
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
94 Chs

A job

Master took him out the next morning. The early morning streets had a lingering cold wind to it but there were already many people out and about, doing their own things. Unlike yesterday, the feeling of fear had died down a lot. 

Rumius trailed behind his master, purposely puffing out his chest and keeping his back straight and keeping an unhurried pace, like his master. He was small and weak, but in any way Rumius wanted to show some semblance of strength.

If only he was older…, he lamented.

' Would that make any difference at all?' He questioned himself out of habit and suddenly, opposing arguments started making battle lines in his head. All the thinking gave him a headache. Rumius was certain he'd never had the habit of thinking this much about a random thought before.

' Must have come from a certain somebody questioning my choices all the time…' he griped, clicking his tongue. 

Rumius signed and looked around. ' Well, I doubt I would face any trouble as long as master's walking in front of me. But…that said, where are we going?' 

It didn't matter. He just had to follow master to know. And eventually, they arrived at a large brick building with an imposing iron sign hung in front of it. It was a sigil with twin swords, locked in combat and a single line of words that Rumius couldn't read. No, he would read one part of it. It said…..

" …guild? " Rumius said aloud. " Wait, Master? Wait up!" 

Master Isadora had walked into the establishment first. Rumius pushed open the semi door-like structures and suddenly it was like he had joined a whole different world. The sights, the smells, the people rushed up to him all at once.

There was giant reception desk located further back, and a second floor and a set of stairs leading up to it. There was a wide board riddled with pinned up papers and a small crowd had amassed around it, looking around. The place was much larger on the inside that outside and there was only one word that Rumius could describe the people here with. 

They were adventurers. 

Every last one of them. Regardless of whether wore plate, chainmail, boiled leather or a carried swords or bows and maps. Rumius felt a sense of awe and fresh wind come from looking at each one do them. He could feel an individual story, told from within their scars or the unrepaired kinks in their armour or the strange odour that lingered in the air.

The only problem was that nearly all of them were demons and looking at them for too long gave him the heebie-jeebies. 

Rumius dashed up to catch up with his master who had just snatched a paper off the bulletin board and was marching up to one of the receptionists with a strange expression that even he was all too used to. There were two possibilities.

She was either going to kill someone or they had a problem that she didn't want to let him know. The last time that happened he had nearly been killed by a midnight explosion. 

" I want to take up this request." Master slapped the paper down on the wooden counter with an audible 'PIACK'. The demon lady behind it looked at it with sort of mild disinterest. 

" I'm afraid that is not possible." She said. 

" And why not?" 

" That is because.." The lady turned the paper over to let Master see the slip in its proper orientation. " …this hunt can only be taken on by A-rank adventurers. You are not A-rank, and are not even registered with the guild in the first place." She explained calmly. Master on the other hand, was blowing steam from her nostrils in an uncommon show of losing her cool.

Standing on his tiptoes, Rumius could make out the form of an intimidating four legged beast and a long number at the bottom.

' The receptionist called it a hunt? It's a paid bounty then. Wait…that means we're working? Why are we working?' 

Rumius tugged on his master's robe. When she ignored him, he tugged on her robe again, more forcefully this time. 

" What?" She turned on him angrily, yet Rumius maintained his calm. 

" Are we short on money?" He asked.

Master reeled back with shock and an expression that Rumisu thought he'd never see. " I wouldn't say short. We're simply in a tighter spot than I would like is all." 

" We're broke aren't we." He asked bluntly. ' I guess even master couldn't act calm through the pain of having a light wallet. Haizz….'

It was a pain that he knew all too well from his past life.

Without her answer, Rumius walked up to the counter and tiptoed. He was just tall enough to just peak over his eyes over the counter. 

" Excuse me miss…Khlali." He began respectfully. " Is there anyway My master can sign up with the guild right away?" 

The lady got over her initial shock of talking to a kid pretty quickly and leaned over the counter to get a better look at him. 

" Well, there is." She said hesitantly. " However, it is common procedure to have a assessment before hand to determine the.." 

She stopped midway as Rumius held up the pendant his master had given him. 

Her attitude instantly changed. " I will need to analyse that pendant. Is it possible for you hand it over to me for awhile?" 

Rumius shot a look over his shoulder at his master for approval. 

She had intrigued look on her face that tacitly signalled for him to proceed. 

The woman gingerly held the pendant in her cupped hands as she ran off. Rumius stood with his master in silence.



" ...how did I do?" 

" You want praise?" 

" No. But how was it like seeing me be useful?" He said, picking and hedging his words deliberately whilst smiling

Master snorted and looked away. " You really are just a kid. Getting a big head for being able to communicate like a functioning human being." 

" Mhmm." Rumius nodded with a hidden gleeful smile of victory. 'You're one to talk.' He thought.

The receptionist returned some time later with his pendant and a request slip. 

Rumisu accepted his pendant back and slipped it on.

" ….the lack of a proper assessment, the guild has assigned you the temporary designation of C-class. And because you are registered as an alchemist..." she handed master the request slip. " .. I've also taken the liberty of arranging a request for you. As of your current grade, I think this one would suit you best if you're looking to make money. If you find any extras, the guild will be willing to compensate you at market price." She smiled warmly. 

Rumius looked up at his master with pride to see her holding the request slip with veins that were almost popping out of her head. She noticed his gaze and smiled manacingly.

' Useful huh…' her expression seemed to say. 

" Oh..shit." Rumius thought. At this point he wasn't even scared of the demons anymore. 

Receiving the request slip, Rumius saw what was written on the paper. 

" Collect flowers." 

5 hours later: 

' Master, this is impossible!!!' Rumius screamed as he ran from a plant, that was 10 feet tall and running after him.

New chapter! Whooo! An empty wallet is probably one of the suckiest feelings in the world won't you agree? Anywho, thanks so much for reading! As usual, I appreciate every last one of you and thank you so much for being here!

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