
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 24 - True Enemy

{August 15, 418, Dunia.}

{My Servant is currently on a mission. He doesn't know, but his mission will greatly affect "our" mission here in the Realm of Gods. I've only given him a few background information about the current state here. We just found out who the real enemy is. He succeeded in the initial parts of his plan. If he has a Servant of his own in the Dunia that Zero resides in, his Servant mustn't know of my Servant's existence, or else, that Servant of his will target mine.}

{The most terrible incident just happened since the dawn of everything, which prompted Lord Carta to seal every god's power, who are below her, Lord Roccia and Lord Forbice, when inside the Realm of Mortals and the Realm of Celestials.}

{Is this a good thing, since he won't be able to harm my Servant? Or is it actually a bad thing, because from now on, I won't be able to help Zero in life and death situations no matter how much I wish for it? If my fear is real, and his Servant is actually stronger than Zero...}

{For now, all I can do is guide him to the best of my abilities...}

Lichtia finished writing on her new journal when a voice rang inside her head.

[Lichtia, Carta-sama wishes to assemble us. New information about other traitors have been taken in. Hurry.] (?)

[Okay, I'll be there.] (Lichtia)

Lichtia replied as she turned into a silhouette of golden light.

Meanwhile, in Dunia.

[Yanzo-san is a substitute receptionist in Ilram Town's Guild Branch.] (Iris)

[He is?!] (Saffrina)

Princess Saffrina was really surprised.

She didn't expect Yanzo to return so soon.

[Yes. He was the one who helped us after we recovered from the Lizardmen Quest.] (Ace)

After pondering for a while, she realized something.

[I see now... Knowing him, he should have connections that no one else can fathom. Thus, he must have known that something bad is going to happen in Zephyrine, via those connections. He then, decided to come and see for himself.] (Saffrina)

[If what you've said about him is true, then him trying to save Zephyrine using his own methods is plausible.] (Zero)

[Fufun~. But never did he expect wonderful heroes like you to come and solve the entirety of the problem.] (Saffrina)

Ace and Iris were pleasantly surprised with what Princess Saffrina said.

They never expected that Yanzo would actually be such a person.

[So that's why he was quite close with Karmen-san and His Majesty...] (Iris)

[From what you've said about him, he must be doing pretty fine, but since the calamity within the kingdom is gone, I believe he'll leave very soon... I might not even have the chance to meet him again.] (Saffrina)

The princess said with bitter smile.

[Saffy-hime...] (Iris)

[Don't lose hope, Saffy-hime. He might hang around a bit longer since Karmen-san is there. By the time you and Her Majesty return, maybe you can catch him at the last minute.] (Zero)

Princess Saffrina replied with a smile, but after a brief moment, her gaze shifted away.

[Lunch is ready.] (Hildegard)

Queen Hildegard called out, revealing a lavish lunch for all of them.

The presentation was one thing, but the taste of every dish was top-notch as well.

The three were subconsciously surprised.

They never expected the Royal Queen to be such a good cook.

After having their lunch, The three talked to the queen and princess a bit more.

They came to know about their way of living for the past year.

Elton does some jobs outside while the two women stay inside the house, rarely getting out.

Zero was intrigued, since in the original series, the queen had quite a few friends in the neighborhood.

She was also the one who does the shopping to sustain their needs.

Elton didn't exist, after all.

The queen was able to do so with the help of an Artifact that can alter her face to a certain degree.

Designated Calypso agents sneakily provide for them, careful not to be discovered by any outside characters.

In this timeline, Elton is the one that receives the stuff from the Calypso agents, does the shopping, etcetera.

The queen and princess still had some neighborhood friends, but they are extra-careful since the said Artifact that the queen used to have is not around.

But, regardless of the circumstances, they were just as happy as Zero remembers.

[I'm back!] (?)

A slightly robust young man opened the door.

[Elton, you're back.] (Hildegard)

[Yes, Your Majesty. I see that Ace-san and his party are already settling in.] (Elton)

[Kazmo-san told you?] (Hildegard)

Zero thought to himself for a moment.

This was because "Kazmo" was also the name of the Calpyso agent that the king assigned in the original series' timeline.

[Yes, he did tell me. Apparently, His Majesty inquired about the date of Her Majesty and Her Highness' return. Kazmo-san, who was tasked by His Majesty himself asked me to pass the message.] (Elton)

[We'll be returning in a week.] (Hildegard)

Queen Hildegard spoke her words like they were absolutely natural.

