
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
93 Chs

The Golden Princess

Rumius watched on completely slacked faced as a woman wearing a long dress the golden color of the sun walked through the door flanked by a massive trumpet carrying entourage.

Her heels clacked on the marble and the opening of the massive doors allowed passage to the breeze slipping in through the opened windows in the hall made her gown sway and flutter like butterflies. The gown itself was a work of art, nearly seamless and glittering as the light bounced off it with as much splendour as the finest jewels that the nobles in attendance wore. From her dress otherwise, her outfit was surprisingly simple with only a thin gold bracelet on her wrist.

Rumius felt a tug in his wrist as his mother pulled him forward to welcome their new guest. Rumius looked up and was shocked to see the stone hard look in his mother's eyes, the slight downturn of eyebrows that creased her face and the tensing on muscles in her jaw. It was not the reaction Rumius had expected from his mother who had sounded so excited to tell him that royalty would be attending his birthday party. 

As Rumius got closer, a sweet smell wafted into his nostrils. It was a very light scent, being barely perceptible in itself but still potent enough to remind him of summer and flowers.

It was nothing like some of the ostentatious scents worn by a certain few nobles.The quality was in a whole different class.

The woman's eyes were liquid gold, radiant as twin suns as her gaze met theirs. Her lips bloomed slowly into a faint smile. 

Reverie bowed curtly and stood back up and Rumius followed suit. A strange silence rang in Rumius's ears. Save for the whooshing of wind, the hall had gone silent.

" It's been a long time, Reverie." The woman began. She paused.

" It's good to see you again."

" As it is for I. It truly has been too long, your highness." Came Reverie's reply

" I hear that it is your son's birthday today, I've come to visit." She said simply yet not without friendliness.

" I'm honored, your highness. Rumius, step forward and introduce yourself." Reverie ordered.

Hearing his name called, given the situation and in such a voice, Rumius gulped and shuffled forward. How inexpressive the woman's lemon coloured eyes were did little to help.

" Er, good nig- I mean evening, Your Majesty. I am the first horn of the Eldmich clan, Son of Ducchess and Duke er… Reve and Arbelest Eldmich, My name is Rumius de Eldmich, I-I'm very honored to have you here today." He stammered like an idiot. The smile on the lady's lips grew to a fuller bloom and she giggled slightly. He did not see his mother's reaction.

She didn't hit reply immediately but instead looked right over his head, addressing all in attendance. Her delicate voice held a strong edge as it boomed across the hall.

" I am extremely pleased to be invited to this gathering today, for which I deeply thank our Duke and Duchess for organising."

" As such I would like to make a toast."

She paused, waiting as a maid ran up to her, a glass of liquor resting on a serving tray in her hands.. She accepted the glass and raised it high.

" Cheers! To the future prosperity of our Duke, Duchess and their wonderful son! May their days be jolly and worries trivial! Cheers!"

A responding cheer erupted from the audience in response. The stunned bards and musicians regained their calm and the music resumed, the dancers continued dancing and the feasters continued feasting.

Her Royal Highness downed the liquor in a single breath and returned the glass. She looked back down to Rumius.

" I wasn't aware that you could speak so eloquently Mr Rumius. I was under the impression that you're only one year of age. And here you must be four at least."

Rumius paused, unsure how to respond.

" Yes….you would be right. Er, Your majesty."

" Pardon?"

" Er..you would be right. Since I am indeed only one year of age." Rumius felt an aching sense of cringe at the inadequacy of his answers.

The Her Highness cocked her head to one eye. 

" Hahahaha….my goodness, you sure can make jokes!" She laughed.

Rumius shuffled his feet, uncertain if it would be wise to pop her bubble. He was this grateful for his mother interjecting.

" He speaks the truth." She said.

" My goodness now, you as well duchess? Like mother like son I suppose hahaha."

At a point not too long later, she found out that no one was laughing with her other than a few bootlicking nobles who had gathered closer to them to hear the conversation. Her eyes widened slightly, incredulous.

