
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
93 Chs

Elder Speech

The shack had no windows, and everything was dimly lit by a series of magic stone torches that casted an eerie blue light around the house.

As Rumius entered the shack in his Maman's arms, he almost felt a sense of disbelief as to how someone could live in such conditions.

Items were haphazardly strewn all over the floor. Books, parchment, funny looking glass cylinders you name it. As they entered further into the shack, a foul, pungent smell assaulted all their noses, emanating from a set up of purple liquid bubbling in a corner.

Rumius's hand jumped instinctively up to his mouth to stop the flood that was coming because the moment the smell hit, his body instantly gagged as if someone had stuck a finger down his throat.

Reverie wasn't handling the smell any better either and even contemplated casting a spell to help clear the air around them but abandoned the idea. She didn't want to ruin her chances with her host by offending her. Reverie was desperate to know what had happened to her son and the only one with the answers was this woman before her. 

 Carefully eyeing the ginger haired woman across her that was somewhat busy trying to pull out chairs from a giant dump in her house, Reverie's gaze landed on a peculiar pendant that hung around her neck. It shone of slick silver and Reverie hadn't noticed it earlier due to how well it fit in with the woman's blue robe.

The pendant was a sword with four wings, the coat of arms of the Eldmich noble household. It wasn't something's that up just anyone could carry around.

The final puzzle piece found its place and everything changed into a comprehensive picture.

This woman was Isadora Ravensong, a mysterious mage who had resided in this area alongside the Eldmichs for generations. Although she didn't serve the Eldmich family, her partnership had bought the Eldmichs good fortune for generations. However, her methods and services were mostly obscure and to most, her existence was probably closer to myth.

But as for the reason why a human could live for so long and still look so young was something that truly no one knew.

Isadora pulled out three chairs and sat down herself before gesturing to Reverie and Rennie to follow.

" So..what do you mean when you say that your son knows Elder tongue?" Isadora questioned, her voice curt..

" Right. So when I was-"

" Get to the point, I hate people who beat around the bush."

Reverie felt her blood boil a little but reined it in. She wasn't used to people cutting her off, especially from the same person and two times in a row! 

Reverie took a breath to calm down and started from the beginning.

" I think my son knows Elder speech." She said confidently.

" And I think you've said that already." Isadora's eyes narrowed slightly.

" Yes I have. But I need you to help me be sure." 

Isadora paused, one of eyebrows slightly raised.

" Help you be sure?" She repeated.

"You mean that you didn't think to check before you got here?" Her face turning dark as her tone shifted considerably.

Rumius watched silently on as the woman across him stood up, a menacing air following her as she walked up to Reverie's face and pointed a finger at Rumius.

" Hand him here." She said to Reverie.

' No! No! Don't hand me to her!' Rumius thought in a panic as he looked up at his Maman.

Reverie immediately became defensive, shooting out of her chair and holding Rumius defensively behind her.

" Hand him over? Why? What are you going to do?" She questioned. 

' Yes! Why! I've been a good boy!' Rumius thought as he looked accusingly at Isadora.

The tension in the air was almost palpable

" To check."

" Check how?"

" You'll see." 

Isadora's curt tone remained unchanging as she held out her hand.

" I can't believe that." Reverie shot back.

" Why? It's not like I'm going to eat him."

Reverie paused. She was still hesitant.

The standoff lasted for several more long movements before Isadora signed irritatedly.

"Haiz, you know what. I'll just come over." Isadora walked over to Reverie's front and squatted down. Grabbing Reverie's arm, she pulled Rumius to right in front of her and looked right into his terrified eyes.

Rumius had little choice but to look right back. 

' Ok…so…hi? Hello? What?' Rumius's mind was about to go numb from terror.

Isadora looked up at Reverie who glared down at her with a look that threatened to pounce on her if she even dared so much as to touch a hair on her baby's head.

Isadora clicked her tongue and looked back down to Rumius.

" I'm not going to do anything. Relax." Isadora grumbled back, feeling Reverie's gaze bore into her back. 

" I'm going to cast a spell."

Isadora interlaced her fingers and began chanting. It didn't take long for Reverie to recognise it as the basic cast for the spell to produce light. It was a very basic spell that all mages, including her, knew. 

A simple three word chant followed by the command 'Light'.

Reverie frowned, not understanding what Isadora was doing.

' Why is she casting the 'light 'spell? How is that supposed to help?'

Reverie's gaze shifted to her son and she fell instantly into a stunned silence.

"In shadows' grasp, let brilliance ignite,

Whispered words, a mystical rite.

Glowing radiance, pierce the night"

Isadora cut the chant short, forgoing the final command and opened her eyes and came face to face with a baby whose mouth hung open, aghast. The look in his eyes was all the confirmation she needed.

Isadora smiled, relishing the feeling of her curiosity becoming piqued for the first time in a long time.

" Oh? What do you know?"

" So you really do know Elder speech."