
In a cultivation world with shinigami powers

After dying to save a girl from being hit by a truck. Our protagonist wakes up in a court surrounded by divine beings and that's where he finds out that the girl who saved was the daughter of the god of creation. And he, for his act of bravery, grants him 6 wishes and a random world. That prepares our protagonist with his system. English is not my main language so I use google translator to write this novel

abraham_ardiles · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Very dark

Its what I thought

In this darkness I recall the moment I died ...


"It finally came out"

Excitedly I laugh at the thought that I was finally able to buy the game from one of my favorite anime: Bleach.

I happily walk home.

I was handsome to cross the road when suddenly I saw a woman, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Its beauty, almost divine, is such that when compared to the most beautiful model it would be blasphemous, it is like differentiating heaven from earth.

Now that I look closely I realize that she is stopped in the middle of the street looking at her phone, while he looks at me to see that a truck is about to run her over.

A single thought crossed my head at that moment "Salvala".

Desperately I run to her trying to catch up.

"Faster, just a little bit faster"

I run as fast as she could, seeing me run, she sees me and she was surprised.

At the last second I managed to get closer and was able to push her away from the path.

'Safe' that was my last thought before I felt something hit me, in that a painful pain tormented me as I felt my bones break and my flesh tear.

It was only a few seconds but for me it was an eternity.


Going back to today.

I'm still in this dark and gloomy place.

What seems like seconds pass ... Minutes ... Hours ... Days .... Months ..... Years ... When suddenly I feel that a great white light surrounds me and transports me to a place.

I close my eyes.

AND .....

When I open them I am in the middle of a court with a person bowing down in front of me.

It was not noticeable but he is mul tall, blond white skin and handsome.

????: "My sincerest apologies young man"

I look at him confused before realizing that there are 5 people including him. .

A young man and three women. The young man was blond and robust, with green eyes and he also has very specific facial features. If they put him on the ground he would be a great celebrity. Among the women there was a mature and beautiful woman, platinum-colored hair next to golden eyes, next to her what appear to be her daughters as they look a bit like her. May looked elegant and refined. The younger one looked innocent and mischievous. Surprising mind is the girl I saved earlier.

Turning to look at a leaning man consider.

Me: "Why are you apologizing?"

Concerned answers:

?????: "You died because of my daughter"

He stands up straight and speaks.

Alex: "Young man you died and I the true god of creation Alex takes your soul out of the reincarnation cycle, you tried to save my daughter from dying but that was unnecessary something as simple as a truck could not harm her, cof, cof. Returning to the decisive issue in compensation that would give you about 6 wishes and I will send you a random world so choose wisely your wishes that some worlds are dangerous for a mortal like you, now take your hand here and take out a paper "

He shows me a box with a hole in the middle with many papers inside. I reach into my hand and pull out a paper folded in half, open it and read.

'Deep Sky World' will demand what kind of world it will be.

Alex: "Oh, a world of cultivation, congratulations young man, you can lead the way of divinity, well now tell me your wishes"

A world of cultivation huh, I wonder how it is. To have what I can wish for a world of cultivation.

Me: "First I want to create a system of my choice"

Alex: "Tell me what you want"

Me: "I want my system to have access to the anime verse, have the functions of status, missions, shop, inventory, Gacha, summon of servants, bloodlines, level system, to be able to create groups or games, classes, titles and abilities "

Alex: "Done"

Me: "Second, I want to create my own body and to transmigrate into that world. Third, I want an experience multiplier both for leveling up and for skills. I want my own world that can house fast-growing plants, energy or qi or other sea energy many times that of the outside and that the world can be updated. I wish to have the powers of a shinigami, hollow and quincy. And I wish to be able to create my own zampukoto "

Alex: "Done, the maximum that your multiplier will be is 10. Well, I won't keep you more busy. I will send you now"

Me: "Wait a moment, before sending you can tell me who the other people are here"

Well, this is my son Indra, my wife Serena and my daughters the eldest Rosa and the youngest Lucy. Now go away "

Disiendo he waved his hand a little and soon after he lost consciousness ..