


'Ah, the sound of another morning of school.'

After yesterday's events with the whole ghost kidnapping situation, Jun was kind of relieved that he could experience a normal day as an average highschool student.



"You're THEE KUSANAGI JUN!!" Tae yelled slamming a magazine down on the table for Sophia and Elena to see.


On the magazine cover was a picture of him and the redhead Satsuki holding hands while entering a top brand tailor shop.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE FAMOUS!!" Tae yelled grabbing his shoulders.

"How was I supposed to bring it up!? Oh hey guys I'm Kusanagi Jun, a child genius with a Nobel prize winning father and a world renown fashion designer mother. I'm soooo smart that I completely skipped middle school and don't even need to come to high-school. In fact I'm not exaggerating when I say that I could probably teach the teachers things about their own subject that would break their fragile little minds. Oh and did I mention my dick's huge! No? Well it is... See? Doesn't it just sound like I'm showing off?"

While Jun was trying to prove a point to his classmates, they had long since lost interest and were to busy focusing on his crotch area trying to figure out if he was lying or not.

"Hey Elena, can you tell how big it is?" Sophia whispered.

"I can't. The trouser material makes it to hard to get any kind of measure." Elena whispered back.

"I know! There's a girl in the second year who's said to have the ability to accurately read these kind of things." Tae butted in.

"Seriously!? What a useless but practical ability!" Sophia gasped.

"Whats her name?" Elena asked.

"Aika Kiryuu."


"He said devil?" Sitting in large furnished room, a busty redhead and a group of good looking teenagers stood at attention as Koneko retold Rias of yesterdays events.

"Yes Rias-sama."

"Do you think he knows about us?" Issei asked remembering the white haired boy that dragged Koneko away.

Shaking her head, Rias couldn't be sure as she didn't have much to go off besides him saying the word devil and threatening Koneko.

"What was his name again?"

"Kusanagi Jun, he recently transferred into the first year." Akeno said reading off a document.

"Kusanagi..." She mumbled as if trying to remember something.

"Your thinking of adding him to your peerage?" Kiba spoke up after seeing the look on her face.

"I don't know... Before any of that happens I'd like to at least meet him. So bring him here after school Koneko."

"Yes Rias-sama." She bowed slightly before leaving the room with Issei and Kiba.

With only the two of them left, Akeno turned towards her king.

"Are you sure about this? Forgetting the fact that he threatened Koneko and students of this school, recruiting someone we know little about seems extremely reckless."


Standing up from her chair Rias went and stood next to the window where she could see the courtyard.

"Akeno... I can't marry Riser. If this Kusanagi person knows about us and managed to hide himself from our detection despite being in the same class a Koneko and meeting face to face with Issei. What does that say about his capabilities?"

"That he's a very shrewd person." She answered.

"Exactly." She nodded.

"But then why would a person as shrewd as this purposefully threaten Koneko?" She asked waiting for Akeno to figure it out.

"H-He knew she would tell us!" Her eyes widened when she realized that fact.

"Indeed. He revealed himself on purpose to attract our attention."

"But why would he do that?" She asked not understanding the purpose behind his actions.

"I don't know." She shook her head. "But that's exactly why I want to meet him."


"So what do you think Aika sempai?" Tae asked the glasses wearing second year student.

Hiding behind a wall, Tae, Sophia, Elena and Kiryuu were spying on Jun as he ate his lunch with Sakura, Daruku and their friends.

"Which one is he?" Kiryuu asked looking at the male students in the area.

"That one." Sophia pointed at Jun.

Adjusting her glasses she focused her sight on the area between Jun's trousers before stumbling back in shock.

"AIKA-SENPAI!!" Tae shouted catching the girl.

"D-D-Demon!!" She stuttered before fainting.

"Senpai! SENPAI!!" Tae dramatically wailed and clutched her body.

"Demon? Is his thing really that scary?" Sophia turned to Elena.

Shrugging her shoulders she helped carry their unconscious upperclassman to the infirmary.


"Miyu-san, Kizuna-san, this is Jun." Daruku introduced her two friends to him.

"Nice to meet you." He said politely.

"Wow, you're as handsome as Daruku-chan described." The girl with short black hair said to him.

'She's pretty cute.'

"Kusanagi Jun." He held out his hand.

Shaking it she gave him a huge smile that made his heart briefly skip a beat.

"Aikawa Kizuna."


"Hey don't leave me out!!" Jumping in between the two, a short girl with medium length orangey brown hair tied into two pigtails with pink ribbons spoke up.

"Its not fair hogging him all to yourself Kizuna-chan! I always wanted to meet the boy who made Daruku chan's heart go doki doki!!" She pouted at the other girl while Daruku started to lightly blush.

"Daruku san, what have you been telling your friends?" Sakura asked with a smile that wasn't really.

"I erm... well." Seeing the dark aura emanating from Sakura, Daruku was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say.

Ignoring the two, a blonde girl by Sakura's side came up to Jun and held her hand out.

