
Impotent CEO's Accidental Affair: Running with Her Babies

He was rumoured to be Impotent yet how did he ended up impregnating a lady? She ended up getting pregnant for an unknown man... But why did her babies got stolen right after their birth at the hospital? •••••• The plan was simple, Lottie was to act as a rich man’s daughter and replaced her wealthy best friend on her blind date, but things didn’t go well as planned when she ended up spending the night with the wrong man thinking it was him she was meant to meet. But unknown to her, he was the city’s most popular and wealthy billionaire Ralph Chapman. She was drunk when she had a one-night-stand with the billionaire but she could not recall his appearance soon after the deed was done. She got pregnant and gave birth, but her twins were taken away from the hospital in exchange of money, and worst still this happened while she was unconscious. After recovering from the tragedy, she wanted to start life anew but because she was the adopted daughter of her family, she was made to become a substitute bride and married a crippled and impotent man instead of her sister. Now fate plays a trick as it happened this same impotent and crippled man she got married to was the father of her two stolen babies. Was luck on her side or was her life in danger if her husband finds out she was the mother of his babies who he wasn’t aware of all this time?? Yet, it was only a rumor because her husband wasn’t crippled nor impotent.

Izu_6830 · 都市
20 Chs



A resounding slap was placed across the waiter's face by Lottie.

This was the only way she could pretend it was the waiter that spilled the drink on her.

"How dare you spill this useless drink on my expensive gown. Do you know how much this is worth? It can buy your full house hold. Get lost!" She yelled.

"Am sorry ma, it was my mistake. I should bring a towel to wipe the stain off." The waiter said bowing his head.

Lottie smiled, "seriously, a towel to wipe the stain off. What about my dress, how will you fix it then? You know what, just get your poverty stricken life out of my sight before I loose my temper. You pig!"

The waiter rushed away.

"Goodness, I feel like strangling him to hell. Now my precious dress is ruin." She was pretending to be angry.

"It's okay, you can just go and clean the stain off. It won't take long before we finish our discussion." He told her.

She hissed as she stood up and walked away to the wash room.

When she got into the wash room, she heaved a sign of relief. She forgot to breathe while pretending to be Jess all this while.

Now that alcohol was involved, could she really continue pretending.

She wanted to remind herself that she was not dreaming.

She brought out her phone from the pocket of her stain dress and texted Jess, " Damn you, Jess. Why you didn't mention that he was insanely, smoking hot! Shit man! This handsome is gay! My! My! He is a Greek God! And ... he was looking ... at me with those captivating green eyes of his. I can't help but want to hug him."

After sending the message to Jess, a reply came immediately from Jess.

"Don't be carried away by his look like I told you. He is gay honey. Also don't forget to irritate him and make him change his mind."

"Alright I will do that now. I have acted spoilt just now before him and I think he is convinced not to marry me. Moreover from his discussion to his father he only agree to come after being forced. I wonder why he wouldn't tell his father that he is gay and refused either. Anyways, why didn't you tell me that the most expensive champagne was alcoholic?" Lottie sent the message.

"I forget to. But don't worry, a glass or two won't get you that high. Just take a little and leave the rest okay. All the best." Jess replied back with emoji containing love.

Lottie dropped her phone and washed the stains off. After being satisfied did she went back to him.


"I guess you must have told you about my need to marry someone." He said as she sat down.

"Excuse me, if I wasn't told do you think I will be here ?" A quick flicker of interest shimmered in her eyes.

"Sure! I think I want to marry you. I mean, I like you already and wish to go ahead with my marriage proposal. What do you say?" He asked as he placed his hands on her seductively.

What the fuck? Wasn't he gay? What does he mean he want to marry her?

She kept silent and looked in confusion. What was she going to do now!

One minuets… two.. three!

Oh! He was waiting for her to speak. What was she to say now?

She glanced at him and thought why didn't she use the fact that he was gay as an excuse.

"If you are done checking me out , can we proceed on?" He broke her from her thought.

He was acting rudely towards her.

How dare he?

"Listen, they told me everything about you. I heard you are gay and I can't go on with this anymore. Let's make things simple and clear; I didn't come here to get married talk less to a gay like you. Secondly, I only came because I was forced to by my father. Kindly do a favor for me by telling him you can't get married to me." She said, praying he agreed.

"And why should I do that? Moreover I am not gay, it's just rumors." He said.

"Why not. You bumpkin, I don't care if you are gay or not, but don't you dare open your filthy mouths to tell

Me about marriage. Do I look like someone who can't get married to a better man? Just tell my dad you won't marry me because you think I am no fit for you okay. Rubbish!" She said as she angrily took the bottle of champagne and drank a lot of quantity from it.

He was stunned. How could a lady drink such an heavy amount of alcoholic drink just in one go. She was really that spoilt. And the cold aura around her is despicable!

"But I really am not gay. Okay fine, you must have heard rumors of it, but am telling you it's a lie now. I think I like you already." He was saying.

Lottie did not want to sound desperate but was there any choice? For the first time, she noticed the ice cracking in his eyes. He eyed her hand lying on his arm.

She saw a trace of warmth. But it was there just for a moment. She could swear she saw it.

"So what do you say?" She realized, he was waiting for his answer.

"My answer is still the same. NO!" She yelled.

She made to leave..


Moments later, Lottie could feel her body temperature rise. She feels so hot as if the air conditioner in the room broke down or someone had just turned on the heater in the middle of summer.

Her head was spinning, and at the same time, her body felt heavy to move. All of her muscles felt like they were betraying her.

'W-what happened to me!?'Lottie tried to escape the sudden burning sensation as she unbuttoned a few buttons of her white dress.

However, instead of feeling better, she feels worse. Her vision was slowly becoming blurry, and her breathing was getting heavier.

'Why, why am I like this? Is it be because of this alcohol

She screamed inside, trying to regain her senses, and slapped her cheek hard - the pain made her panic.

What was she to do now? And in front of this man?

She wonder how he be looking at her mockingly. Just now she was acting rude and pretended she was good at this strong alcoholic drink.

What was she to do now? Should she ask for his help?