became worried.

Luffy:"I equip [Flaming Meteorite Sword] to my [Flaming Cub Leo]."

[Flaming Cub Leo Atk 800+(2000)+(1200+(2000))=5800 | Def 300+(2000)+(700+(2000))=5000]


???:"You can do that!" said a random guy.

Luffy:"Shishishi! I summon the Lion who knows no defeat, he burns his enemies into nothing but ashes! I summon [Burning Lion King Leo]!" Luffy placed the card down and in a burst of flames a majestic lion with dark flaming mane showed up on the field.

[Burning Lion King Leo Atk 2900+(2000)=4900 | Def 1800+(2000)=3800]

Luffy:"I activate [Burning Lion King Leo's] skill [A True Lions Roar!] it allows me to draw six cards from deck."

Anna:"What isn't that a similar ability to little [Flaming Cub Leo's] skill, [Calling of the Pride]?"

Luffy:"Yeah this is him grown up, he got alot stronger from his puny 800 attack stat." this suprised the entire guild.

Mia:"That cute little cub grew up to be like that nya!?" shouted Mia saying what everyone was going to say, to which they all looked at her.

Luffy:"Mia what are you doing here and how long were you there?"

Mia:"I'm an adventurer nya! I was here when Skipper crushed your slimes nya~." This seemed to piss Luffy of a bit.

Luffy:"I equip [Flame Emperor's Boots] and [Flame Emperor's Gaunlets] along with [Flame Emperor's Helmet]."

[Flame Emperor's Boots Atk 200+(2000)=2200 | Def 400+(2000)=2400]

[Flame Emperor's Gaunlets Atk 1100+(2000)=3100 | Def 500+(2000)=2500]

[Flame Emperor's Helmet Atk 0 | Def 900+(2000)=2900]

Skipper:"Luffy I know your mad."

Luffy:"Shut up you killed me slimes they were my friends! They helped me when I needed the them most, they helped me cook dinner, they nursed me to health when I got sick and when I got hurt they helped me heal, we've been through so many rough times during our lives life and you took them away!" said Luffy with tears in his eyes as he dramatically pointed at Skipper.

Skipper:"That was me you dumbass!" Luffy then stopped.

Luffy:"Oh right..."



Luffy:"I'm still gonna kick your ass though." Everyone mouths couldn't do anything but twitch.

Luffy:"Anyway I have a complete armour set having a complete armour set, makes me unable to equip any armour type equipment card, I can only equip weapon a defense type equipment but only two for each hand, but it as long the cards have a similar name to each other they can get a 100 stat boost which means...."

Skipper:"Wait, you have!"

[Flame Emperor's Chest Plate Atk 0 | Def 2500+(2000)+(700)=5200]

[Flame Emperor's Leggings Atk 0 | Def 2500+(2000)+(700)=5200]

[Flame Emperor's Boots Atk 200+(2000)+(700)=2900 | Def 400+(2000)+(700)=3100]

[Flame Emperor's Gaunlets Atk 1100+(2000)+(700)=3800 | Def 500+(2000)+(700)=3200]

[Flame Emperor's Helmet Atk 0 | Def 900+(2000)+(700)=3600]

[Flaming Meteorite Sword Atk 1200+(2000)+(700)=3800 | Def 700+(2000)+(700)=3400]

Which equals 10,500 Atk and a Def of 23,700!

Skipper:"Well shit!"

Luffy:"My Lions attack your puny soldiers!" Both Lions dashed towards their respective opponents.

Skipper:"I activate skill card [A Formal Retreat] this skill allows me to bench my units." Skipper pick up both cards and place them in the bench.

Luffy:"Then I attack you directly my self!" Skipper's projection took one damage making her lose one life.

Luffy:"I'm not done yet! Since I have another armour/weapon equipment card which is are my [Flame Emperor's Gaunlets] I can attack again!" This suprised the entire crowd and Skipper lost one more life point.

Luffy:"I end my turn!"