"Todoroki Shion."

The girl had messy blonde hair that hung down freely while a cute cowlick stood atop her head. She wore the standard Kuoh uniform but ditched the shoulder cape and corset and replaced it with a cool looking red and white jacket that had two small golden dragons on the chest.

'Even Sakura's friends are cute.'

Smiling at the girl he shook her hand.

"No fair, I still haven't introduced myself!" Daruku's other friend complained again.

Squeezing through the gap created by Sakura and Daruku, the girl with the orangey brown hair made her way to the front of Jun and showed off a wild grin.

"Shinohara Miyu, nice to meet cha." She grinned and also held her hand out for him to shake.

'Seriously how cute are these girls.'

"Nice to meet you Miyu-san."

"Nope nope!!" She shook her head.

"What?" He was surprised by her reaction.

"Its Miyu senpai." She grinned and pointed at herself.


Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned back to see the smiling face of the recently introduced Kizuna.

"Miyu is actually a second year student. So technically he's our senpai."

"Oh, so your actually a year olde- Wait!! Did you just call Miyu a he!?"

"Huh? Didn't I mention that both me and Miyu chan are male?" Kizuna cocked his head to the side.


'I must be hearing things...'

"Sorry Kizuna san but it seems like I zoned out for a minute there, do you mind repeating what you just said?"

"Me and Miyu-chan are male."

With a wobbly finger he pointed at both Miyu and Kizuna.



"B-But your both wearing female uniforms! Only girls are allowed to wea-"

Before he could finish his sentence he remembered that Daruku had been given special permission to wear a maid outfit around campus.

"You were given permission..." He asked with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, apparently if you're cute enough your forced to wear a female uniform." Kizuna explained.

"...I see.... Excuse me for a moment."

Walking away from the girls... and traps, Jun made his way to the boys toilets and summoned out the Yamato. Slicing open a portal he made his way to the endless desert.

Taking in a breath full of the hot desert air, he made sure that his lungs were clear as he looked up at the sky and...



Joining back with the others, Jun saw that both Sakura and Daruku had calmed down.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit pale." Daruku grabbed his hand and said worriedly.

"I'm... fine." He said with a forced smile.

'*Sniff* Why are the cutest ones all boys...'

'What the fuck is wrong with this world!'

Standing next to the blonde haired Shion, a timid looking girl with glasses and a well endowed figure shyly spoke up.

"Hmm?" Looking at her Jun remembered that she was a secondary character in an anime he had once watched.

'A GIRL!!!'

"Shibata Mizuki, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She bowed and shut her eyes tightly.

Scratching the back of his head he was at a bit of a loss for words.

"Nice to meet you Shibata-san."

"Please call me Mizuki!" She yelled causing everyone to look at her in surprise.

"I-I." Seeing everyone look at her caused her face to redden and made her fumble her words.

"Then you can just call me Jun Mizuki-san." Jun said calming the shy girl down.


While the group got to know Jun, Elena and Sophia sat on a bench on top of the school roof.

"So what do you think?" Elena asked while taking a bite out of her lunch.

"Aboft whaft?" Sophia answered with her mouth full.

"Jun, Saya and Koneko... And don't talk with your mouth full."

Wiping away the grease around her mouth, Sophia turned to Elena and grinned.

"I like them." She said proudly.


'This idiot...'

"I didn't mean it like that." Elena sighed.

"Then what did you mean?" Sophia asked with a confused expression.

"Do you think they're blazers!?"

Putting her finger on her cheek, Sophia thought about the question and eventually shrugged her shoulders.

"They seem suspicious but I don't think they're blazers."

"Espers then?"

"Like the ones from Academy city?"

She shook her head.

"Espers in general, they don't have to be from Academy city."

"Hmm... Well I think Jun and Koneko might be Espers." Sophia finally answered after thinking it over.

"So you felt it too!" Elena said with the most emotion in her voice since arriving in Japan.

"Mmm." Sophia nodded.

"When we were going to karaoke Koneko released a weird power."

Nodding her head in agreement, Elena started thinking back on all the suspicious activity between her classmates.

"I had my suspicions but... I think Jun was the cause."

"I agree... But its not like we have any right to butt into their private matters. After all, we haven't told them about us being blazers."

".....Friends tell each other secrets right?" Elena suddenly asked.

"Hmm... If they're good friends then I guess so."

"...I... want to be good friends with Jun and the others..." Elena said in a quiet voice.

"You want to tell them we're blazers?" Sophia asked looking up at the sky.

"Mmm." She nodded.

"I don't have any problem with it, but just because they know what we are doesn't mean they'll tell us what they are."

"I know... But I want to be real friends..."

Aika Kiryuu (DXD)

Tae Futaba (Masamune kuns-revenge)

Kizuna Aikawa (Prunus girl)

Shibata Mizuki (mahouka koukou no rettousei)

Miyu Shinohara (Corpse party)

Shion Todoroki (Yuragi Sou No Yuuna San)

Aradacreators' thoughts