
In A World Where Magic Is In English

Rumius was reaching the end. He lay in his hospital bed, the city lights flashing like a disco outside his window. Then he died. Fast forward to the future, he is now thrust into a world completely unknown to him. Magic, check. Monsters? Check. Ethics? Fuck, what’s that? His new world was brutal and terrifying yet somehow, god had seen it fit to give him an unusual gift. He would not have to memorise spells yet still use them. He would not have to read and study yet still know everything there is to know. He would be an ordinary genius of unmatched ability. And why? Because magic in this world was in English.

RumiusDaylight · ファンタジー
94 Chs

…is right


Across from him, a geyser of sand erupted from the desert. From it, a defeaning screech shook the sands.

The figure of the colossus emerged from the veil of falling sand. A mouthless, giant spike poked through the veil first. Its long white body that extended until it disappeared under the sands soon followed, revealing a creature of preposterous length yet inadequate width. However, that did not make it any less intimidating. Rumius could feel his manhood draining away just by looking at it.

On the main spike was a series of even smaller horns jutting out in a slicked back manner. Like a forest of spears, its scales were a beautiful green, with each individual piece becoming darker and darker to the colour of tree leaves until the colour merged at the very tip of the creature's nose. 

It regraded them coolly, before snorting and bowing its head to reveal a horned figure sitting astride its back. 

" They didn't immediately attack." Rumius murmured. His legs couldn't seem to find a spot to put itself, neither could his hands. The tension in the air at the presence of the newcomer was palpable. No one knew what to do.

Pain wasn't till assaulting his head with a vengeance from his repeated attempts to break the ground with his forehead and his ears were ringing terribly, to where he couldn't hear anything. At the helm, Mr Mauvelai was slumped limply over the Mayaka's neck and Master stood a distance away from him. He could see her mouth moving.

The beastial creature across them drew his attention to its rider. He was a fit man, clad in light coloured fabric from head to toe with only a slit open for his eyes.

Feeling something strange, Rumius narrowed his eyes and looked carefully until he noticed the irregularity. ' Was it magic?' He thought with interest.

Truly, it was the only plausible explanation as the massive beast obeyed the demons's every direction without resistance. The peculiarity came in where the rider had neither saddled his mount nor had he put any reins to it, yet all the same it remained obedient and quiet as its master parleyed with the enemy. 

With these observations came the onset of other thoughts as Rumius looked around.' What can I do? Rumius asked himself. He was in an awkward position, standing without a part to play. 

' Mr Mauvelai is out cold, and Master's doing the talking. Should I prepare for a fight?' He looked over his shoulder where Glia and several of her comrades had their weapons drawn.

' No. No, that is the last thing I should do. If he detects my aggressive mana then I'm screwed, no, we're all screwed. Magic is different from conventional weapons in its speed, so I will just waste master's efforts if he assumes that we've chosen violence.' 

' Heck, can my attacks even injure that thing?' 

Slowly, Rumius's fists balled up in frustration. He resolved to at least move about and keep his eyes out. It was the only way he could still be useful in this situation. It struck him that there was a reason he felt awkward here. There was a reason he didn't seem to know what to do without master instructing him to do it. Truly, he was powerless. He had no influence over this situation. He was deadweight. 

The enemy won't even look at him, because all they would see was a kid. And he couldn't blame him. Good children did as they were told, since good would come to them did they did. But in the face of the wrath of adults, they were as helpless as ants. They weren't even worth a pawn on the gameboard.

He was just Master's obedient doll. He spoke of wanting freedom and power, yet didn't freedom demand courage? If so…then what was he doing now? 

The ringing eventually dwindled enough for him to hear what master and the enemy rider was taking about. Turns out, Master would still be Master even when they were fucked.

" You are in the dangerous position. Not us. But you." She said to the enemy rider with nonchalance. In return, the demon crossed his arms in silence. 

" We have an army. We control all the pathways in and out of Agravoss. I am afraid that I fail to understand your point." The man said." Don't try to resist. This isn't a fight you can w-"

" There's no need for a simpleton like you to understand my meaning, Bandit." Master interrupted, sneering. " That's why I'll put it simply, for your sake."

" Begone." She hissed.

As if sensing that its master was being insulted, the giant serpent-like creature let out a rumbling growl and menacingly stalked closer.

Hearing her made Rumius's heart want to jump out of his chest. The troubles of philosophy and purpose plagued him scattered. This? This wasn't negotiation! This was strong-arming! Oh MY GODDDD MASTER WHAT ARE YOU DOINGG???? 

