

"Hey guys, wanna go to the arcade?" Tae asked the group with her usual bubbly expression.

"Sorry, I promised Sakura and Daruku that'd I walk home with them today." Jun apologized.

"Aw bummer. What about you gals?" She turned towards Elena and Sophia.

"Sorry, we have to check in with our families today." Sophia said regretfully.

"Aw not you guys too."

"Sorry." Elena bowed.

"Ah! I was just joking, no need to bow." She waved her hands in panic.


Packing his bag, Jun was about to go meet Sakura and Daruku but felt someone grab his shoulder.

Turning around he saw the stoic Koneko.

"Come with me."

Smiling at her expressionless face he patted her head.

"Sorry Koneko-chan but I can't play with you today."

Slapping his hand away she looked at him with annoyance.

"You have to come." She said in a commanding tone.

"Sorry but I got plans." He said dismissing her before walking away.


"We're out of ice cream!!" Becky yelled from the kitchen.

Everyone turned to look at Kyōka.

"What?" She said with a look of confusion on her face.


Jumping into Jun's lap, Becky looked up at him with teary eyes.


"No." He immediately said.

"I didn't even say anything yet!"

"You didn't have to, whatever it was, was bound to be stupid." He said as if it was a fact.

Everyone nodded hearing that.

"Then just think of it as paying me back." She whined.

"Paying you back for what?" He asked confused.

"For bringing another woman into our love nest!" She pointed at Kirue who was laying on the other sofa with a handheld game console in hand.

"You do know this is my house right?"

"And I'm your guardian which makes me responsible for you!" She argued back.

"I don't know what kind of guardian wants to bang the person they're meant to be caring for."

"The ones who love them the most obviously." She rolled her eyes.

'Wow, that's some pedophilic way of thinking.'

"Plus we're out of soap." She added.


"Fine." He gave in thinking that a night walk would be quieter than dealing with her.

"YES! I love you Jun." She said kissing him on the cheek which drew everyone's except Kirue's ire.


"Thanks." He said receiving his change from the shop clerk.

Walking home he felt like someone was following him from the shadows. After a couple of minutes the person following him finally had enough and threw a blue spear made of light at him.

Taking a small step back that made it look he was about to yawn, the spear landed in front of him and planted itself into the ground.

"I missed?" Walking out of the shadows, a man in a grey hat with black bird like wings on his back came out facing Jun with a look of superiority on his face.

"Hmph, I-


Without even waiting for the guy to introduce himself, Jun charged his gun up with demonic energy and fired a demonic enhanced bullet straight through the head of the fallen angel.


Crashing to the floor, blood leaked out of the small hole in his forehead before his body turned into black feathers and vanished.




Firing off a holy bullet into the nearby bushes, the sound of a young man's scream permeated the air.

Walking towards the scream, Jun pulled out an injured Kiba who was bleeding from his arm.

Throwing him onto the floor he pointed the gun at his head.

"What do you want devil of the Gremory family?"

"Y-You know who I am?" He said trying to ignore the pain.



"Did I say you could ask questions?" He said blowing the spoke away from the gun.

Crouching down he placed the gun right on Kiba's temple.

"Y'know, you guys really are disappointing. As soon as I arrived I had already sensed your magical energy from miles away. At first I thought I must have just been the Gremory family but lo and behold the Sitri family is just as pathetic as you lot. You guys probably thought that since you were in your territory you would be safe right? I mean there'd be no way that someone would purposefully start a fight with the great Gremory household! If I were you guys I'd probably be that arrogant as well. It's just unfortunate that I'm the type of guy who can't take people blatantly showing off in front of me. It really irks me y'know."

Standing up from his crouching position he looked down on the bleeding Kiba and shook his head in disappointment.

'I guess Koneko already told them.'

"That king of yours should be here soon. When she arrives do me a favor and tell her that none of your vitals have been hit and that everything should be alright as long as they take the bullet out.

After saying this he knocked Kiba out and used the Yamato to open a portal to his front door.


A couple of seconds after he left, a red magic circle appeared on the ground summoning out Akeno, Rias and Koneko.

