
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
94 Chs

Don’t worry, I didn’t forget

 Rumius looked? Felt? Sensed? Incredulously at the mental panel in front of him. He did a double take.

' Unique magic: The Windblessed, Scion Of The Approaching Storm.'

' Benefactor: ???????'

In truth, Rumius actually knew who this 'Benefactor 'was. It was just that the characters that appeared in his mind had no meaning to him at all. Rumius didn't recognize them, much less begin to describe them.

" A gift." He murmured aloud, letting the word hang in the air. 

" Yes, yes my child! What is the gift that our Lord has given you?"

Rumius took another look at the name that popped up in his mind and recited it to the priest. 

" There's a section here on a benefactor?" Rumius narrowed his eyes instinctively as he re-analysed the section, but soon gave up with a sign.

" I can't read it." 

The priest nodded. " Dont worry. It's natural. That is the name of our Lord, and now, he is your Lord as well. The almighty Lord Sonnenherr."

As he said the name, Rumius could hear the adoration and pride coming through. The old man moved to the side, his hand coming up and gesturing to a large glass painting at the head of the hall. 

Rumius's eyes widened.

A massive tinted glass work of art was built into the walls at the very head of the church. It depicted a picture of two men reaching towards each other. In between them was a small star that mirrored the painting's depiction of the sun.

One of the men was standing on the edge of a cliff, facing a vicious sea of roaring waves. One of his arms reached up, with a single finger reaching out towards the sky in the direction of the sun. In that very direction was the other man.

His body from the waist downwards was embedded in the sun, but the parts which did show mirrored the movements of the other man on the ground. However, the part that caught Rumius's attention the most was the detail that was put into this second man. It looked as if someone had taken him from the work of a master artist and pasted him onto the work of an amateur.

From his flaming hair, golden skin that rippled with the muscle underneath to his sparkling azure eyes. Everything was immaculate, taken down to the smallest of details and refined to the definition of perfection. His existence reached out of the work and elevated the entire hall. 

" That is a piece made by some of the finest glaziers in our kingdom. It tells of the tale of how our church came to be." The old man explained, the adoration fresh in his voice.

Rumius had glossed over the work earlier since there were so many of them in the hall, but now he could see that this one was indeed special. 

The pastor placed a hand on Rumius's head and gave it a ruffle. 

" Now come, let us determine your affinity." 

He picked up Rumius's right hand and dipped the head of the flame tipped golden staff which he still held onto it. The instant it made contact, the flame portion of the staff changed colour.

One instant it was gold and in the next, a translucent mint green. The smells of wood that came from the chairs in the hall, or the light scent of incense that covered the robes of the pastors, were whisked away and suddenly, Rumius was transported to a giant plain of green, rippling before his eyes. 

The same wind that ruffled the grass playfully ran its gentle hand through his hair. Its laughter sounded in his ears.

Rumius blinked, and suddenly, he had returned to the church. 

" Ah. Wind it is. Just like your mother." The pastor mused. 

The old Pastor turned to his Maman who stood at the side. She had a hand over her mouth which was no doubt hanging open.

" Congratulations, Milady." He gave his good wishes with a bow.

She hurriedly bowed in return, her ashen hair going everywhere in a mess.

" No, no! Thank you, Lord Pastor. Thank you so much!"  She gushed.

The priest smiled. " Thank Lord Sonnenherr, not me." 

Rumius watched on as the two exchanged pleasantries. 

It all felt so surreal.

 The library, the books, the spells he that he had dreamed of reading and learning and blasting away with all came back. Were they all his now? 


Suddenly, Rumius felt like a boy who had just been surprised by his parents with his favourite toy after a long day from school. He didn't dare believe it. Was it all his now?

It was only for the more matured part of him who was an adult that kept him from taking leave of his senses. 

The smile came slowly. Just a quirk on the side of his lip. Then the other side followed suit. Then his lips parted and before he knew it, he was taken by uncontrollable joy and laughter. 

