
In an visual novel where I'm the servant of the Vampire Villainess.

"Huh,Why I'm Here" The moment i opened my eyes i was in a different world and if this wasn't enough i was in world of the visual novel which i played . Can I survive?

SK_YUNJUN · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 2: Reminder that "you should mind your business" [Edited]

The grand hall was bustling with activity as a feast was being held. Guests were dressed in their finest attire, indicating the importance of the occasion. Amidst the chatter and clattering of dishes, I stood in the midst of it all.

A young girl with pale white skin and crimson eyes sat at a table not far from me, sobbing quietly. She was dressed in a black gown and high heels, and seemed to be an outcast as many of the other guests were keeping their distance from her.

I wondered where her parents were as I overheard murmurs from the crowd around me. "I heard she used her devilish magic to murder her brother," whispered one person. "Oh my God, she's done it. I feel bad for her brother, who died as a result of this girl," said another. "I know she's a blight on the empire, and I'm not sure why she's invited to this feast," commented a third. The girl seemed to be in a great deal of pain as she listened to the harsh words being spoken about her.

Her expression was not that of a grieving child, but rather of someone who had lost the will to live and was just enduring the suffering. Seeing her in this state filled my heart with a deep sense of sorrow. Despite knowing that I probably shouldn't, I felt drawn to approach her and offer my support. Ignoring the curious glances of the other guests, I walked over and took an empty seat at her table.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked softly, trying to be as kind as possible.

The girl, who had been sobbing with her face hidden, stopped crying and pulled her hand away when she noticed someone was there. She looked at me with her scarlet eyes and sniffled.

"W-what? You're going to hiccup insult me too?" She wiped her eyes and said.

"I'm not here to insult you or anything. I just can't stand seeing people cry in front of me," I replied.

"T-that's none of your business," she said, looking away.

"Oh, please don't push me away. I'm also alone at this party and don't know anyone else, so I thought I'd introduce myself to you. Please let me sit with you."

She held my gaze as if she was trying to gauge my intentions, and I met her gaze steadily, hoping to show that I was not a bad person.

She looked away and spoke in a hushed tone, possibly out of shyness. "So you're a decent guy?"

"I wouldn't call myself decent, but I suppose you could say that," I said with an embarrassed grin.

The people in the hall were staring at us with frightened eyes. "Is that kid out of his mind?" "Does anyone recognize him? He doesn't look familiar." "Will he really talk to a murderer?"

Why were they labeling this sweet-looking girl as a murderer? She couldn't be capable of killing anyone.

As I turned my gaze back to the girl, I saw that the tears that had stopped earlier had returned and were once again rolling down her cheeks.

"You shouldn't be here, Mister. If you stay too close to me, people will think less of you and it will cause you problems. So I think you should go," she said, her voice trembling.

She seemed to be about to leave, but something inside me told me to stop her. As she tried to stand up, I grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" she demanded angrily.

Even in her harsh tone, I could tell she was upset.

"Would you like to go over there until your parents arrive?" I asked, glancing down at her hand, which I was still holding.

She looked back at me and said, "Don't you care what people think of you, mister?"

"I really don't, so do you want to go there?" I asked.

After a moment of contemplation, she nodded and we made our way to a table that was less crowded than the rest of the hall.

I could tell she was anxious about something, so I asked, "So, what's your name?"

She took a deep breath and said, "My name is Veronica Bloodfallen."


"That's a lovely name for a lovely young lady," I said, smiling.

Her scarlet eyes flickered slightly as she heard my words before returning to their lifeless look.

"Do you mind if I call you Veronica?"

"Um, my father is the only person who is allowed to call me Veronica. You should call me Lady Veronica."

"All right, Lady Veronica. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself? What are some things you like to do? And what is the most valuable thing in the world to you?"

I know it sounds silly to ask these sorts of questions, but I couldn't think of anything else. I just hoped she wouldn't think I was weird.

"Why would I tell you anything about myself?" she asked, frowning.

"Do you have any other topics you'd like to discuss?"

"Ugh, fine, I'll talk to you until my dad comes. That's it," she said, clearly displeased.

I could tell her mood was shifting.

I let out a sigh of relief.

My gaze was drawn to her as she fiddled with her fingers, unsure of how to respond.