" You're not joking?"

They both nodded.

The lady turned behind her, posing a silent question to one of her attendants. The man nodded his head .

Princess Glaria froze in place, but her eyes shone with amazement when she turned back around to face him. 

" Amazing!" She breathed."

" I-I'm speechless! Since when were you able do this?"

Her praise spawned butterflies in his stomach and Rumius grinned, happy for her praise.

" My mother tells me that I started talking a few weeks after birth, Your majesty!"

Glaria exhaled sharply, a side of her lips quirked in a smile of disbelief.

" Wow."

She turned to face Reverie.

" I must commend your sheer prowess of being a mother, duchess! Never have I-"

She shook her head in amazement.

" Never have I known of a child capable of such a feat! You must be responsible!"

" You flatter me so, Your Highness." Reverie replied. Rumius looked up at her and the same wary glint remained in her eye, stony cold and sharp as a razor. She was basically glaring at the princess. Rumius didn't know why. He was tempted even to tell his mother off for being so rude.

Her highness let out a silent ' Oh' but hardly looked any less impressed.

" Well.." 

She clapped her hands together, her gaze having already skipped back to Rumius.

" I believe this calls for an award. Both for your birthday and outstanding achievements! " she emphasised upon seeing the look on both Reverie's and Rumius's face. Rumius never saw the latent fury that was drawn on his mother's face like a taunt bowstring since he was too busy puzzling this new stroke of fortune that had come to him.

" Now, what would you like? I'll have you know that your choices are really not numbered. Choose freely." She smiled, stooping down, her delicate hands resting on her knees.

Rumius really hadn't expected thing to turn this way as he looked towards his mother for approval.

' Can I really choose as I like?'

Rumius quickly noticed the intense look on his mother's face. But noticing his stare, she seemed to force a smile but didn't do anything. Rumius wanted to ask his mother if everything was okay but before he could do so, his vision was blocked by a tornado of sunflower yellow fabric and his senses overwhelmed by the scent of summer.

The princess's face was only encouraging and expectant.

 Rumius's mind blanked out and latched onto the one thought that he was being so pressured think about.

" Can I really?" He asked, to which she nodded vigorously.

' In that case….'

Rumius fell into silence as he started to seriously contemplate his answer. He knew that such an offer was not one that came twice nor did it come often. The offer to ask for any one thing from a member of royalty was basically the same as asking to receive any one thing from the trove of what the world could offer! 

 But he had to think carefully. While no physical limitations existed, actually asking for anything was out of the question.

Rumius thought long and hard but his mind just wouldn't leave items of a certain category. Magic. 

Obviously magic. Goddamn why is it magic?

There was nothing he wanted more yet also something that he knew that he couldn't get.

How would she react? How would his mother react? It would be basically giving himself away.

He stifled a sign as he looked up and gave his answer.

" If your majesty says so… then I would like a-"

Before the words even left his mouth, one of the princess's slender, perfect hands came off her knee and laid itself on his shoulder. It was probably a small hand by normal standards but contrasting against his body, half her palm was enough to cover his entire shoulder.

Her golden eyes, already golden, seemed to just briefly shine with golden light. Perhaps he had imagined it but as he caught sight of her angel-like face as he looked up from the feeling of her touch, he thought he had seen an afterglow of golden light in her eyes. That was all the clues he had and so, he naturally dismissed it.

The princess leaned in and whispered.

" It's not good to lie, you know? I meant my word when I said, whatever you want."

Rumius stared wide eyed at her royal highness as she pulled away, her face wearing both a chiding and playful look. Her cheeky smile causing the ends of her lips to twitch.

She mouthed a string of silent words but they reached his ears just as clearly as if said aloud. Rumius caved instantly, letting his desires take over.

" If your majesty would allow it then….I would like a staff. A mage's staff." He blurted out.

A multitude of reactions erupted from his request. The clamor of the party instantly became extremely hushed.

Things are finally getting interesting lesgooo

RumiusDaylightcreators' thoughts