Rumius laughed and laughed and laughed until his sides hurt and his eyes stung from the tears. He used a hand to wipe his swimming vision and caught sight of the Pastor and his mother from the side, looking strangely at him. 

Rumius fought a losing battle to restrain his laughter until he eventually managed to keep it down to a wide, unbridled smile. 

He bowed his head and said his apologies, to which his mother made a good show of scolding him and promising the pastor to educate him better. The kind old man simply smiled. 

His thin fingers once again went through Rumius's hair, a bit more roughly this time, however. 

" It's alright. You remind me of myself at a time. Its been awhile since I've seen someone get so excited over receiving their first magic. It is refreshing." 

" Father! Please don't encourage him!" Rumius heard his Maman protest. 

" Why not? Is it not good that he's so enthusiastic? Come to think of it, weren't you also like that when you first came here? If I don't seem to recall, you were jumping around even wo-"

" Ah-Ah-Ah! My apologies father. I am afraid I left much work undone! We must leave now." His maman grabbed him by the shoulders and made him bow as they backpedaled their way out of the hall. 

The old man bowed, a giggle reminiscent on his wrinkles.

" You are a good child. Let us meet again when you're fully grown as a believer and a man." He waved.

Rumius waved in return. 

The dark atmosphere pealed away as Rumius and his Maman emerged through the large gates. 

" Let's get to the entrance." Maman said. " I'll send someone to fetch Rennie."

" I'm..I'm really, really proud of you, Rumius."

She squeezed his hand and drew him in for a hug. A familiar feeling of warmth and safety enveloped him. Rumius hugged her back.

" Actually." His eyes darted away from his mother's as they drew away. " I have something I need to do." 

His mother looked at him quizzically.

" Something you need to do? Baby, the ritual is over." 

Rumius pointed downwards, near the area around his pants. His mother's mouth opened in a O.

She hit him gently.

" It's just that! Why do you have to be so secretive? You came out of me! It's just the restroom!"

Rumius waved her away. 

" No! No! No! It's not good! I'll be back!" With that said, he bolted away.

Reverie watched her son go quietly.

" They grow up so fast…." 

But then she smiled.

" As long as he doesn't know, I suppose I can follow?" She thought gleefully. 

Some distance away, Rumius darted from the garden into the bushes and through them, onto the familiar white tiles of the outer circle's hallway. He looked left. Looked right, then craned his neck, peering out into the greenery to search for a moving spot of brown fabric.

" What are you looking for?" 

Rumius jumped. 

"OH MY GOD! You scared me!" He gasped. 

Diana stood behind him, her cloak still draped completely over her. Rumius could vaguely see how she was able to pass through the streets completely unseen when dressed this way. 

She looked at him with a perplexed expression. 

" You came back." She stated simply. 

" Well…duh?"

The Demihuman girl shook her head. 

" I'm sorry. I've never had a human…friend.. before." Her voice became criminally soft towards the end and Rumius was wholly ready to curse wherever did this to such a kind girl. She was so riddled with trust issues that even after all that, she still doubted him? 

Rumius stepped forward. An insanity came over him as he reached out and tore her hood off, causing the girl's fox ears to come into sight. 

" Wha-?" She recoiled, but Rumius held on to her tight. 

" And I've never had a Demihuman friend before. That makes us even, yes?" He said, forcefully. 

" Frankly, I don't remember it being this hard to make friends. And even if you had bad experiences, there are still good people in the world who are willing to help you. But you must start by allowing them to help you! Alright?" 


" Alright." 

The girl wiped away a tear filled eye. Her teeth were grinding her lower lip again. 

Rumius tiptoed. 

" Good girl." He rubbed his head. 

" You-You're y-younger than me!" 

" Haha, I know." 

" Alright, let's get you home. I didn't forget our promise you know?"





























It's so late I'm sorrrrrrrrryyyy!! Latest chapter here. Please enjoy! I've put my heart into this so any critique would be totally welcomed. As usual, thanks for reading and have a good one :)

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