
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
94 Chs

One Year Old

Ouch, ouch, ouch my hair!" Rumius yelped as Reverie brushed his hair back with enough force to rip his head off.

" Shush child. You can't be hurt by something of this magnitude. Don't be dramatic." 

" I'm not being- Ow!"

Rumius squirmed and twisted away from his mother's hands and brushed his hair back with his hands, feeling the hardened gel on his hair follicles. He shot his mother an annoyed look.

' I have barely enough hair to style anything already! Is this woman trying to scrape my scalp from my head?'

Reverie huffed and set her brush down, making it disappear it into a pocket in her dress.

" Alright, alright, I won't touch it. But do get over here, our guests should be here any moment now." 

Just as she said the words, the sounds of trumpets blew in harmony shook the air.

"DAA-DAAAAA!! DA-DAAAAA! DAA-DAAAAAAA!!" They sang, brazen and grand and mighty.

Rumius grudgingly obeyed and walked over to stand beside his mother as the manor's doors opened to allow entrance to a bustling, clamoring sea of red, green, white gowns and black coattails. 

A sea of voices followed the twirling fabric in, Rumius could consciously feel their eyes settle on him. He stiffened.

' Oh boy they're coming this way.'

The majority of the guests headed for the sides where the manor's servants, maids and butlers were directing people towards the ballroom after they had paid their respects. It was much more simple than he'd expected. The most of the talking could be left to his mother while it sufficed that he smiled and bowed and for the large part, stayed silent.

" Reverie!" A woman standing at the front of the line called out. She picked up her flowing red dress and raced up the steps where they stood.

" Isabella!" Came his Maman's voice, lively to match.

" I thought you weren't coming." She folded her arms across her chest and tried to look aloof..

The woman, heels rosy red like her dress clacked as she raced up the stairs and made the final step, feigned a hurt look.

" Preposterous! When have I ever said that?"

" What!? You-"

We're good friends! How could you suggest that I'd miss the day which you mark the first milestone as a mother? Such a day is bound to be auspicious! That also means you'd be busting out your signature Stormcrest Pie!!" The woman said the name with a delighted and longing sign, like a maiden swooning in love.

Reverie looked down, signing and holding her head in defeat.

" I'll have the servants bring it out later.,"

" Whooo! Thanks bae! See? You do know me best."

Reverie grinned, her smile boisterous and energetic, much unlike the graceful and reserved smiles that his Maman would always wear unless when in private settings. Rumius looked on in quiet awe, he'd never seen this side of his mother before.

The two held each other's gaze for a moment, filled with warmth and familiarity. 

The woman's eyes, her name now revealed as Isabella, skipped from Reverie to the petite figure standing beside her. 

" And this must be the birthday boy!" She squealed as she knelt down and reached out to squeeze his cheeks in the instant of a heartbeat.

Rumius stiffened at the unfamiliar touch but soon relaxed slightly. The woman's hand was warm despite having just traversed the night's cold to get here. It was soft and gentle, the sensation pleasing. Regardless of this however, getting touched by a stranger was still rather uncomfortable.

Rumius's hand came up and brushed away Isabella's hand, invoking a look a shock from the woman and an uncharacteristic snort from his mother.

Rumius brought the hand that he had raised down and towards his chest, crossing over and placing it over his heart. He bent and bowed, not too deeply but not too shallow either. It was a textbook curtsie, like which had been drilled into him these past few days.

" Milady, you do me a great honor with your presence today. I hope the festivities will please you." He recited the lines from heart.

Isabella reeled back in surprise, nearly tripping over her dress and tumbling down the stairs. Her eyes were as saucer wide as her mouth. 

" W-w-wha? Wait, Reverie, who is this. Who are you?" She gaped.

Reverie's chest seemed to inflate with the pride welling up in her.

" My son…" She crowed, putting an unusual emphasis on these two words. "…..is more than capable of introducing himself." 

Delighted, she looked towards Rumius with expectant eyes.

Rumius replied with words that came easily to his lips.

" I am the first and eldest of the Eldmich noble line, son of Duke Arbelest Eldmich and Ducchess Reverie Eldmich, my name is Rumius de Eldmich. I hope My Lady will pardon my temporary lack of a noble title."

Next one will be longer!

RumiusDaylightcreators' thoughts