"If you're uncomfortable, we can talk about something else," I offered.

"No, I was just thinking about something. I don't have anything interesting about me. But to answer your question, I like training with my father, and my most precious people in the world are my younger brother and my pet Sylvia."

"Your little brother must be thrilled to have such a loving elder sister," I said, hoping to lift her mood.

But she stopped and, after a moment, began crying again, causing me to panic.

'Oh no, I must have said something wrong.'

"I'm sorry, Lady Veronica. Did I offend you by saying something inappropriate?"

"My younger brother is the unluckiest person in the world to have a sister like me," she said, sobbing.

'Shit, so they were telling the truth,' I realized.

"I apologize for mentioning your late brother."

"I murdered him, I murdered my brother," she said, something that was hard to believe.

Then, with a blank expression void of emotion or coldness, she spoke to me:

"I'm an evil person, just like everyone around us has been saying."

To be completely honest, the girl's reaction scared even me.

"It's not possible; you're not—"

The air suddenly became heavy, and I felt suffocated.


She started screaming those words at me as the people at the banquet gathered around us.

Her once-calm demeanor had erupted into anger.

"I knew it! She's admitted to killing her brother. What a terrible child she is."

"I don't know why the royal highness invited someone like her to the ball."

"WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP? SHE'S A CHILD FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I shouted at the taunting crowd, my rage boiling over.

The surroundings fell silent, and when I turned to speak with the girl again, she was gone.

As I was wondering where she had gone, the scene in front of me started to change and I saw Veronica and another person on the balcony a little distance away from me.

As I made my way to the balcony, I saw a young man in his 20s, who looked strikingly similar to Veronica, holding her as she cried.

I decided to hide in a corner and listen in on their conversation.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Veronica said through her tears.

The man, with scarlet eyes like Veronica's, also began to cry as he watched his daughter. He ran his hand through her hair and tried to comfort her.

"Veronica, Veronica, I don't blame you for anything. I understand it was an accident, so you don't have to punish yourself."

"But, Dad—" Veronica started to say something, but stopped as she saw her father's wet cheeks.

"If anyone has to take the blame, it should be me, my child. Please let me take this burden from you," he said, pausing for a moment before repeating it.

"Love and emotions are a curse for humans as well as vampires; they make us weak and unable to assess situations, and they also affect our judgment. So from today on, be the girl who is devoid of any emotions, who is firm and the strongest that you can be. That way, you'll be able to protect yourself and others. The people who are badmouthing you will eventually praise you if you're strong enough. And as a member of the great Bloodfallen family, you shouldn't let your brother's incident destroy you."

Veronica listened to her father's words with a resolute face, as if she were taking an oath.

I could sense a change in her just by looking at her face.

The emotions had been replaced by goals; the pain she was experiencing had become her motivation, and her father's words had become her motto.

This was the birth of the new Veronica.


[ Congratulations ]

[ User: Asher Rineheart ]

[ You Just Experienced A Memory Fragment Of (Character): Loui Luina Veronica ]

[Exp Earned:10k ]

[ Level up 7 ➣ 9 ]

[Quest completed: Save the Blood Queen]

[Exp Earned:8000]

[Random skill awarded]


—Spell creation [Unique Skill]

[ A character has taken a liking to you ]

[Reward: 4000 Exp ]

As I glanced at the numerous notifications filling my screen, I was unable to properly assess them due to the current circumstances.

'The dream.'

I had just experienced a unique encounter that was not part of the game.

'Memory Fragment.'

This was unfamiliar to me.

The dream I had was strange and somewhat unsettling. Both events seemed to be intertwined.

My senses and reasoning were altered in the dream, as far as I could tell, given that the person in the dream was myself.

If I were to find myself in an unfamiliar location, I would normally try to determine my surroundings. However, in this dream, it seemed as though I had no control over my actions.

I speculate that the system was constantly monitoring my mental state to prevent me from panicking.

In any case, this is not necessarily a negative occurrence.

I am aware that strange things will likely become a regular part of my life.

The memory fragment, to say the least, is extremely intriguing.

I was able to literally delve into someone's past and gain a wealth of knowledge and experience.

'Hey system, does the memory fragment function happen automatically or is there a trigger for it?'


