
Impotent CEO's Accidental Affair: Running with Her Babies

He was rumoured to be Impotent yet how did he ended up impregnating a lady? She ended up getting pregnant for an unknown man... But why did her babies got stolen right after their birth at the hospital? •••••• The plan was simple, Lottie was to act as a rich man’s daughter and replaced her wealthy best friend on her blind date, but things didn’t go well as planned when she ended up spending the night with the wrong man thinking it was him she was meant to meet. But unknown to her, he was the city’s most popular and wealthy billionaire Ralph Chapman. She was drunk when she had a one-night-stand with the billionaire but she could not recall his appearance soon after the deed was done. She got pregnant and gave birth, but her twins were taken away from the hospital in exchange of money, and worst still this happened while she was unconscious. After recovering from the tragedy, she wanted to start life anew but because she was the adopted daughter of her family, she was made to become a substitute bride and married a crippled and impotent man instead of her sister. Now fate plays a trick as it happened this same impotent and crippled man she got married to was the father of her two stolen babies. Was luck on her side or was her life in danger if her husband finds out she was the mother of his babies who he wasn’t aware of all this time?? Yet, it was only a rumor because her husband wasn’t crippled nor impotent.

Izu_6830 · 都市
20 Chs


The Grayfront restaurant.

Lottie Green, a slender young girl, entered the restaurant with a gloomy face. This sudden dinner arrangement made her unhappy - only because Jess begged many times did she finally agree.

When she entered the East Restaurant, the VIP room. No one was in the room.

"That silly girl has asked me to come here, but she hasn't come yet!!'

Lottie secretly cursed her best friend. She could guess that Jess Wallace was trying to trick her again like usual.

She put her anger aside and entered the room. After sitting down on the chair, her eyes fell on the busy street outside, she was deep in thought.

She had been on this Island for two months without doing anything. She knew, what she was doing was worrying her father, but she couldn't help the fact that Jace had begged her to come because she had something important to tell her.

Lottie wondered why Jace sounded worried on the face when she was begging her to come. Could she have gotten into trouble due to her mischievousness and needed her help now?

After a few minutes passed, Lottie heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in. " Her soft voice echoed throughout the room as she turned to look at the door. She saw a waitress come in with a drink in hand. That made her slightly raise her eyebrows.

This restaurant deserves to be a favorite place on the Island. They can read the guest's mind. She did need a cold drink to cool off her burning head after waiting for five minutes, but Jess still had not appeared.

Lottie decided to give Jess another five minutes. If she didn't show up, then she would leave.

After she saw the waitress close the door, she slowly finished her glass of cold soda and her mood slightly improved.

Moments later, the door of the room was opened and Jess walked in looking beautiful as always.

"You are always late. You kept me waiting Jess, what took you so long?" Lottie said as she pretended to be angry.

"Don't be angry bestie it was my driver who arrived late after dropping my dad off at the office to pick me up. Hope you have had something to drink?" Jess asked.

Lottie's face now brighten with smiles, "Yes I did, the waitress gave me soda not too long ago. Anyways, you sounded worried when you told me over the phone to meet you here. Have you done another mischievous thing? Did you go around flirting with another boy and got caught?"

Jess now sat close to Lottie as she frowned, "Not About that but something different. This time around, something I can't handle!"

Lottie hold her arms in concern, "What is it then? Are you not feeling fine?"

"No, am fine. You know I love Williams right?" Jess was asking.

Lottie shook her head, "of course, so what happened. Has the two of you broken up?"

"No we haven't broken up. Can you imagine my dad has arranged a blind date for me?" Jess said almost to the point of crying.

"What?" Horror was written on Lottie's face. "Tell me you are just joking?"

"Of course not.. why would I do such a thing. Have a look at the information dad sent it. Worst still, it's tomorrow!"