[Eh? R-Really, mother?] (Saffrina)

[The kingdom is alright now. Isn't it common sense for us to return as soon as possible?] (Hildegard)

[If that's the case...!] (Saffrina)

Princess Saffrina's lips subconsciously curled up into a very beautiful smile.

[Good for you, Saffy-hime.] (Iris)

[I'm sure Yanzo's waiting for you too. Even if you haven't seen each other for a very long time, you're still his precious friend.] (Hildegard)

Princess Saffrina's cheeks flushed for a brief period, but she quickly calmed herself.

Sure enough, Queen Hildegard was aware of Princess Saffrina's strong feelings for Yanzo.

She 'is' her mother, after all.

[Then, tomorrow, right after Ace's party leaves, we shall immediately prepare to depart.] (Saffrina)

[Mhm.] (Hildegard)

[Haha! I can finally return to the front-lines again! Rest assured, Your Majesty. I shall relay your swift reply tomorrow, as per the designated time of Kazmo-san's arrival.] (Elton)

Zero looked at Elton with an interested look.

He judged him to be an energetic but good-natured battle-freak.

[That's certainly good news!] (Iris)

Every one of them celebrated the news with a smile.

Whilst getting to know one another...

[It's already afternoon. Your Majesty, is it alright if we walk around the city?] (Zero)

[Oh you. Why are you asking for permission? You'll be heading out tomorrow so going out and doing some sight-seeing is natural. Saffy, you can accompany them. Elton will stay here and guard me- fufun~, and of course, we'll also do the usual.] (Hildegard)

The queen smiled in excitement.

Hearing this, Elton started trembling and his expression changed to fear.

[E-Eh...] (Zero)

[Don't mind them. Elton is my mother's sparring partner, but more often than not, his defense gets obliterated with my mother's magic.] (Saffrina)

[Her Majesty does magic, and offensive magic at that?] (Iris)

[Mn. This isn't really known currently in this generation, but mother was once a genius Sorceress. Do you know about this, Zero?] (Saffrina)

"I do, but the way your mother said what she said earlier was a bit misleading...", Zero thought.

[Yeah, actually. She was from a normal family, but she excelled inside the Academy, especially in the Magic department. But she stopped practicing upon marrying His Majesty to train as a queen.] (Zero)

Queen Hildegard and Princess Saffrina smiled in satisfaction to Zero's words.

[Ehhh? I'm surprised you know that, Zero-san...] (Elton)

The young muscular man was shocked from Zero's words.

Immediately, the queen and the princess' expressions went stiff.

They forgot that Elton doesn't know about Zero's identity.

[Father told him, of course.] (Saffrina)

[Oh! I see!] (Elton)

It was a good thing that the princess was quick on the uptake.

The three of them, along with the princess, ventured to the outer region.

[Ace, should we visit your parents today?] (Iris)

[Mm, we can do it tomorrow right before we exit the city. And since we've had the time to go sightseeing, I can go scout out the best flowers to offer for their graves.] (Ace)

Hearing this, Princess Saffrina's expression became solemn.

[Your parents are buried here, Ace?] (Saffrina)

[Yes, Saffy-hime. They died when I was thirteen. They were both Adventurers, and the cause of their deaths were monster attacks.] (Ace)

Zero listened carefully.

Ace's backstory in this Dunia was something that even he wasn't familiar with.

He felt kind of strange that the Ace he knew was exactly the same as the Ace here.

It was as if the death of his parents didn't matter so much that it would show considerable changes to his character.

But then again, Zero rebuked this thinking.

Ace still had many caring people around him even without his parents.

There's Iris and the Kinsley's, and all of his friends in Zanuck Town.

[They must've been amazing Adventurers.] (Saffrina)

[Yes! My father was a Platinum-Ranked Adventurer while my mother was Gold-Ranked.] (Ace)

"Exactly the same.", Zero thought.

The ranks of Ace's parents are the same as the ones he knew- nothing strange there.

After having a few more conversations, they reached a certain shop near the west side of the city.

It was an accessory shop.

[On the rare occasions that I go out shopping with Elton, I never miss to buy something from this shop. As a royalty, I know what good and bad quality are. I can guarantee that this shop sells accessories of great quality even in the standards of aristocrats.] (Saffrina)

[Woah... This shop is actually that amazing?] (Iris)

[I wonder why it's not that popular?] (Ace)

[Let's head in. We should just check it out for ourselves.] (Zero)

The interior of the shop wasn't that lavish, but it should barely fit inside the middle region.

Seeing this, and with the fact that the princess praised its goods to no end, Zero was wondering if the shop owner lacked ambition.

