
Impurities: Fall of Angels

"Why am I forbidden, why do I even look like this? ... WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET ME FROM! WHO THE HELL AM I?!" "You will never get the answers to that question from me, I have locked up those answers and thrown the key away a long time ago..." *** "You're a mystery that I need to solve and I won't stop until I've put all the clues together." He said and it felt like through the blessings and curses I had been given a gift to reassure me. The fact that we just met was what made it special. "The world has set you on fire and keeps on pouring fuel on you. I might not be able to off the fire becayse it's now part of you but I can shield you from it's burns and turn the fuel to sand." My childhood friend said and for once in my life all that protection I always got didn't choke me it made me comfortable and safe. I had no idea what I wanted more a gift or protection? *** When 2nd Heaven becomes a discrimination palace, Angels begin to feel unsafe... Heaven who doesn't know who she is or where she belongs tries to pave a way back to the place she believes she belongs while struggling to make a choice between a gift and protection. Loretta who is not so different from Heaven finds where she rightfully belongs. Nathan who has a contract with Hell keeps on running away from his fate. And Elmo tries to gain recognition to fight for the beloved Angels.Will Heaven figure out who she is? Will Loretta find the peace she longs for? Will Nathan come to terms with his fate? Will Elmo be able to put up a good fight?

LotoNera · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 3 Sense of Belonging

I woke up early the next morning, around 6am. I had already packed what I was going to need. I made sure I was extra quiet so that I won't wake my roommates up. Yesterday, I already had a meeting with Ladicae Selina (controller of the female Higher Angels), I told her I was leaving and moving to Darnbel. She asked me a few questions, then wished me luck and gave me my Acceptance of Leave letter which I would present to Ladicae Ansina.

I took a nice bath, had a little breakfast, and double-checked my luggage. Having no one to say goodbye to, I left Lesly for Darnbel. I arrived in less than 20 minutes and sped to the main building. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 7:50. I went inside and made my way to the reception office. There wasn't anyone around except from the receptionist and I guessed it was because it was a Saturday.

"Hi, I'm here to see Ladicae Ansina." I informed the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked.

"Yes, I do." I answered her.

"Okay, let me just crosscheck that." She said and started checking one of her books. "You have an appointment by 8am. It is still 7:53, would you like to wait, or should I inform her of your early arrival?" She asked.

"Uhm, I would like it if you'd inform her." I replied.

"Okay." she said and dialed a number. "You may go in." She said once she was true with the call.

"Thanks." I said and went upstairs through the elevator. The two maids standing by the sides of the door greeted me and let me in. I walked up to Ladicae Ansina's table and greeted her and her assistant.

"Right on time, Loretta. You may have your seat." She said. I put the luggage down and sat down. "I have already informed the house of your arrival. You will be staying with Rebel Angels of your kind. East wing, room 128. Your roommates will prep you up on the rules that you need to know, and I believe with time you'll get used to being here. Lastly, roll call is by 10pm, make sure you're always on time. Goodluck with fitting in." She added.

"All respect to you Ladicae, thanks so much once again. I pray I won't be of any trouble." I said.

"You'd better not be." She warned and dismissed me. I left, headed for my new room.

I found the room with the help of one of the maids. I fidgeted over the door handle for a while before opening it. I was welcomed with the voices of two girls (one looking my age and the other looking a bit older) chatting. They stopped chatting seconds after. I closed the door behind me and now saw the room clearly, it had: a triple bunk (one down and two up), three reading tables of medium sizes with one chair each, an enormous cupboard, a medium sized shelf, and a door which I guessed led to the toilet.

"Hi" I greeted.

"Hi, I'm Kate. You must be the new Rebellez, you're welcome to Darnbel and to our room. What's your name?" The girl looking my age asked while getting up from one of the beds in the up bunk and coming downstairs.

"My name's Loretta." I said trying not to get nervous.

"You're welcome here, the down bunk and the table on your left are the only ones available, there should be enough space to keep your things in the cupboard and in the shelf. The name's Oakley." She said and flashed a smile.

"Oh, okay." I said startled and started unpacking.

"Well, I'm going to take a bath before it's time for food." She said making me realise she was still wearing pyjamas.

"By what time?" I asked.

"9" both said at the same time and burst out laughing, I chuckled lightly.


"What's your story, Lory. What made you come here; I mean weren't you happy in Lesly?" Oakley asked, curiosity clear in her eyes.

"Well, there's always that question, huh, what would make Higher Angels join the Rebel Angels but for most of us the answer is either wanting to support the Lower Angels or not wanting to be a Senorez. And for me, it is the latter." I answered her.

"So, you were invited. Who invited you?" she asked, her tone getting serious.

"Masiera Pavilon."

"What! You refused him, where did you get the courage, do you realise you could have put yourself in danger. What were you thinking?" She asked, surprised, and confused at the same time.

"Well, as long as I was sure that I wouldn't have done contrary to God's will. I had nothing to care about and I don't believe that danger can befall Angels when danger is not of God, I had nothing to worry about." I told her.

"Even though I know what you did is the right thing, I would have never had the courage to do such."

"Whenever you don't have courage, just ask God and He will give it to you. What about you, what's your story?" I asked her.

"It's almost the same as yours just that I was invited to be a Rebellez." She answered when Kate came into the room.

"What's up? Anyways, Ladicae Ansina has called for you, Lory." She informed me and I wondered why Ladicae Ansina would want to see me.

"Okay, I'll be right back." I said, waved my hand and left the room.

It had already been three weeks since I arrived here, and I had started to feel a sense of belonging. People here are friendly. I had been following the rules and fitting in very well. I had joined the teaching service as it was compulsory for all Angels to not be idle. Darnbel was better than I thought it be.