
Impure reincarnation

After losing his family and friends, he reincarnates. His memories and personality remain intact, however, so how will his view shape his new travels in his second life.

GodZilla · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Fresh Start

[Please read the Legend so you can understand the writing. It takes two seconds, you will understand.]


The delivery room was filled with anxiety and worry for the baby and the mother, after a grueling 5-hour of labor, the family was concerned for the survival of the newborn's mother. They had already decided on a name for their child.

"*He is alive! I managed to save your child!*"

After these triumphant words from the midwife, the room erupted with cheers and tears of joy. Yet the thoughts of the baby were very different from the thoughts of his new family.

'Hmm let me see... Okay, I have 4 siblings so I will have to fight for my rations, the technological advancement is about 100 years behind my old world. This isn't good, I will probably just wait until I can walk freely and just slit my throat and reroll.'

"*Hold still while I heal you,*" The midwife said to the mom who was trying to sit up and see the baby.

"Lux: Percuro Ictus," the midwife recited. The effect was instant, the inflammation and cuts from the mother's long labor started closing, and the color started to come back to her skin. The spell also affected another person, something clicked in Oliver, as if something had deeply affected his very soul. It was a good feeling, one of empowerment. The sheets of the bed were still covered in urine blood and feces.

"Nox: Purgo," the midwife once again cast a spell, this one caused all of the feces, urine and blood to rapidly age like a time-lapse, turning into a fine white dust. Once again Oliver felt the same feeling like something clicked. He engraved those words into his mind and quickly felt his mind drifting off to sleep.


When Oliver woke up, he found himself in a wooden crib in his mother's room.

'I wonder how magic works, In my old world there were fantasy novels and movies where they would just focus and try to feel their magic. Then there were series' that their magic would only work with a wand.'

'Let's just try to meditate and visualize internally, then I can try to sense outwards like some other shows.'

Meditating, Oliver found that he could feel his energy manifesting in a candle-like flame that was near his diaphragm. He tried moving it or reshaping it and nothing happened, he tried putting more energy in and nothing seemed to work. Giving up Oliver started to think about his new life and what he needs to do.

'I could just re-roll and try to be a noble or spoiled kid and just do whatever, or I could stay and learn this magic stuff. I would have to learn the language and all that stuff, but I think it's worth it.'


The next day was pretty uneventful, he learned that they were naming him Arthur. Not the best name but definitely not the worst. The most interesting thing though was seeing his family use magic for chores. Spawning water to clean plates, lighting the fireplace with magic, using wind magic to sweep the floor of dust, and countless other things to use magic for. The best part was that it was all silent.

Later, during the night after waiting for his mom to go to sleep, Oliver decided to try the wind magic since it wouldn't do anything that could wake his mother up. Focusing on wind and trying to force his magic out he felt the flame move heat into his extended arm. Yet, nothing happened. Not a breeze, or anything. Even after several more tries, nothing.