
Chapter 8 [Journey to a Lost Kingdom]

Fifteen years ago

"Brother! Brother!"

The cute little prince rushed to see his most beloved elder brother.

People gathered at the corridor and respectfully bowed at the assembly of the emperor which he was doing all his best to reach.


A soft voice pitched perfectly sounded in front of the assembly of knights and servants.



The cute little prince stood in front of the speaker, tired and exhausted from all the running, yet at the same time excited.

He raised his head and saw the figure he deemed to be the most important person in his life.

Wearing a white fabric clothing him loosely and gracefully, Craig didn't wear any accessories aside from a thin fabric mask and two metal rings tied around his ankles.

His beautiful red hair was long enough to reach the floor and was tied simply at the end. A pair of rubies as eyes alike the little prince stared back at him, waiting.

"What is it, Second Prince?"

Such a simple style still managed to daze little Cerus. This made it so he wasn't able to speak even after half a minute.

The wait made Craig impatient. The knight beside him also informed him that the expected guests has arrived.

He nodded and looked back at Cerus who still stood there saying nothing. Annoyance crept up him again.

"Don't waste my time, Second Prince."

He turned his back and left along with his subordinates. This awakened little Cerus as his eyes welled up with tears.

Disappointment filled him and a thought haunted him.

'Brother doesn't like me. '

"Your Highness! You disturbed His Majesty again!"

An old nanny came and harshly pulled the 5-years old Cerus.

Cerus winced in pain at the force applied to his arms.

"I didn't! I-I only called out to him. I didn't bother him, mother!"

"You shouldn't bother His Majesty with his duties!"


The pain which young Craig was usually used to, worsened as more force was applied by the old nanny.

"C-Craig's duty is to love us! His people! You should never bother him!"

A fanatic and crazed look appeared on the old nanny's eyes.

Upon hearing her statements, the people around them immediately looked in her direction as if looking at a prey.

This scared the old nanny to run as he dragged a pained Craig with her.

Two years later


A mature and emotionless voice called out to the figure behind the beads curtain.

The young figure appears to be reading a book and didn't immediately gave out a respond.

After some time, he put it down and finally responded.

"What's the matter, Second Prince?"

A 7-years old Craig chuckled.

"There's only the two of us here. Can't you call me by my name?"

"I don't deem it necessary Second Prince."

"Ha!.. Could it be that you don't even know my name? I wouldn't be surprised."

".... Well, tell me then Second Prince. State your name."


The beautiful vase filled with roses immediately fell the table and broke to pieces.

Craig clenched his fists so hard until it bled. His anger rode on his head as he threw the vase sitting on the table.

Water and broken pieces was on the floor as panicked shouts and knocks sounded outside.

"Do not enter!"

A firm and full of authority order from Craig caused the banging and shouting behind the door, to stop.

"I've spent seven years living as your brother! I called out to you everytime calling you brother!"

A desperate and despairing statement was shouted by Cerus as he looked at Craig with wide open eyes.

"Can't you manage to spare just a little time to know of these meager things!"

Because of annoyance, Craig then snapped back.

"I don't waste my time, an emperor's time, on useless things!"

Shock filled the mind of a still immature Cerus. His body remained stiff for a few seconds.

*Knock Knock

"Your Majesty!! I have brought you dinner."


A maid servant came in and brought along a tray of food.

"Get lost and don't waste time. I dislike people watching me eat. Now, leave! "

Harsh words left Craig as he ordered the standing Cerus.

With hollow eyes, Cerus stepped back a few steps and then left. But before completely exiting the door, he turned back and murmured something.

" I'll make you remember. "

" What? "

" I'll make sure that you'll always remember it. My name. Even if it's because of a nightmare."

Leaving this words, he then left.

Craig, a young emperor, looked at his departing brother's back with an unpredictable and contemplating look.


*Clop Clop

The horse steps awakened a sleeping Craig.

Upon waking up, he first saw a warmly smiling Cerus at him.

"Brother, go on a journey with me!"


"It's my kingdom. A kingdom for the lost. Lame, but I call it the" Lost Kingdom". "

He then show me a proud smile.