
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
93 Chs

The Youngest Mage

The assembly was deathly quiet. It was a strange sound to his ears. Rumius gulped, not sure if to look at his mother's aghast face or her Highness's amused smirk that bordered on a full toothy grin of excitement that no longer seemed filtered to any degree .

The silence lasted for a whole three beats before the whispering started, and in the next, a sharp voice cut, or rather bellowed through the cacophony like a scythe through weeds.

Her highness took a breath and composed herself. Her eyes never left him. 

Rumius could hear his heart pounding. his hands found the fabric of his pants and scrunched them up and released them and grabbed onto them again.

Her highness's gaze was incredibly uncomfortable.

Or perhaps it was hers and that of everyone present that unmanned him so he didn't know. The golden glow of her eyes. The way her lips twisted. 

" You say that you wish for a mage's staff?"

Rumius flinched.

" Yes..Your majesty."

" Why?"

Rumius struggled to find an appropriate response. What was appropriate in this situation anyway? Should he tell her the truth? Or not?

Rumius chose his words carefully.

" I want to be like the magic knights in the fairy tales!" He proclaimed boldly, thinking quickly on his feet.

He had not imagined it. As the words left his mouth, her Highness's golden eyes, the color of ripe lemons, glowed just a shade brighter before dimming again to their usual hue. Her left eyebrow shot up in response.

His proclamation had reached the ears of the attendees present as well and Rumius heard the roar of laughter, some jokes cracked and the clink of glasses and plates.. 

The only one that didn't show a positive response was his mother. Her gaze was locked on him, her lips forced into a grimace of a smile. Her amber eyes so dark it spoke of thunderstorms.

Rumius averted his gaze. He knew that he was in trouble but he couldn't say he knew why.

Her Highness was still smiling but it was no longer the smile from before. Her face adorned a kind smile, a princess perfect imitation straight out of fantasy.

Rumius instinctively took a step back. He was no idiot but he cursed himself for not making the link earlier. There was definitely something up here. Between his mother's barely suppressed hostility and that playful glee in the princess's eyes, just why didn't he make the link sooner? 

It was so obvious!

Rumius's wide eyes swung to look her highness's, his body poised to bolt like a cornered prey.

Her highness showed no reaction, but Rumius could feel it in his gut that she knew. She looked up, into nowhere in particular and spoke aloud, her delicate voice once again booming through the hall. 

" I,Princess Yvonne Di Glaria, hereby hear thy wish. Young Lord Of Eldmich, I grant thee title of right by sword, strength by right of cane and honor by right of spell!" 

A sudden force took control of Rumius's body and before he knew it, his knees were on the floor. A scream instinctively jumped from his throat but the only sound that came to his ears was the sound of choking and flying spit . 

Rumius tried again but it was futile. The wet touch of dripping saliva traced his chin with a cold finger as gag reflex finally shut his mouth for good.

" What's…what's happening?"

" What is this? God why is it so hard to breath?"

It was like breathing with a pillow pressed to his face, hot and painful and not nearly enough oxygen. 

Rumius's vision swam and it was filled with yellow.

Rumius could not move a muscle or make a sound. The air froze in his lungs and his muscles froze as well. He wanted to tremble. To cry and to grovel but even that was denied.

 Rumius felt his mouth move and although he knew that it was his voice that rang in his ears, it didnt sound any less foreign.

" Upon my heart and upon my soul, I humbly accept this honor, by my name, Rumius del Eldmich and with the seven primarchs as my witness."

Rumius's lips parched.

" With your spell and staff, your heart amd soul do you pledge to defend the kingdom and it's crown against its enemies?"

His voice came out again in reply but of no will of his own.

" I do."

The scent of blooming summer lilies and Dahlias filled his nostrils. His eyes were still forced to the ground but he caught a glimpse of the sunflower coloured hemline of the princess's dress flutter before his face. She was close enough to touch now, he realised with a jolt.

A cold, heavy material pressure pressed on his shoulders, right first, then left before her highness's voice once more rang through the air, triumphant and booming as a victory proclamation.

" Arise! Lord Eldmich, I dub thee a spellsword of flowers!." 

The proclamation rang clear and loud and a stunned silence followed for a second time that night. The silence didn't last for very long before a single clapping beat broke it and soon two and three and an uproar of noise and cheers exploded from those present.

The force that had taken control of his body left just as swiftly as it came and Rumius collapsed to the floor. His legs and hands were trembling ,barely keeping his face from the floor. His vision swam so hard he couldn't tell where was up and where was down.

 His body didn't even feel like it was his. Although no sweat beaded his forehead, Rumius had never felt so tired in his life.

An instant of ruffling fabric and clacking footsteps and his Maman was by his side. She seemed to have head forced her way through some people to get to him and catch him just in time has he collapsed from his kneeling position.

" Baby! Oh my Baby! Are you alright?" Her voice was shrill and it cracked.

Rumius didn't respond but instead attempted to stand, only to fail as his legs gave out under him.

Reverie's arms wrapped under his, catching him in her warm embrace.

Reverie looked up at the princess, her eyes blazing with loathing. 

" What did you do to him!?" She screamed, her voice cracked with raw fury but ultimately drowned out in the roar and cheers and congratulations of the crowd. 

But Glaria offered only a polite smile. She raised her hands, gesturing towards the air and the cheers that made it vibrate.

" I believe it plain to see, Duchess. Only things that you should be thankful for."

She turned on her heels and headed for the door, her golden gown fluttering after her and it took all of Rennie's will power not to tear after her and rip her head off her little shoulders. She killed a scream of rage and frustration and bit down her lip so hard it drew blood.

A attendee from the ball, a nobleman with a curled mustache the color of plain coffee stepped up to her highness.

" Will you not grace us with your presence for longer, Your highness?" The man cupped his hands together. He wore a smile on his mouth that was as wide as his waistline. 

He got two things in return. A polite decline and eyes cold and sharp enough to snip his mustache right off. The man instantly shut his mouth and fell in line. 

Her highness turned with one foot already out of the door.

" I wish the young lord Eldmich a very happy first Birthday." She said, addressing the whole ballroom.

"I am delighted to have been so well received but I am afraid that I am already weary from the long ride here. I beg to be excused first my lord and ladies."

The assembly bowed in reply with words of thanks and well wishes concomitant. 

The princess poised to leave but then paused and looked back into Reverie's eyes, eyes filled with barely concealed fury and rage, and smiled another picture perfect cresent of red lips and white teeth.

" Till we meet again Duchess. I hope to be able to call on you when in need." 

To the ears of all the other noblemen and women in attendance, it had been but a customary courtesy of a Royal to her sworn subject. But to the ears of Reverie Eldmich, it bore a completely different meaning.

" My allegiance lies with the crown." She replied, her voice cold with rage but kept steady by pride and willpower and the knowledge of the consequences that would follow should she openly defy her enemy.

The princess's smile widened.

" So it does."

Her gaze fell on a limp Rumius, covered protectively by his mother and said:

" I'll have his present sent over soon. Guide him well. He could very likely be the reason your house still stands one day."

She smirked.

" So long, duchess."