
In a hunt for the enthusiast

"Wow,"mumbled the prince. He had never seen such a beauty which was covered with the whitish skin, lips with a crimson hue, and eyes which were enough to challenge the shape of a cock's comb leaf. Her face's ratio was impeccable, he looked at her as if all her qualities had taken a toll on the prince's heart. Dear reader, from the above written scene from my novel, questions like:.... arises in your mind. Who is the beauty which has taken a toll on the prince's heart ? Who is the prince, What is his name? How is the two people mentioned above different or similar from each other? To answer all this questions that had taken birth in your mind, you need to read the novel: In a hunt for the enthusiast I bet you are gonna love it, until the updated chapters come, Keep reading. Keep loving.

Sanrika_Seni · ファンタジー
50 Chs

The Blunder - I

It took Chloe till mid-day to reach back to her place...

She decided to commence on her journey at the late dawn.

"Wow", gasped Chloe as she glared at the infinite orange-reddish sky with brimming eyes. This colour contrast; this hue symbolised many things for her. The crying night when the skin of the people of Aliria was heated but the hearts were in thirst of water. Those eyes were dampened with a slight hint of hope in the pupils. Some bodies stood straight in front of their home being burnt to ashes. Some stood and witnessed their loved ones jumping in the fire to save their essentials, those eyes and brains knew that no phoenix would rise up from those ashes but they were too late to stop their beloveds. How can she forget that helpless night when she had to leave her motherland like a coward to save her life. She, being destined to save her life carried the faith of millions of people. She was now about to leave for fulfilling that faith.

The horse galloped through the path and it carried Chloe to the beginning of her fortune. She looked nervous yet she had acquired all the possible facts about the royal fort. The map of royalty was created by the queen long ago with the help of the royal cartographer. No other map ever drafted of Celavia is more detailed than the map of royalty. The kingdom of Celavia have had the requirement of some crime for a long time.

"When the gang of criminals had accessed the throne of the kingdom, how can there be surplus crimes in this kingdom?" Chloe used to think but after meeting Chris she knew that some are engrossed in the royalty of the queen to banish it.