He was puzzled as to why a shop of this caliber was only in the outer region.

[Mabel-chan, welcome. What will you buy this time? Hm? Mayne-chan isn't with you, and you've brought friends?] (?)

Suddenly, a small figure emerged form behind the counter.

It was an old lady.

[Teria-obaa-chan! Good day to you. I have indeed brought my friends with me. They'll be leaving tomorrow so of course, visiting your shop before they depart is a must.] (Saffrina)

Princess Saffrina said proudly.

The old lady called Teria replied with a warm, aged smile.

The three realized that the queen and the princess were using their second names.

"It's pretty risky, but no one has found until today so I guess it's fine.", Zero thought.

They started looking through the variety of accessories available in the shop.

Ace and Iris started looking together while Zero accompanied the princess.

[Look at those two. They really are the ideal couple. Sigh... I really hope I had something like a childhood sweetheart.] (Saffrina)

[A childhood sweetheart, huh...?] (Zero)

[Do you have someone you like, Zero?] (Saffrina)

[Why would you ask that?] (Zero)

She chuckled.

[Just answer me. Friends talk about these sort of stuff, right? Plus, I've already told you everything about my romantic shenanigans. Those two are obviously into each other, so you're the only mystery left.] (Saffrina)

Zero let out a long sigh...

[To be honest... I'm not really sure...] (Zero)

["Not really sure..."? Hmm...] (Saffrina)

The princess thought to herself for a brief second while Zero stared at her curiously.

[Huh? How could one be "unsure" about their romantic feelings? The moment Yanzo saved us like a hero back then, my heart started beating faster. And when I got to know him, I immediately acknowledged my feelings as "love", and that was even the first time I've ever felt it. So, it's a real mystery as to why you are "unsure". In the first place, how does that even happen?] (Saffrina)

Zero just smiled, then he asked her in a calm manner...

[Mabel, imagine this. You were childhood sweethearts with Yanzo-san. You grew up together then had feelings of love for each other.] (Zero)

Hearing this, Princess Saffrina immediately went red.

It was evident that her imagination was currently running wild.

[But then he died...] (Zero)

After he finished uttering those words, Princess Saffrina turned to Zero.

She knew that Zero was talking about someone precious to him.

[After some time, you meet someone new... But the way he looks, talks, acts... almost everything about him, are near-identical to that of Yanzo-san... You two get closer to each other, and because of that, you started having romantic feelings for him... How would you respond to those feelings? Were those feelings even real? Or were you just clinging to the illusion that he's just like him?] (Zero)

[I'll answer that with a question. Although Yanzo and I were feeling love for each other, were we actually together, or at least, confessed our feelings to each other and became an official couple, before he died?] (Saffrina)

Zero expression went stiff.

He then looked away saying...

[N-No...] (Zero)

[I see... If I was in that sort of situation, I would feel very conflicted. Regret is the main thing that would hold me back, right?] (Saffrina)

After that, a mysterious smile curled up from Princess Saffrina's lips.

[And it would be especially hard to confirm those feelings if that "someone new" was in love with someone else.] (Saffrina)

Zero eyes opened wide.

"WHY?! WHY WOULD THEY ALWAYS ARRIVE TO THE ASSUMPTION THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH IRIS?!", Zero thought with grievances in his heart.

(AN: Well, duh? She's the only female around you. Would you rather have them arrive to the conclusion that you were in love with Ace? Some people might want that though.)

[H-How did you know...?!] (Zero)

[Eh-?! I was right?!] (Saffrina)

[You were guessing?!] (Zero)

[Yeah...] (Saffrina)

[Graaah-!!!] (Zero)

Hearing the rowdiness, Ace and Iris went towards them.

[Hey, hey! What are you two talking about?] (Ace)

Iris, who was as rosy as a newly bloomed flower, followed behind him.

[Wow! That's a very beautiful hair clip!] (Saffrina)

[Mn... Ace... gave them to me...] (Iris)

Iris gently stroke the clip on her hair.

It's color was teal, with a genuine emerald embedded on it.

It looked very beautiful on Iris' rosy pink hair.

[Hehe! It's looks pretty right? I personally chose them for her.] (Ace)

[Not bad, Ace... Say, Zero. What do you think?] (Saffrina)

[It's suits you very well, Iri- bffg-!] (Zero)

Ace and Iris were confused as to why Princess Saffrina violently elbowed Zero in the stomach, but they just shrugged it off seeing Zero laugh after that.

The truth was, the princess was just annoyed by how Zero could say those words seamlessly as if their conversation didn't happen at all. Zero knew this and sighed in this heart.

