
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
94 Chs

Hush child.

" If that is true, then I wonder if I should be fighting against this at all." The Overseer said, shrugging nonchalantly. The smile on his face was wide and white, the glint his eyes was as sharp as a blade.

For a moment, Rumius once again played spectator to the sound of the high winds and the mountain breeze. It was like a shrill giggle that made idle fun at him. It was saying: Stunned again? Hahahaha! Aren't you just like a frog in a well? Croak croak croak. So young. So ignorant!

Rumius had learnt so much in the last few moments that it was hard for him to process. His mouth agape, he struggled to find words.

" I don't suppose that it is that surprising? Or perhaps it is. Take your time, I am in no hurry to depart." The overseer chuckled, an amiable smile suddenly back on his face since god knows when.

Rumius cleared his throat and swallowed whilst nodding. His heart was pounding like a sledgehammer on a wheel.

Boom boom boom.

" I apologise…your grace." he said, shaking himself out of his daze. It dawned on him that there were just too many things to think about at once, to analyse, to worry about.

" No, no. You are taught the importance of the word of a demon right? You must put the completion of a bond above even your own life. So I do not fault you. I also do not intend to shirk my responsibilities."

His voice took on a harder tone." I am the Overseer. When I was sworn into this office, I made a pledge to our Majesty that I would defend this city as if it were my own flesh and blood, my own body. I still have every intention of fulfilling that vow, no matter even if our enemies are the noblest of demons, or my children themselves."

Rumius's nod was a reflex.

" I believe you, Your Grace." He lied. The overseer's affirmation were just words to him now. His mind was stuck in the past, several moments ago.

His majesty's dream of conquering Aüserst.

Surpassing humanity.

The same words churned in and out of his mind like a raging gale. They played on a constant repeat that drilled in a chilling certainty. No matter how much of Master's words had been in passing, at least one line, which Rumius remembered clearly, had been confirmed.

Demons are our natural predators.

Instantly, the familiar feeling of being under pressure came back. From when he had first stepped foot into this city, that feeling that he couldn't help but shake. From when he had met a certain clumsy but powerful demon in the hallway, to when he earlier laid eyes on the overseer's strange smile.

The light-headedness, the suffocation, the revulsion.

Fear. It was fear. 

Rumius forced himself to swallow, feeling the constriction in his chest as the ball of spit went down. He forced his fists to close, forced them open again, and then close again.

Even if I can't be sure of anything, I can at least be sure that I can't let this coup succeed.

It's irrelevant that I don't know how much of what he's said is true. It is the possibility that the demons can get the power to conquer the human realm, that I can't possibly allow.

Maman…Reverie…everyone back home…

I should pursue this line of questioning.

Rumius thought for awhile, but suddenly reached a sort of mental block. He kept his silence, and the awkwardness from smiling meekly into the overseer's eyes and looking away began to weigh on him.

Screw that! He can wait all he want! I have only one question left! I can't waste it!

Is there still anything strange about him? Think, think, think.

The second question. The second question. What should I ask…what should I ask..what should I ask?

Rumius smiled uncomfortably for the fifth time and groped his chair's armrest.

" Perhaps you've run out of questions?" The overseer asked, his mouth upturned. When Rumius failed to answer with his mouth agape, he chuckled.

" It's fine. You can always save your one question until we meet again. I have a feeling that this will happen rather soon."

I can?

Rumius replied after a moment in thanks and agreement. " In that case, will you allow me to withhold my question until- I mean, I will withhold my question until our next meeting, if it pleases Your Grace."

" It does please me." The overseer said with a smile. Rising slowly, the elderly demon turned to face Rumius with a small curtsie, prompting Rumius to also jump to his feet in respect for decorum. " Then, until we meet next, my young child."

" It has been an honor. Thank you, Your Grace."

With no more conversation to be had, the overseer gave Rumiusnonce final smile as he walked away. Rumius followed him with his eyes, he blinked once, twice, and suddenly, he was alone. The whistling of the high winds returned, louder than before. Rumius let out a loud sign that he hadn't realised that he had been keeping in.

Well, he did just make the ground make me a chair. The Overseer is probably a powerful demon. Surely more than any I've met.

Maybe he teleported? But it doesn't seem to be like Master's teleportation. Hers has a rippling effect…

Rumius shivered. The wind had began getting to him a little.

" Yeah ok, time to leave."

Scampering off in the opposite direction as the overseer, Rumius scaled the flat, and slightly rocky earth first before finding his way back onto the dirt path which he had came up.

He went down the path briskly. The enigmatic demon which had led him up was no longer there.

Guess there was no reason for him to stay around. Rumius thought in passing as he went down the mountain. As he turned a curve, the town came into view. The long line waiting for entry, the sounds and smells of the daily market.

Rumius smiled for a moment, before suddenly remembering that master wasn't with him. As such, he would have to line up for entry. At the thought, he groaned.

I best pick up pace so I don't have to wait as lo-

Rumius took a step, and stopped. Standing before him were eight demons, black horned and dressed in white, airy clothes, like that of the scholarly demon who had brought him here prior. Their eyes were fixed on him, and each wore a curved blade which hung menacingly by their side.

Rumius's mind immediately began to race, his body on alert. Slowly, he looked at each demon, one by one. After a moment, he took a step forward.

The men in white did the same. When Rumius stopped, they didn't, and continued to advance.


The slithering sound of steel on leather reached Rumius's ears, and instantly, his blood ran cold. He wasn't so stupid as to chalk it up to coincidence any longer.

Rumius's eyes darted from one man to the next as he jumped back, his weight on the balls of his feet.

His mind was still racing and so far, in the span of several seconds since this rapidly escalating encounter, adrenaline allowed him to come to the conclusion of 3 options.

1. Attack

2. Negotiate

3. Run.

Attack. I have the firepower. But they are likely more skilled. I'll be killed.

Negociate. Wastes time. I don't know if they will be receptive. Dangerous.

Run. They might be faster. I don't know. Dangerous.

None of the options worked. But the enemy was closing. He has to do something!

I'll attack then run! Rumius quickly decided.

He planted his back foot and raised his hand. He aimed slight for the centre of the advancing line of demons and imagined sending them flying like bowling pins.


A tremendous roar echoed in throughout the hill as the wind churned and zipped through the air with the force of a cannon.

The men in white scattered, robes billowing as they evaded in different directions.

Through the churned up and thickened air, Rumius seemed to see the image of the demon who he had aimed for ripple. It lasted only for an instant, before suddenly, the sound of flying fabric sounded in his ears and the glint of steel reflecting sunlight appeared before his eyes.

Hiii!! I'm so so sorry for the sudden hiatus but now I'm back! I shan't bore you with the details so as usual, thanks for reading and I appreciate everyone of you! Thanks for patiently waiting and let's continue on our adventure!

RumiusDaylightcreators' thoughts