"KIBA!!" Rias screamed when she saw the bloody and unconscious Kiba laying on the ground.

Rushing to his side the girls shook him until he weakly opened his eyes.

"Ri...as..." He said weakly.

"Kiba! Don't talk, we'll get you cleaned up!"

"He... knows... about... us..." He managed to get out before fainting.


"Rias sama!! Look!" Koneko shouted pointing to the black feathers.

Seeing the black feathers made her eyes constrict.

"Akeno, take Kiba back and heal him."

"Yes Rias." Akeno created a teleportation circle before taking Kiba and leaving with him.

Once they had left Koneko and Rias cleaned up the scene.

"He knows about us... Did he mean Jun?" Koneko asked.

"Jun..." Rias clenched her fists.

"I swear I'll make you pay."


The next morning went the same as the other. He left the house to Kirue, walked to school with the girls before separating with Aisa and Kyōka.

"Thought of any clubs you want to join?" Daruku suddenly brought up.

"Hmm... Maybe the kendo club." He responded.

"Really? Wouldn't that just bore you?"

"Probably." He shrugged. "But if I join then I can beat people up for a good reason."

"You really are violent." Sakura giggled from the side.

"You say that like your not." He teased and poke her.

"When have I ever been violent!" She defended.

Pointing at Daruku he smiled.

"Ergh... We're not violent, we just play a bit to roughly."

"Is that true Daruku?"

With watery eyes Daruku shook her head and instantly denied Sakura's claim.

"She's a bully who likes to pick on the weak." She sobbed.

"Tsk, tsk, violent and a bully... And to think how sweet you used to be when we were kids." Jun said in disappointment.


"PFFTTTHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHahHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" The two burst out laughing at Sakura's expression.

"I hate you two." She said a sour expression.

"C'mon Sakura, you know we were just joking." Jun said trying to placate her.

"Fuck that bastard's duel wielding." One student said seeing both Daruku and Sakura stick to Jun.

"Don't look at him, it'll only make your murderous intent increase."

"KYA! I want to beat him up."

"*Sniff* I want to be popular."

"Daruku chan!!" Someone shouted.

Turning around Jun and his group saw the female uniform wearing Miyu and Kizuna run towards them.

"Yo." Jun greeted the pair.

"Sup kohai." Miyu grinned and squeezed in between Daruku and Jun.

"Hey!" Daruku complained.

"You got to hug him all the way here so I want a turn." Miyu said sticking her tongue out at her.

"You don't mind do you Jun?" She said looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.


"I guess its fine." He said trying to play it off.

"Then I guess I'll squeeze in as well."


Squeezing in between Sakura and Jun, Kizuna grabbed onto his left arm and gave him a coy smile.

"Hey Jun kun." She said running her finger along his chest.

"Is it true that you're okay with traps?"

Hearing this question made Daruku's ears perk up.

Closing his eyes for a second, Jun gave a quick thought to the question before showing a thumbs up.

"As long as they're cute gender doesn't matter!" He said proudly.

A couple male students walking by also nodded their head in agreement and gave Jun a slow but tactic nod.

"KYAAAA!! Really!?" Kizuna squealed in excitement.

"What? Don't tell me you've fallen for me?" He grinned.

"Ha! After all the things Daruku said about you how could a girl not fall for you."

"You're a boy." Jun corrected.

"I'm a trap."

'Can't argue with that.'

As the group drew closer to the school, they saw that Rias and the rest of her peerage were waiting by the front gate.

'Oho, this could be interesting.'

Placing his arm around the waists of both traps, he pulled them into his embrace.

"Ehh!!" They both squealed in surprise while Jun stared at the red haired devil ahead of him with a shit eating grin plastered across his face.

"Kusanagi Jun!" Rias said through grit teeth.

"Yo." He smiled.

"I would greet you... But as you can see my hands are all tied up." He pulled the girls closer into him making a dark aura seep out of the oddly silent Sakura.

"Ku-sa-nagi" Rias shook with anger seeing him joke around with her after injuring her knight.

"I'd love to chat but I don't want to be late for class. See ya around Rias senpai."