
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
93 Chs


Rennie brought him back to his senses with a tug on his wrist. 

" Young master, let us go." It was a phrased as a question, not really, but Rennie's grip and tone let no room for argument.

It wasn't like Rumius wanted to stay anyway. He nodded and followed Rennie along. But not before he turned to have one last look at the slaves that lined the high platform. 

Rumius didn't know what he should feel, since when looking at these people he wasn't sure what he felt. Perhaps nothing at all. 

He knew the reason why they were here. Why such things were allowed. 

' Its sad.'

He didn't know. Was it truly? It was more unfortunate. 

" Haah.."

' It's not something I can change. Just leave it.' he thought.

And that was true, he knew. Slavery has been established for centuries here. This wasn't earth afterall. And to change it, he would likely have to spend his whole life fighting it and likely to no avail. And he found himself unwilling to do so.

" Haah.." 

Maybe once he'd reached the pinnacle that he dreamed of, which even no he wasn't sure hat pinnacle that was, only that it had something to do with magic, he would turn back and solve this problem. But not now. He didn't get reincarnated to live a life for someone else. Rumius whispered a silent apology to the slaves and turned his back on them. 

It was unfortunate and uncomfortable and sad. But he was sure that these laves didn't want his pity either.

" Grrrrrr…."

The punctuating sound caught his attention suddenly, catching on the periphery of his consciousness and pulling it naturally towards the source.

Rumius turned his head to see a tall cloaked figure, covered head to foot in brown wool. It took a moment for it to register how close the figure was to him. A single step further and he could basically touch the figure. 

Rumius let himself be pulled away by Rennie and exited the crowd, walking briskly to leave it far behind. 

Rennie turned around to ask something but Rumius knew what she would ask. He laid his free hand to her wrist, on the hand that was still covering his and gave it a squeeze. He didn't feel like talking about his inner thoughts and hoped that his eyes would do the talking for him.

It seemed to work and Rennie drew away with a nod but he could tell that she was still worried.

Rumius really wished that he hadn't seen that scene. It was as if all the salt had drained out of his skewer, and all the festivities around has lost their color. 

" Where would you like to go now, young master? There's still three hours to sundown." Reverie asked, her voice reeked of forced optimism. Rumius could tell how much the sight of such blatant and sanctioned slavery had put her off as much as it had him.

Rumius looked off into the sky. It felt like such a waste, yet he knew exactly why he found himself to not be in the mood for any more jolly or fun.

" Let's just go home." He signed. " At least my mother will be pleased to see me better dressed for my coming of age." 

Rennie gave him an understanding glance and pulled him closer. The guard captain nodded and led the way. As the three of them moved to depart, a roar came up from the crowd dozen meters behind them. Rumius turned to see the giant wooden stand upon which stakes had been embedded and slaves had been chained hurtle towards him at breakneck speed. 

A whooshing sound and a flash of light later and Rumius found himself off the ground, carried like a satchel in the strong, cannon sized hands of the guard captain as he held his sword defensively in front of him. 

Rumius quickly put two and two together and realized how the captain had so effortlessly slashed through the thick piece of hardwood. 

' That material could be used to make houses!' Rumius wanted to scream.

' Where on earth did that monstrous strength even come from?'

Rumius didn't have time to dwell on it any further as a smaller piece of wood came flying from the same general direction. The captain sidestepped, causing the makeshift projectile to whizz harmlessly by.

It finally occurred to Rumius to check what in the flying duck could possibly have thrown a platform as large and heavy as two of his mother's maniacally giant closets at him. 

Off in the distance, Rumius could make out a figure swinging around what looked like a giant spiked club. People scattered like flies as the club descended into the kicked up dust, only to be met with a metallic clang of steel on steel. 

Another figure rose from the dust. Smaller and slightly wider and holding a specter of light that danced and twirled at blinding speeds.

Another clang followed and the club holding the individual's follow up went wide and the swing passed harmlessly over the head of the opposing figure. 

The giant club barraged through the air with terrifying violence and blew the dust around them away, finally giving Rumius a good view of the two individuals that were locked, head to head in combat.

The club came back up, for another swing as the opponent rushed in closer, fast as a snake, fangs, or rather sword, bared at the ready. 

Rumius saw that he was a man, human and muscular. His chest was covered with a breastplate while his other defences included a thick furcoat, padded with boiled leather. 

His opponent was a tall figure, much taller than him and clad in a familiar brown wool cloak that looked to be partly slashed to pieces already. Muscle rippled like ocean swell every time he swung the giant bat around and the air trembled as if heatwaves were coursing through them. 

The man's blade shot out, fast as a bullet. The club wielding giant moved to duck and the blade thrust through the area where his head had been milliseconds ago and caught on his cloak instead. 

The blade slashed sideways, doggedly following its foe. The cloak swished as the giant stepped backwards and the blade struck the inside of the cloak's hood, caught and slashed it clean in two. 

 Long curls cascaded down the figure's shoulders as the giant staggered backwards, the hood falling away to reveal feminine features, brown skin and sea blue eyes. Two cat-like ears jutted up from the sea of brown hair. 

Rumius heard the low murmur of a crowd who had gathered to watch. 

Voices breathed and cursed and all the while, a single word floated to Rumius's ears.

" Tch…..Demihuman."