Rumius got his emotions under control and realised that, perhaps, showing strength was the better thing to do in this situation. 

For better or worse, the bandit decided not to respond to the taunt, instead taking his time to stroke his ride and calm it down. A sound of cooing filled the silent gap between them as persistent growl dwindled away. 

" I am but a messenger, so I shall deliver my message." The rider announced loudly after the silence. He pulled out a rolled up parchment from inside his robes and began to read from the curved piece of paper.

" The lord of the desert demands that you hand over your mount, all your assets, and the prisoner of ours that you currently hold in custody. And at his choice, one of you three shall also pay with your life." He folded up the paper and placed it back in his robes. " These are our demands." He stated.

His words were like daggers stabbing into Rumius's heart. The costs that acquiescing would cost them were high. Unbearably so.

'The Mayaka: Mr Mauvelai's livelihood depends on this Mayaka. If he loses it, he and his family would starve.' 

' All their possessions: Master would never part with her robe. Although I don't particularly have anything of value on me.' 

' One of our lives: One of us would die.' 

" And if we refuse?" Master challenged. Frankly, Rumius was surprised that his master had bothered to waste time, asking such as redundant query. The answer was obvious as day.

The Demon rider replied unblinkingly, still convinced fully that he has the upper hand: " Then you will die a dog's death."

' This guy doesn't know what is coming to h-' Rumisu began. The signal would come anytime now.



The jarring sound of a thunderclap exploded across the sands as the giant monster turned target was bathed in an instant of radiant violet. 

" WHY YO-" the demon roared as his mount reared up in pain.

In the violet lightning, Rumius seemed to glimpse the shadow of the rider moving his hands. The surrounding mana swirled in response, taking the long, compressed form of a black spear.

' Even while…hit?' Rumius gasped in horror. He couldn't believe his eyes. 

A blur flashed across the air as something was thrown at incredible speeds, smashing into the enemy rider. Any sound of an impact was drowned out by the rain of thunder as the man was thrown from his mount and far downwards onto the ground below. A small scream followed him as he fell. In the next moment, master was in front of the beast. The crackling, purple world dissolved as mana was sucked back with an audible WHOOOOSH to form the shape of a cloud. A flickering, ferocious cloud that dissolved all creation.


A sea of dark crimson consumed Rumius' vision as he ran forward to grab the falling prisoner that master dropped from levitation when she went to kill the enemy. The legless man was still unconscious when he dropped into Rumius's small arms. Reinforced with mana, it was just enough to bear the impact without dropping him competely. 

A painful, shrill screech sent Rumius's hands flying to his ears as his skin was bathed in a wave of heat, hotter than any punishment the desert could mete out. The dying screams of the beast were dissonant and torn and painful. So was the heat. But Rumius kept his eyes open. He could not look away. Especially not when Master's mana was showing him such a beautiful sea of stars. 

" BOOM." 

The beast fell to the ground, its face melting through a gaping hole where the flames had burnt through its brain. Blood and juices oozed from every orifice of its body and into the sand. 

" Clap, Clap." 

Master dusted her hands off as casually as can be and floated down to the bandit's messenger below. Rumius ran to peer over the edge of the Mayaka's back just in time to see her pick the brown man up the leg and swing him over her shoulder like a sad, soot covered sack of potatoes. 

" No need to gape so hard. I'd rather you had helped out earlier." Master berated with annoyance in her voice as she floated up and back onto the Mayaka's back.

She looked over his shoulder and nodded, the kind that you gave when you wanted to give someone your approval. " Thank you for the support."

Another black blur zipped through the air and landed nicely in Glia's gauntleted hand. She let the greatsword lean against her as folded her hands with a contented smile

" No need to thank me. You did all the work, I was just helping out in anyway I can." Rumisu heard her chirp.

Master nodded, before fixing him with an expressionless stare. Rumisu could never read his master's expression. But at he knew that she was not praising him.

Reminded of his helplessness, Rumius looked down in shame. 

" Well…I…" 

Master brushed away his excuses. " Save them. I expect you to do better in the future." She walked past him and stopped. " I don't remember training a weakling. So such a weakling never existed. Understood?" 

Rumius didn't look up, but he nodded with resolution.

" Mhm." 

Master threw the unconscious demon on her shoulder to the ground. He groaned in his reverie as he hit the ground next to his legless kin but did not wake.

" Well. I suppose now we have two little presents for the bureau." She announced. " I sure hope our pay is doubled as well." 

New chapter!!! Whoo! It's a little a late since I had to play catch-up yesterday for the previous chapter. I'll try to get back on track as soon as possible. As usual, thanks for reading and supporting me!

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