
Chapter 23: Elder Brother

Hearing what he say shocked many, the Lavinia family are cousins of the king as they are one of the few families that directly descended from the first king.

Luffy:"You mind giving it to me." said Luffy gained a confused look on his face. Joseph handed over the letter. Luffy examined the letter.

Luffy:"I thinks it's best I read in this private follow me guys." said Luffy as he walked out the guild with a Skipper knowing its from Dawn and a confused Snow who doesn't know Dawn's true identity.

They stopped at a clearing not too far outside the town as Luffy opened the letter and read the entire as he read his eye dilated in rage and turned yellow and veins covered his face and hands as he gripped the paper.

Skipper:"Lu what's wrong?" said Skipper in worry.

Skipper:'The only times I've ever seen him this mad was since, a monster scratched me as a kid and when Granny Coco was murdered.'

Luffy:"Skipper read this." said Luffy as he gave Skipper the letter, who promptly began to read it out loud.

Skipper:"I would like to keep this letter brief and my identity a secret for now. But please listen to what I have to say.

You probably know of Morgiana's identity, but if not she is who you call Dawn. Morgiana in her time has went through some very unsavory things in her life."

Skipper then went on read the letter and abuse Dawn went through from the smallest things, to the biggest.

Skipper:"Another time our sisters nearly sold her off as a sex slave to another noble, if it weren't for the timely intervention of our grandfather at the time." read Skipper as she became increasingly angry with every sentence.

Snow, Snow had tears in her eyes, she was shocked hearing Dawn was from a high noble house. But hearing the abuse she went through shook the little self proclaimed wolf girl, she never thought anyone can be so cruel, especially to their own family.

The little silvered haired beast girl fell to her knees in shock.

Skipper:"She is also to be wed in a three days, though that should be tomorrow night if my letter reaches you in time. Please save her."

Skipper was mad so mad her eyes turned yellow as she went into Ikari mode as well from the rage.

Skipper:"Luffy what do we do?"

Luffy:"Isn't it simple get your most formal clothes and storm the damn place!" said Luffy with rage clear in his voice.

Snow:"Um! Luffy I don't have anything formal!" said the wolf girl awkwardly.

Luffy:"It's fine I'll make you one."

*Ting Ting Ting!* Marcus tapped the spoon on his glass as a number of people turned to him. "Everyone, I'd like to personally thank you all for coming to see the union of my daughter and the son of the Daxuis family Greathearth."

Said son raised his glass, he was obese but not ugly, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He also had his father with him Francis Daxuis.

Morgiana took a sip of her drink, glaring at her father in anger. He was currently having a party before the wedding. Normally this would've happened after the wedding but her father wanted to spoil his guests a bit and show off to the other nobles.

She looked around and saw her siblings all talking to other nobles. But to her surprise she couldn't find her eldest brother she wondered where he was.


She sat in her dressing room, wearing a beautiful white wedding dress, at her neck was a crystal necklace that any peasant would drool over.

Dawn:"This is, this is where I end up!" tears formed in her eyes, but she wiped them away.

Dawn:"This is what I deserve, I shouldn't have left the party like I did."


Riding in carriage was Luffy, Skipper and Snow. Said carriage were being pulled by mechanical horses. But a figure stood in they're way.

They stopped the carriage and stepped out in front of them stood Jeremiah wearing a suite of armour.

Jeremiah:"Monkey D Luffy."

Luffy:"You must be the sender." He nods and draws his sword.

Jeremiah:"Yes I am Jeremiah Laxinia. Before you rescue my sister I would request a battle to the death." he said seriously, Snow was shocked by this, Skipper was unresponsive.

Luffy said nothing but he took step and in that instant he closed the gap between him and Jeremiah in an instant, surprising the raven headed noble.

Jeremiah instinctively blocked a punch from Luffy, the knight was launched back but wasn't given the time to recover as Luffy kicked him from behind, which launched him in the air.

Luffy appeared above him and delivered a axe kick to his gut launching him down like meteorite, he smashed onto grassy path forming a crater.

Jeremiah:'Strong he's way too strong I haven't even got a chance to even land a single blow as of yet!'

Luffy landed on the ground and walked over to him.

Luffy:"Why do you want to die? You challenged me an S-class only someone who really likes fighting would do that. Your not such a person."

Jeremiah layed there as he looked to the sky with a sad glow in eyes.

Jeremiah:"I failed at protecting Morgiana.....I was stuck I was raised to become a knight to bring honor to the Lavinia family's name, but how could they treat their own family like that!"

Jeremiah:"I tried my best to make it easier for her, I used to sneak her some of my food when they left her nothing to eat. I even used to sneak her dolls and other things when she felt left out.....but it wasn't enough she needed to be away from our accursed family. So I secretly helped escaped once I saw sneaking out at night." He laughed dryly as if he's given up hope.

Jeremiah:"But in the end it was all for naught and now our father no Marcus sold her off to some spoiled noble.....I wanted to die for my failures as a brother and as Knight, she deserves better."

Luffy:"I see, I'm not gonna kill you."

Jeremiah:"Please just finish me, I don't need your pity."

Luffy:"I'm not pitying you." Luffy stared at him straight in the eyes.

Luffy:"Jeremiah Lavinia, since your life is now in my hands, from now on you are to be my sword and shield when ever I may need." Luffy's voice was cold, stern and authoritive. A wave washed over Jeremiah.

Luffy:"Do I make myself clear. Now stand." Jeremiah looked dazed as he stood up. Luffy then handed him a formal suite.

Luffy:"Get changed we're rescuing your sister." said Luffy as he walked back to his carriage.

Luffy:'These skill are really something.' thought Luffy as he looked down to his status.

[Aura of the King-(Passive)]

[Authority of the King-(Active)]