
Chapter 143: Pre-season training

Chapter 144 Pre-season Training

   Finish the signings early so that the team's pre-season training will not be disturbed too much. This is Gao Bo's consistent style.

   July 1, this is the day when the team regroups for the new season.

   The players had already arrived at the training base at nine o'clock in the morning, and the task of introducing new players was handed over to captain Kevin Keane.

   Sol Campbell As a former England international, these players are quite familiar with Sol Campbell.

   Luton's dressing room environment is still very simple, and the newcomers are quickly integrated. Soon the players talked and laughed on the court. The players gathered together and talked about how they spent their summer vacation. The FA Cup championship last season gave these players a great spiritual satisfaction.

   The noise made the training base that had been silent for more than a month become lively again.

   When Gao Bo brought the coaching staff to the training base, the players were still chatting together.

   The turf of the training base was re-trimmed more than ten days ago, and it was trimmed to the right length.

   Gao Bo walked in his sportswear, and the players' voices gradually diminished.

   Gao Bo took a deep breath, he still liked the lively atmosphere. As long as he saw such a scene, he knew that the new season was coming, and then he started to get excited.

  He can't wait to start the new season!

   Gao Bo looked at the situation of the new players.

   Sol Campbell is undoubtedly the most popular player, after all, he is a well-known veteran in England.

   Griezman was a little shy. Next to him was Alex Sandro. It seemed that the two newcomers had already made friends.

   Sandro's language level has not yet passed. His English level is a bit bad. Fortunately, as a Brazilian, he speaks Portuguese and can barely communicate with the Spanish-speaking Griezmann.

   Sandro has a smile on his face and looks a little silent, but as a Brazilian, he is definitely not a boring person. When he learns English, it is estimated that the Brazilian's voice will be heard on the training ground.

   Carl Jenkinson and Schmeichel seemed very gregarious, and their hearty laughter came from the crowd.

   The atmosphere of the team looks good, and there is no repelling of the old players to the new players.

   This makes Gao Bo very satisfied.

   Only a united collective has combat effectiveness.

   Gao Bo pays great attention to this point.


   The physical fitness test started soon.

   Luton is just a small team, they don't have the money to buy any special advanced equipment. So their physical fitness test is relatively simple.

   First of all, the basic data of height and weight.

  Especially weight, if some players have too much weight, it is estimated that his pre-season training will be very difficult...

   People who gain too much weight must not maintain good living habits during the holiday life and let them go during the holiday.

  The discipline of the team is very strict. Players who do not meet the weight standard will not be eligible to participate in the team's technical and tactical training, and will also be excluded from the team's warm-up match!

   In this regard, Gao Bo doesn't know anything about emotion.

   After testing the height and weight, all that is left is running-this is running on a treadmill.

   Gao Bo actually spent part of the funds to upgrade the team's equipment in this area.

   In the gym, players run on treadmills with electrode pads, while team doctors and physical coaches can monitor the physical changes of players in real time through the computer screen, record data, and get results.

   This set of equipment greatly facilitates the team's grasp of the players' physical conditions. Before such a set of equipment, most teams used outdoor running laps, changing the rhythm in the whistle of coaches, and when they reached a certain amount, they measured the heartbeat and pulse of the players.

   Nowadays, more and more high-tech is integrated into football, which is a relatively classical sport. Whether it is FIFA or various clubs, in fact, the combination of high-tech equipment and football is relatively conservative.


   After the end of the physical fitness test, the data obtained must be analyzed and sorted by the fitness coach and team doctor, and then the players will start the formal training for the new season.

   The first day of training is mainly restorative training. Let the players warm up on the court, and then simply do some ball training. The intensity is not great, this is mainly for the players to adjust their mentality from the holiday.

   From vacation to preparing for the game, this change of mentality is very important. Many injuries are related to lack of concentration.

   Gao Bo stood in front of the players and started his first training before the start of the season.

"Okay guys!! Long time no see!!! I believe everyone has had a very relaxing and happy holiday, but now all the relaxing and happy will be goodbye to you!! Next our work for the new season will officially begin !"

   "There are more new faces in the team, so some things need to be emphasized again!!"

   Campbell looked at Gao Bo, who was far younger than him, but he was actually a little casual.

   But when Gao Bo got upset, he found the aura on Gao Bo's body.

   This kind of aura... He has seen it in Wenger. So Campbell straightened his waist consciously and listened carefully.

"Last season we did a good job!! But this is something that has already passed. I tell you that past honors are never worth mentioning. What excites me will always be the next game, always The next victory!! I hope you do the same!! Football is always a competitive game, we are not playing happy football on the streets!!! We are playing professional leagues!!! We **** want to win!!! We want to continue Win!! Victory is our only pursuit!!"

   Gao Bo was talking about his own theory. If he is heard by the media, it is estimated that the name of "utilitarianism" will rest on him.

   But Gao Bo doesn't care about being said to be utilitarian at all.

   Competitive football is always the winner.

   Even if the scene is beautiful, if there is no way to win, it will be tiresome. A beautiful failure is also a failure.

   It has failed a lot. Being beautiful is just a vase. It is of no use at all The pre-season training will be very hard. Physical fitness is our key training content! ! Only those who persist will be able to start the game in the new season. Say goodbye to your happy holiday! Starting today, your good days are over! ! "

   "You are the envied professional players, you can earn far more salaries than ordinary people. But all of this is not easy to get!!!"

"We have come a few new players, but my main list is still blank. I only recognize the training status and do not admit friendship. Whether it is the players I brought back from abroad, or the players who have been with me to fight and relegation Old players, your chances are equal. If you want to be a main player, then you can practice hard for me in training!"

   After Gao Bo finished speaking these words sternly, he waved his hand: "Start training!!"


  Of course, no one would **** or skid on the first day of training. In fact, the players on this team basically have no veteran oil.

   Everyone puts in the training very seriously.

  Veteran Campbell is watching this team.

   From the perspective of the team's training performance, Gao Bo is undoubtedly in complete control of the team!

   This makes Campbell admire very much. As a 35-year-old veteran, he has been at Tottenham and Arsenal, and he has also been in several small teams. He knows how difficult it is to make everyone on the team be so obedient.

   After two or three days of adjustment, the team's training volume began to slowly increase.

   The pre-season training is mainly based on physical reserves, while the ball training currently occupies a relatively small proportion, but this one will slowly increase as the season begins.