So basically this is just a SI, a concept, not a very good one, and I’m probably not gonna continue it, maybe if i get support enough but i just have ideas and they aren’t very good for long novel because you end up op pretty fast and that’s not good for novels but if you like the wishes o have an idea of how to improve them comment, i will read it… Harem Alert, i will probably have a harem for the MC Ps English isn’t my main language
31 October 1991
We are at charm class almost everyone has tried and made work the levitation spell, except a few 'this one is difficult to some because this spell is more intent based one, meaning, you need more willpower than connection to magic'
How did Seamus even managed to make his feather in fire? I mean, is he thinking in setting everything on fire? cause it isn't the first time his spell turns into fire or a little explosion
I was gonna give him some help when i heard "You're saying it wrong" I tried not to wince (and probably failed not to) and turned to see Hermione trying to help Ron Weasley, which is probably the worst idea ever…
Ron Weasley is probably the laziest person in our year mates , i mean it, the dude has a 6 in willpower which normally is good, but remember that is 10% of level 6 which is only above average (muggle person), this means the dude never tried to leveled it up, he had to wait naturally growing up for it to leveled it up, even the Slytherins blood supremacists have it at leas at 8 or 9… Goyle and Crabble have it at 7…
And well trying to be friends with Hermione is very hard, Harry and I tried but she's so bossy
so we just kinda stopped talking to each other…
So i just stood there watching how embarrassed Weasley was getting at being told how to do it, by the end of the class his embarrassment crossed into rage, literally seconds of getting out the class he almost yelled "It's no wonder no one can't stand her" he's telling Dean "she's a nightmare, honestly"
Hermione obviously heard and tried to look strong but that only lasted for like 30 seconds before running and i could see tears falling
I look and said to Ron "Mate not cool, she was trying to help you and she obviously heard you"
"So?" He responded looking a little uncomfortable "She must've realized she doesn't have any friends"
And the at the end of classes (with Ravenclaw) Daphne got us to stop and talked to her "Hey, have you seen Hermione, i haven't talked to her in all day"
Lavender heard her and said to us "She's been crying in the girls-toilets in the first floor all day, she just wants to be alone"
'Wow, really? Doesn't she have like 13 or 14 willpower? I would have thought she would be already in the dormitory or the library, studying again'
Daphne looked at us with some scary light in her eyes that feels like 'no bullshit allowed' "What happened" she asked
When we explained her she looked so mad, that we didn't even talked when she was murmuring "I'm gonna freeze his balls" then she turned at casted a spell i didn't recognize to Ron…
And by the way he screamed i would nor be surprised she meant it literally…
Daphne went to talk with Hermione to get her out the toilet for the feast
Harry was feeling down (his parents died today) so we quietly went to the feast but everything changed when Quirrell in the middle of it Opened the door and yelled "TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS, though you ought to know" and then passed out
Almost everyone started screaming but Dumbledore sent a few firecrackers from his wand that shut everyone up
"Prefects, lead your houses to your dormitory immediately"
Then more than half of the first years stand up and yelled "Slytherin is in the dungeons!" Dumbledore responded "Oh yes, Slytherin to the library"
Percy gathered everyone and started walking to the dormitory when Harry suddenly whispered in my ear "Mate Hermione and Daphne are still in the toilet, they don't know about the troll"
Bloody hell' "Then what are we doing here, let's go for them"
We passed Professor Snape that was busy doing something else that didn't even notice us, and when we got to the toilet we could hear screaming and smell something awful
When we got to the loo we saw it, a giant troll and Hermione and Daphne inside with it, Hermione was petrified with fear but Daphne was trying spells defending Hermione and herself.
I just did the first thing i thought, i throw a wandless Fire ball at the back of his head…
He turned to us and then suddenly i could not think anything anymore… I was just so
"Hungry" i said then I walked up to him like it was natural, and i… made myself water (that later would be told i looked like a Black Slime) and
Just ate it… no i consumed him the troll just kinda disappeared, i was just there in the middle of the loo, with Harry, Hermione and Daphne looking at me with wide eyes
I started hearing footsteps in the corridor and said the first thing i thought "Please don't say anything about this"
Then the teachers came, and asked us what happened, Daphne made a excuse that i didn't even pay attention, something about accidental magic during a practice duel
I was too worried by asking myself 'what the hell i am?'
Well at least that night got Harry and i some friends, and an entrance to a super secret girls only study club