

Walking into a big building with a huge satellite dish on the top, Jun was greeted by a beautiful woman in her late 20s. When she saw him she immediately stopped what she was doing and went over to him with a not so happy look on her face.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and started to shake him.

This woman was Ishihara Sumi, his agent.

"Why is there a huge hole in your apartment!! Do you have any idea how much that will cost to fix!"

"Nice to see you to Sumi-chan." He smiled at her annoyed expression.

Hearing him refer to her with chan made the vein on her forehead throb as she was ready to teach him a lesson on respecting his elders.

"What's wrong Sumi-chan? Is Sumi-chan feeling okay? Does Sumi-chan need to take a break?" He kept repeating with an innocent look on his face that would make most girls swoon.

"You... Damn... Brat!" She grit her teeth.

Smiling at her he knew that she couldn't do anything to him otherwise she could be sued.

"Don't worry about the wall, I'll pay for it."

"You'll pay for it?" She looked up at him not believing a word.

"What's with that look!?"

"*Sigh* For as long as I've known you I've never seen you spend a dime." She answered recalling that even his clothes were things that they brought for him.

"That's only because it feels more genuine to receive something from someone else than it is to buy it myself. Not to mention I get to see you whenever you bring my clothes over for me."

"Your honey words won't work on me." She smirked.

Jun shrugged his shoulders in response.

"It was worth a try."

"Jun-san!!" The voice of a girl sounded out.

Turning towards the voice the agent and her client saw a well endowed girl with short red hair and red eyes approach them with a huge smile on her face.

"Yo Satsuki." He greeted her.

"I heard about your home, are you okay!" She asked checking his body to make sure that he wasn't injured.

Stopping her from checking any further he started to pet her which made her give him a sweet smile

Seeing the development between the two, Sumi made a sick expression like she was about to throw up.

"Oi, get that lovey dovey shit outta here."

"What are you talking about Sumi-chan? Isn't it okay for me to greet my girlfriend?" He said with a sly smile plastered across his face.

"Damn brat..." Remembering that the two were meant to be a couple in the eyes of the public, there was little she could do to stop the current situation. Turning around in frustration she quickly left towards the elevator.

"Think she's jealous?" Jun asked watching her leave.

"*Sigh* You're really dense aren't you." Satsuki sighed.

"Excuse but I'll have you know that I'm what you'd call a genius." He refuted.

"I said you were dense, not stupid."


"You really haven't noticed how she looks at you do you?" Satsuki pouted slightly when she said this.

"You mean that unrestrained look of annoyance and shame at the fact that she's working for someone who makes ten times her salary despite being vastly younger than her? That look?"

Unable to believe that Jun had just straight forwardly insulted his agent without meaning to, Satsuki just looked at him without saying a word.

"You don't understand women do you?" She said dryly.

"I understand them to an extent." He replied.

"If you carry on with that attitude you'll never get a girlfriend." For some reason her words sounded quite sharp.

"I have you don't I?" He smiled.

"I guess... But we're not a real couple." She said the last part quietly.

"Do you want to be?"


Seeing that she wasn't responding he decided to change the conversation.

"So what were you saying about Sumi?"

Hearing the question she understood what he was trying to do and graciously accepted.

"Sumi likes you a lot, but due to her being your agent she's trying to keep your relationship professional."

"Oh?" He said in surprise. "That shouldn't matter, I'm quitting after today."

"That's good to hea- Wait what!"


"Good morning Tokyo! I'm your host Nanna Anderson and joining me today is model and celebrity couple Kusanagi Jun and Usui Satsuki. Hello you two, nice to have you here."

Hearing how friendly the host was acting, Satsuki immediately replied with enthusiasm.

"Hello Tokyo, thanks for us on the show Nanna-san." She smiled.

"Of course, we're just happy to have one of Tokyo's most promising celebrity couples with us." Nanna said cheerily.

"Now onto the main subject. Jun-kun, our listeners have sent us a couple of questions that they would really appreciate if you answered. So what do you say?"


"Great! Okay question one, how come you missed out on going to middle school?"

'They even know about this? Well I guess that's journalism for you.'

"Well as you know, my father is scientist."

"Kusanagi Seijiro right! A famous scientist who's inventions have revolutionized the world with the latest advancements in smart phone technology and his conversion of clean renewable energy sources!"

"Yeah... Well a couple of years ago he made me take a university entrance exam and I ended up passing. After that we decided that me going to middle school wouldn't really do anything for me academically so I was free to do whatever I wanted." He explained.

"Wow! So you're like a real genius." She exclaimed.

Jun simply nodded his head and smiled.

"But you're going to high school right?"

"Yeah, I wanted to experience what it was like to be a high school student in our modern society."

"Oh? And how is that going for you?" She asked forgetting about Satsuki.

"Its fine I guess." He said not delving into further detail.

"I see! Now onto the next question. Ooh this one is for the both of you." She looked at both models.

"How did you two know you were right for each other?"



"That was tiring." Satsuki said letting out a yawn.

"Here." Jun passed her a drink he got from the vending machine.

"Thanks." She smiled.

The interview had just ended and the two were currently sitting on a bench in the park watching a couple of kids play with their friends and family.

"You're still in love with that Haruto guy aren't you?" Jun suddenly asked.

Lowering her head Satsuki nodded.


Haruto was her childhood friend that she had a crush on. A long time ago their friend died and he ended up isolating himself away from his friends. Its been 10 years since they last talked but Satsuki was still unable to let him go.

If Jun was being honest with himself, he absolutely looked down on her. The thought of waiting 10 years for a childhood friend who intentionally distanced himself from you was a foolish endeavour in his eyes. This was why he preferred demons. Demons are naturally chaotic creatures that give into their desires and go for what they want. Humans on the other hand were to wishy washy about these kind of things and often took to long to make any meaningful decisions.

Looking at the kids play, he was reminded of his childhood days with his friends.

'I'm really going back huh.' He thought looking up at the cloudless blue sky.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket he dialed Sumi's number.


"Yo Sumi-chan." He said in a cheerful voice to annoy her.

"What did I say about calling me chan you damn brat!!" She yelled.

Chuckling at her tone he felt like he was going to miss talking to her.

"I've got something to tell you." He said seriously.

Hearing the change in his voice, Sumi stopped shouting and listened closely.

"Well you see... Satsuki told me you have a crush on me."


Satsuki spat out her drink and looked at him in disbelief.


"Hello? Sumi-chan?" He called out since she seemed to disappear.

"Is it a bad signal? Well anyway, I'm leaving Tokyo tonight so I'm quitting my modeling job. Oh! And I always thought you were cute when you were smiling, so try not to yell at your next client as much okay."

Hanging up the phone he took in the fresh air ignoring the look of shock written all over Satsuki's face.

Sumi Ishihara (Samurai Flamenco)

Satsuki Usui (shichisei no subaru)

Nanna Andersen (Asterisk War)

Aradacreators' thoughts