As predicted, no response was received.

"Cathy, Cathy, Do you think our guest is insane?"

"Sister, sister, It doesn't seem like he is!"

"Whaa" Two female voices reached my ears as I was pondering about the system. I followed the sounds and discovered two females my age embracing each other. in the corner of the room

They were both dressed as maids.

As I began to glance about, a startling notion occurred to me.

I was lying on the sheets of a large bed in an extravagant room.

'Calm Down, Mathew, You need to be used to this from now on'

"Um? Could you tell me where I am?"

"Sister, sister, the psycho-looking man is speaking; should we respond?"

"Cathy, Cathy, I think we should respond to him."


The two maids were, in fact, twins.

The elder One of the sisters stepped forward and answered.

"You are at Lady Veronica Bloodfallen's House; be thankful, peasant." She Said taking pride in it.

My eyes started to twitch upon hearing her answer.

"Sister, sister, Lady Veronica has directed that we treat this guest with respect, not as if he were any other guest."

'So you mean you treat your other guests like this?'

The elder made a modest bow, and the younger followed the suite.

"Ah, my apologies, and we are also thankful that you saved our lady's life."

"No, it's not much, if I see somebody in danger, it's my responsibility to aid them."

"So you are like a helping man?" Her younger sister titled her in perplexity.

But then I noticed Elder one staring at me with a venomous glare.

'Haah, they're doubting my Nobel help.'

"All I'm saying is that it's a human obligation to aid those in danger; isn't that what you'd do if you saw someone in trouble?" I responded with the most rational response I could think of.

They placed their thumbs on their lips and made a contemplative motion.

"No, we don't think so," they both answered in unison, and I stroked my irritated brow.

"Oh well, I think we all have our differences then. by the way, how is Miss Veronica doing now? Is she well?"

I barely stopped myself, giving them peace of my mind.

Two sisters looked at each other as if to confirm something.

"Yes, since you gave your blood to our lady. She's lovely and vibrant. She remained up all night beside you, waiting for you to wake up, but this morning she received a call from the Mage association about the event in the capital's "Zayrab" market "Cathy said.

'Mage association?'

In Aragon Empire, There are three great power's besides the Empress. In Which The mage association or Guild whatever you call it falls in.

The Supreme Mage, "Victoria Rusfield," established the mage association. The magic casters', or mages, the order was in turmoil in the early stages of the Aragon Empire, threatening the empire's survival, so the Supreme Mage, Victoria Rusfield, founded an organization that looks over the mage's and also offers them certain privileges and pays them salaries. To become a wizard, you must first register.

because if you do not belong to the Mage Association and practice magic in public, you will be labeled a terrorist. Many people were outraged when this announcement became public, but it all came to a halt when the Nobels and the Church expressed their support. To put it another way, anyone who causes trouble for the Mage Association will have to deal with the Other Two. An agreement was forged, which constituted an important aspect of the empire's governing system.

The Mage Association also oversees the empire's five Mage Academies.

"We'll watch over you until she returns," the younger sister said.

We all looked at each other in silence for a moment.


I blushed with embarrassment as my stomach growled with hunger.

"I'm guessing you're hungry. Cathy and I will make you breakfast. Just give us a few minutes," the elder sister said, puffing out her chest confidently.

She wore a bright smile on her lovely face.

If I had to describe their appearance, I would say they looked like twins. They both had long hair that was elegantly tied up with ribbons. (I'm not too knowledgeable about hairstyles.) The elder sister had white hair, while Cathy, the younger sister, had red hair. They both had blue eyes and glossy lips. The most striking feature was their white stockings, which complemented their fantastic figures and the maid costumes that emphasized their ample breasts.

'Is it normal for all the maids to have such large breasts?'

The twins then left the room, giving me some privacy.

As they left, a image of a certain young girl flashed through my mind.

'Veronica was adorable even as a child.'

Even though the dream world may have influenced my actions and emotions, the pain I felt upon seeing Veronica was genuine. I don't want to sound romantic, but that's just how I feel.

However, I now have a better understanding of the character known as "Veronica," which will be useful if I want to survive in this world.