Skipper:"I draw! I call [Giant Stone Bunny] to the field." A large bunny rabbit showed up on the field, it had a greenish brown fur and red eyes.

[Giant Stone Bunny Atk 2200 | Def 1200]

Skipper:"I activate it's skill [Pluck!]. This allows me to draw three random cards from my deck." she drew three cards from her deck, which made her smile.

Skipper:"I summon a [Small Stone Bunny] and activates its skill [A Bunny's treasure] it allows me do draw one random card from my deck."

[Small Stone Bunny Atk 1000 | Def 800]

Skipper:"I equip [Stone Gaunlets] and [Stone Leggings], I also [Elf Archer Carlos] to the field. But I also activate [A Formal Retreat] second effect it allows me to bring back my units." [Stone Freed] and [Earth Golem] returned back to field.

[Stone Gaunlets Atk 1200 | Def 2200]

[Elf Archer Carlos Atk 2300 | Def 1900]

[Stone Leggings Atk 0 | Def 3000 ]

Skipper:"I activate [Elf Archer Carlos] skill [Stone Resonance], this allows all earth units and equipment gets a +1000 stat increase."

[Stone Hammer Atk 1100+(1000)=2100 | Def 1200+(1000)=2200]

[Giant Stone Bunny Atk 2200+(1000)=3200 | Def 1200+(1000)=2200]

[Small Stone Bunny Atk 1000+(1000)=2000 | Def 800+(1000)=1800]

[Stone golem Atk 1800+(1000)=2800 | Def 800+(1000)=1800]

[Buster Freed Atk 2400+(1000)=3400 | Def 500+(1000)=1500]

[Stone Leggings Atk 0 | Def 3000+(1000)=4000 ]

Skipper:"This makes both my defense and attack go upto 13,500. If you have a huge attack stat then I'll get a huge defense to beat you. I end my turn."

Luffy:"Dammit that's what I get for making the earth deck specialize in defense!" Luffy sighed and drew another card before placing that card in his mana space he then drew again and smiled.

Luffy:"I'm ending this now."


Luffy:"I activate the spell [Summoning of the Great], this allows me to sacrifice all my units on the field and bench to summon the [King Of All Fire Dragons Igneel]!" All his units burst into flames and combine together to create a powerful looking dragon with red scales and golden eyes.

[King Of All Fire Dragons Igneel Atk 5300+(2000)=7300 | Def 4900+(2000)=6900]

Luffy:"Not only that, I activate [Ingeel's] skill, [My Allies Flames] this allows him to borrow the power of all his fallen allies."

[King Of All Fire Dragons Igneel Atk 5300+(2000)+(10,500)=17,800 | Def 4900+(2000)+(23,700)=30,600]

Luffy:"I activate his second skill [Fire Dragons Kings Roar!] it allows me to bench all of your monsters and destroy all your equipment, not only that you lose one life."

Everyone:"What!" The dragon roared and destroyed all of Skipper's projection equipment and units.

Luffy:"[Igneel] attacks." The dragon bathed her projection in flames.

Luffy:"I activate his third skill [Double Attack], I also support him!" Skipper lost two more life leaving her with 3 life.

Luffy:"Due to having a full set of fire attribute armour I can activate [Flaming Meteorite Sword's] effect, [Cross Slash], it allows me attack two more times." Skipper now has one life.

Luffy:"I'm not done yet, [My Allies Flames] has a second effect, it allows me to use one of my bench units skill, but I have to sacrifice four mana points and four life pointz, I used [Burning Lion King Leo's] skill [A True Lions Roar!]." Luffy drew six cards, and his eyes widened when he drew his last card.

Luffy:" Shishishishishi! You know I didn't if I would draw this card. This card is called a smasher card!"

Luffy:"I activate the Smasher card [Fire God's Wrath]" A huge fist made of flames came down and punched Skipper's projection ending the small battle.

Luffy:"Damn that was close I was lucky drawing that [Summoning of the Great]." he wiped a bit sweat off his forehead.

Skipper:"This game is just straight bullshit!"