"I've been able to unconsciously hide my feelings for the past decade... It's not too hard to do it consciously now, you know...", Zero thought.

They bought some more accessories before leaving.

They also discovered that the hair clip Ace bought for Iris was one of the most expensive products in the shop, mostly because of the perfectly carved emerald.

(20 gold coins aka. almost an Adamantium-Ranked piece of equipment)

They visited more shops after that until finally arriving back at the middle region.

The four of them were chatting lively until they reached the house.

Upon opening the door...

[AHHHHH-!!!] (?)

The scream of a young man could be heard from the backyard.

[!!!] (Ace/Zero/Iris)

The three heroes were instantly alerted... but seeing the princess' calm expression, they realized something.

[I'm not even going all out yet, Elton! Now, defend against this!] (Hildegard)

They were actually the queen and Elton.

[Sigh...] (Saffrina)

[You're mother's love for magic has resurfaced, huh?] (Zero)

Princess Saffrina smiled awkwardly, then started preparing supper.

Sensing their presences, Elton and the queen stopped their sparring.

The two greeted them upon their return.

In the end, Queen Hildegard, Princess Saffrina and Iris joined hands to prepare supper.

In the living room, Ace and Elton were in a spirited conversation with each other.

Zero, on the other hand, returned to his room, pondering about something.


Around six days ago, Lichtia-sama abruptly returned after not getting in contact with me for quite a while.


[Zero...? Can you hear me...? Are you there...?] (Lichtia)

[L-Lichtia-sama? Is that you?! You're finally back!] (Zero)

[Don't go to sleep yet. I'll summon you to our club room right now.] (Lichtia)

After an instance, I found myself inside an isolated space.

Lichtia-sama was... eating mochi... but the staple tea is still there.

[Lichtia-sama.] (Zero)

[Zero... Hm... How do I even start...] (Lichtia)

Why has Lichtia-sama summoned me here...?

From the way she's talked earlier... it might be something really, really serious.

[Yes. Yes, it is very serious. It's so serious that the Demon Lord might just be the least of your worries.] (Lichtia)

Hearing this, my body froze...

Just what kind of problem can make Lichtia-sama's expression get this serious... while eating mochi...?

Oh- she blushed.

[Enough about me eating mochi. Eherm... Have a sit.] (Lichtia)

She said as she passed over a cup of tea.

[Do you know where gods' powers come from?] (Lichtia)

[The God of Creation, right?] (Zero)

[Mn. But He is constantly creating... to the point... that He cannot even be called a being.] (Lichtia)

[More like... a system?] (Zero)

[It's not actually just a product of observation. Upon discovering our "current problem", Carta-sama, one of the Guardian Gods, and also my superior, revealed something that has shaken the entire Realm of Gods since everything.] (Lichtia)

[Something that confirms your initial statement, right?] (Zero)

[Exactly... Hm... If I were to quantify it... Around nine hundred and ninety-nine septillion years ago, the God of Creation suddenly removed His Heart, Soul, Mind and Will...] (Lichtia)

Such a thing...

[So He's not "like" a system. He literally became a system.] (Zero)

[Yes. Apart from His power of Creation and means to create anything, the God of Creation can be considered as 'gone'. Not 'nonexistent' but 'gone'.] (Lichtia)

[It sounds like he discarded those four things.] (Zero)

[He didn't discard them... He entrusted it to the three Guardian Gods. All of them were given a whole of everything.] (Lichtia)

Lichtia-sama took a sip from her cup of tea.

[For the "current problem"... did a Guardian God perhaps go rogue?] (Zero)

[That's fundamentally impossible, especially since they inherited His Will.] (Lichtia)

Hm... Hypothetical conclusions are forming in my mind... but I can't seem to make something clear out of it...

[We still haven't found out the identity of the mastermind, but there seem to be quite a lot of other gods on his side.] (Lichtia)

[Why haven't the Guardian Gods captured him yet?] (Zero)

[Normally, any rogue god would be restrained in a mere instant... but that god... I don't know what he did, but if Carta-sama's deduction is right... I'm getting shivers just thinking about it.] (Lichtia)

[What happened?] (Zero)

[Forbice-sama, another Guardian God, went missing. After that, many gods acted suspiciously. Carta-sama speculated that Forbice-sama was... defeated...] (Lichtia)

[Isn't that... impossible...? I mean, the Guardian Gods should be nigh omnipotent.] (Zero)