To be honest, Veronica was a kind and decent person in the game, but something changed in her during the first half of the game, causing her to conspire with demons to destroy the Aragon kingdom. The reason for her transformation was kept hidden in the game, so I don't know if she's still the nice Veronica or if she's now fully committed to destroying the empire.

To put it simply, I'm in a tough situation.

"In all this chaos, I didn't even have a chance to check my stats."

I immediately opened the system screen.

[ Took you Long enough ]

"Hey I thought you didn't talk "



[ User: Asher Rineheart ]

—Level: 9 [ Bronze League ]

— Dragonic Level : 3

—Mage: ??

—Spirit Magic: F (1)

—Race: Half Dragon.

-Next Evolution: Dragonic Warrior.

{Progress: 1%}

—Hp: 89 %

—Stress Level: 9%

—Jobs: None

Quest: (None)

Charm: A

Character opnion: Veronica Bloodfallen-( Slave .)

∆Interest: Saving girls and taking advantage of them. Playing the role of villain.

∆Love Interest: None (Not so far at least)

➤Dragonic skills : {Locked} ,{Locked} , {Locked} ,{Locked} , { Locked }, { Locked}.

➤(U)Skills: { Magic Creation-Lv:1 } - Unique Skill. { Appraisal-Lv: 1}

∆-Unknown Blessings:[ Immunity To dark magic], [ Immunity To Divine Magic] , [ Blessed By the Unknown] -Grants The User To Resurrect someone for once.[ Dragon God's Blessings][Spirit's Blessings].

➤Equipment:{ Dagger}

➤Description: A weapon endowed with spiritual power. (Please keep in mind that this weapon will utilize spirit power based on the user's level of spirit Magic.)

-------------------•••[Cursed Skills]•••-------------------

[ Locked ] - Lv ?? Description: ??

[ Locked ] -Lv ?? Description: ??

Note: The curse skills are linked to an unknown source and are one of the most powerful abilities in the universe, rivaling divine strength. But be warned: every time the user performs this skill, something valuable will be taken from you.


"Wait...that means...I'm...Op?"

Just as I was starting to feel a sense of superiority, a notification from the system burst my bubble.

[Important Note: Because all of the user's abilities are locked, the user must be patient and avoid doing anything rash that may create serious problems.]

I let out a sigh as I acknowledged the message from the system.

"Okay, I understand. I was just surprised to learn that I have so much skill."

But there was one thing that was worrying me, and that was my race.

The 'Haif Dragon'.

Dragons play an important role in the plot of the visual novel, although they don't have much to do with the more positive aspects of the story. In the visual novel, dragons are the second-most formidable beings, second only to the vampire god. This species is rare but incredibly powerful. It is said that a single dragon king has the power to destroy an entire continent if they so desire, and dragons have caused a lot of trouble for humans and other species throughout history. In the past, there was a Supreme Dragon who was the ruler of the dragon race. He was reportedly so powerful that even the gods feared him. However, 1200 years ago, he was killed by the Vampire God, who was from the same Bloodfallen clan.

Since then, the dragon race has gradually lost power and has remained hidden from human view. However, it is said that when their dragon god returns, they will rise again.

This is true, and when he returns, he will be a formidable opponent for the hero of the visual novel to defeat.

But I don't think it's possible for dragons and humans to have children together. Or maybe it is possible; either way, the whole situation is a mess. If anyone found out that I was of the dragon race, they would surely kill me. Even if no one discovers my true identity, the knightly order of the church would probably execute me.

I hope appraisal is a rare skill.

[System: The user's anxiety level is increasing]

I hope that appraisal is a rare ability.

[System: The user's anxiety level is rising]

"Great, thanks for nothing," I grumbled.

[System: Appraisal is a one-of-a-kind talent that is available only to you.]

[While there are many people in the world with appraisal skills, none of them are as advanced as yours. If the user is concerned about their status information being revealed, don't worry. Whenever someone uses appraisal on you, the system will block the magic. The user can also customize the fake status bar so that when people use appraisal on you, they will only see what you want them to see.]

"Hey, that's great news. I was worried that my new fantasy life would end sooner than expected," I said, pausing for a moment before continuing.

"But what's the deal with Veronica treating me like her servant? I saved her life; shouldn't she at least pay me some money and say thank you?"


"Hey, what the hell, man? You were just talking to me a minute ago about how long you're going to pretend you don't exist," I yelled at the system, which was not responding to me.


"Sorry for yelling at you. I just lost my temper for a moment," I apologized.

[No worries]

"You son of a--"


The door creaked open, and a familiar figure appeared before me.

Her face was flushed, as if she was frightened by something, and she wore a skintight white coat that emphasized her modest breasts and matching white skirt. Black stockings covered her plump thighs.

Several badges were pinned to her coat, giving her the appearance of a military commander.

I immediately got out of bed and made a respectful bow.

"Hello, Miss Veronica," I began, my voice shaking with gratitude. "I'm very - Mhhh."

Before I could finish my sentence, she interrupted me and pulled me into a sudden embrace. My body stiffened in surprise as she held me for a few moments before releasing me and asking gently, "Are you alright now?"

"Uh, yes, thanks to your generosity, I'm doing fine," I stammered, trying to regain my composure.

She seemed satisfied with my response and relaxed back onto the sofa in front of me.

"I'll be direct," she said, her voice turning cold. "Do you want anything from me?"

I was too afraid to look into her piercing scarlet eyes, worried that I might say something foolish and make her doubt me even more.

"No, it's impossible," I said, flustered and anxious. "I don't want anything from the great mage Veronica Bloodfallen. I'm just grateful to God that I was able to help you."

[User stress is steadily rising]

She scrutinized me with her piercing gaze.

Standing up, she walked closer to me on the sofa and lifted my chin with her hand, forcing me to look into her eyes.

My body froze as I met her gaze.

'Is this some kind of spell?'

[Unknown magic is infiltrating the user]

[Nullification procedure initiated]

[Magical annulment failed]

She leaned closer and asked, her gaze fixed on mine, "I'll ask you again: Why did you help me? Are you working for someone else or do you want something from me? If you answer truthfully, I promise on my life to let you live."

My answer will determine the course of my life, so I must overcome my fear and respond with courage.

[Stress level decreasing]

Calming myself down, I met her gaze and answered her without fear.

"I swear I have no grudges against you and no ulterior motives. When I saw you there, bleeding on the ground, I don't know why my body just acted on its own to help you. That's why I saved you, Miss Veronica, and if you continue to mistrust me, I'll accept any decision you make."

As she listened to my response, her eyes shook. I moved away from her as she removed her hand from my chin.

I looked at her face, which had become confused.

"I applaud you," she said. "It takes bravery to look me in the eyes. Few people in this kingdom can do it as fearlessly as you did." She hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"I looked into your background, and it appears you're not from the Empire. Is that correct?"

The fear that had previously gripped my heart returned.

"You were captured by a slave trader in an empty field and then sold as a slave in the Zayrab market, the same market that I was visiting when I was attacked. Was it just a coincidence that you were there to save me when I was dying? Even if I believed it was a coincidence, the fact that you were there to save me seems suspicious."

She started walking closer to me, making my heart race.

'Damn, the little Veronica was better than the current version.'

Coming close to me, she said loudly, "But, based on your expression, you don't seem to be lying, so for the sake of the empire and my personal safety, I'll take you as my slave and keep an eye on you until my suspicions are dispelled."

'Slave? Me? Of hers?'

"Um, Miss Veronica, I understand that you have doubts about me, but you can still monitor me in other ways. I respectfully request that you reconsider your decision," I said.

"I, Veronica Bloodfallen, do not reconsider my decisions once they are made. Unless you want to die, you should take my words seriously and accept your fate."

"I acquired your rights from the slave trader as well," she said proudly.

'daamm, I hate that smug look'

"Rights?" I questioned, perplexed.

"Are you interested in seeing it? Wait, I'll show you."

With her finger, she made a little snap.

As my chest began to shine from beneath the shirt I was wearing.

I rapidly unfastened my shirt, and for some reason, Veronica's eyes shifted elsewhere.

Then I noticed a little circle painted on my chest that was glowing brilliant red.

'A slave crest' '

"From this day onward, you are my property, rejoice"

I stared at her face which was exuding an evil aura as she glared at with an amusing expression.

And I on the other side.....

'What sin have I committed to becoming the villainess' slave?' I yelled internally.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

SK_YUNJUNcreators' thoughts