["Nigh"... There are limitations that holds them back from being completely invincible... In the end, the enemies are still fellow gods. However, even the God of Time and the God of Space are no match for any Guardian God even if they join hands... So how he prevailed, if Forbice-sama was really defeated, is a complete mystery. I don't know what methods he used, but he'll pay for what he did.] (Lichtia)

[Are mortals, like I am, allowed to know about this?] (Zero)

[On Carta-sama's command, we are to mobilize everyone available. Of course, that goes for our Servants as well.] (Lichtia)

[Is there anything you would like me to accomplish for you?] (Zero)

[We are against fellow gods. So, any one of them could mobilize their own Servants as well. We don't know what their real goal is, but I'm sure they don't want us, who are against them, to be part of the picture. They would, sooner or later, try to eradicate us and find new vessels to transfer our Godly Powers to. Of course, those vessels would be their allies.] (Lichtia)

Those vessels- Lichtia-sama has told me about them before.

Every god is a successor of the Primordial Gods from the Primordial Era.

The only Primordial Gods left that have yet to die even once are the God of Time, Space, Heaven and Hell, and of course, the Guardian Gods.

Lichtia-sama is the four hundred and sixty-fifth God of Light.

She ascended to godhood sixteen years ago.

If a god dies without any successor, their Godly Powers will return to a place somewhere in the Realm of Gods called "The Hall of Gods".

[So they are planning to collect the Godly Powers of everyone against them and contain those powers inside the Hall of Gods until they find suitable puppets to give those powers to, huh?] (Zero)

[Mhm. That's certainly what they would do. My Servant... do you have any idea on what their true goal is?] (Lichtia)

[I apologize for my incompetence, but from the information you've given me, I am afraid that the "Whydunit" is still unclear from my perspective.] (Zero)

[Sigh. That is fine. You've already done enough just by comprehending the current situation at hand.] (Lichtia)

[I reckon you would give me an official command now?] (Zero)

[Yes. My Servant, Zero, you shall investigate about possible Servants of any rogue god... The Demon God must be against us, and the Demon Lord of Dunia is also his Servant, so he remains as your enemy. But... it's also possible that a Servant of the mastermind is present here, and he is an ally of the Demon Lord...] (Lichtia)

[Certainly, Lichtia-sama.] (Zero)

[Be careful. Your greatest enemy is the mastermind's Servant. You must definitely be vigilant. If that Servant discovers your existence, and he is stronger than the current you, I don't know if I can help you in time. You must set him as a priority even greater than the Demon Lord.] (Lichtia)

[Is it alright to ask help from my friends?] (Zero)

[Your friends are destined to become great existences in this world. But, that decision is still up to your own judgement.] (Lichtia)

[I see. Thank you, Lichtia-sama. I will not disappoint you.] (Zero)

[You may take your leave.] (Lichtia)

This meeting was... overwhelming... if I'm being honest.

Everything Lichtia-sama said was on a scale that encompasses everything...

If any normal person were to hear what we have talked about, they might collapse on the spot and have a serious existential crisis.

I stood from my where I was sitting... and when I turned around...

Lichtia-sama embraced me from behind...

She was holding me tightly... while her body and voice trembled.

At this point, I realized that she was no god.

She was just an ordinary woman...

An ordinary woman who was worried for someone...

[Zero... Please be careful...] (Lichtia)

[Lichtia-sama...] (Zero)

Is it because I'm her first Servant...?

That must be the reason... right?

[Zero!] (Iris)

[Supper is ready, Zero.] (Saffrina)

Voices outside my room rang in my ears.

[I-I'm coming!] (Zero)

Meanwhile, somewhere...

[Oh Forbice-sama. This is truly a pity. Much less the great Carta-sama, you can't even save yourself.] (?)

A voice of a man said.

His voice was calm.

Even if he was clearly ridiculing the being in front of him, there was no sign of maliciousness or disdain.

[You... You will pay for this...] (?)

A domineering voice replied to him.

It was indeed domineering, like the voice of a true ruler... but this voice was currently weak and hoarse.

The owner of this voice was one of the Guardian Gods, Forbice.

He was restrained in special chains...

Just what kind of chains could possibly bind a god that is above other gods?

[Sigh... After my plan is done, you will do nothing but thank me.] (?)

[Just what do you plan to do?!] (Forbice)

There was anger in his voice... as well as terror.

[I might just tell you... But too bad, you won't have the chance to witness it.] (?)

The person with the calm voice placed his palm near Forbice's chest.

[AHHHHH-!!! AGGHHHH-!!!] (Forbice)

The person with the calm voice continued what he was doing, no matter how blood-curdling Forbice's scream of pain became...